x---*September Testing Thread*---x 4 BFPs So far!

Will test again in the morning. Don't know whether to break out my FRER just to be done with it or wait until Tuesday when I am supposed to test. Are you testing Kitana? Xxx
Stark white BFN on a FRER this morning which is 99% accurate 4 days before a missed period. AF due on Tuesday so I'm resigned to the fact of moving on to the next cycle now xxxx
Fingers crossed Else. Not out til the witch is here xx
I've just tested at 8DPO and think its a BFN. To tomorrow's testing! Yippeeeeee! Not that I'm obsessed or addicted in anyway of course ladies....
I've had cramping this whole cycle which felt exactly like my last BFP cycle so I was holding out some hope for that reason but I do trust the FRER so I will try to just wait it out for the witch now instead of testing again.

Still so early Sugarpop - BFN at 8dpo means nothingggg! You are very much still in xxxx
I tested 2 days ago and it was negative, the waiting got the best of me..
But it helped me stay away from the HPT! I'm going to wait til Monday...
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I'm not going to test again now. What will be will be and I think it will be AF! Xxx
I think it's better to abstain from testing but I don't think I can stop myself :lol:
Good luck Elsa!! :hug:
FF is expecting my next cycle to start Oct 1... so put me down for Sept 30th please, I should be in my tww by then. :)
FF is expecting my next cycle to start Oct 1... so put me down for Sept 30th please, I should be in my tww by then. :)

:wave:Welcome Salley! Updated to here, best of luck for this cycle everyone :)
DPO 12 and still no line.... I think AF is waiting for me... Biotch...
Am feeling the same Kitana - are you using decent tests or cheapies? Xxx
Cheapies :) Still have a bit of hope! My nipples are itchy :lol:

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