TTCers 'Losing Weight Thread'

That sounds alright, gives me something to work on for a routine.
Oh I wanna join this, I really really wanna lose weight....hang on lemme just go weigh myself......
Yeah :cheer:

I haven't got a big choc muffin in my hand - honest :oops:
lol oh god am I a total wimp or what? I'm too scared to go and weigh myself haha!
Go on, don't be scared Xena.

I don't think my scales work proper anyway :shakehead:
bloody hell....13 stone 7 :( That means I've put on half a stone since last time I checked.

I used to be 10 stone when I was 17....and I actually used to think I was fat! I was a stupid arse.
No your not :hug: I don't think there's a woman alive that's happy with her weight.

They do say you put on weight when in a happy relationship, so I blame OH :rotfl:
I blame OH too...he's severely overweight himself (25 stone) and when he cooks he makes HIS size portions for both of us.....and then I feel guilty if I don't finish it (I hate wasting food).
Charm said:
They do say you put on weight when in a happy relationship, so I blame OH :rotfl:

That would definatley be true for my OH, hes gone up a size in trousers since ive been here
:cheer: Have added you Xena!! :cheer:
Graham has gone up a trouser size since i came along!
He thinks that 34" waist is big now!!! pppfffffttttttt!!!

Xena i was the same as you at 17! I thought i was massively fat in a size 14!! Now i'd luuuurrrrrrrvvvvvveeeeeee to be a 14!!!! :rotfl:
Oh to be 17 again lol.

Well I don't suppose my weight will have changed much by tomorrow.
What are you all doing to lose weight? Just dieting? What sorts of things are you eating? Are you exercising? I seriously need inspiration.
So do i, so far ive done nada :rotfl: .

Im only 19 and ive been at the same weight since 15.

Hayley, tell G that a 34 is nothing, Rob used to be a 34 and grew to a 36/8 lol!
Well.... i've put on a lb this week!!! :roll: :cheer:
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
I've had a pretty bad week i'll admit that.... only last night i sat and had a bar of galaxy (only a little one!)

Will be having a good week this week.... mainly cos we can't afford to go shopping so will be living off food at mums house, and she's on a diet!! lol!! Can't believe i've f**ked up the money!! grrrr :x

Xena i'm watching what i eat, and going for long walks with the pooch to burn off calories.... its been working for me so far, but last week i had a bad bad week!!

HayleyB don't worry about a pound. When I was running & 'doing' WW I lost consistently over a long period of time, but each week saw different losses and gains. On average I lost 2 pounds a week and lost a stone overall, but some weeks I gained 2 or 3 pounds. Me and my WW buddy always said "oh we just need a really big poo" if it was like that! Sorry if TMI at lunchtime!!!

Anyone wanna try running?

I have a zero to running for 30mins plan for the absolute novice - i.e me last year. I have amazed myself. I used to think running was for nutters (oh, yeah, perfect for all of us then :doh: ) and never ran in all my 30 years.

Then I read an article about how running was just walking, but a bit quicker. I followed this 4 week plan and bingo - I love to run. And it's the only thing that has ever helped me lose weight (and beat the blues, and is free to do, and is easy to do wherever you are)....

Can you tell I'm a convert (See comment on nutters above :lol: )

I'll post the plan if you want.
If you could peanut.... cos once i lose some weight i intend on going running! just think my body would collapse if i tried it at the moment so will start by speeding up my walking!! :)

I'm not worried about putting on a lb.... like you say probably just need to use the bathroom!!! :rotfl:

Will get there in the end!!!!

funnily enough AG, that's next on my list.

Here's the plan:
Week one
Run 1 minute walk 1 minute repeat 10 times
Run 2 minutes walk 1 minutes repeat 8 times
Run 4 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 5 times

Week two
Run 4 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 4 times
Run 6 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 3 times
Run 8 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 3 times

Week three
Run 10 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 12 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 15 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat

Week four
Run 15 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 10 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat twice
Run 30 minutes

Hayley, don't worry about losing weight - as you can see the first steps are very small! I was a big, wobbly, unfit, ex-smoker when I started this plan. Thought I would die for the first 4 minutes of running, but when I realised I'd done 10 mins I felt like a gold medal winner, and that feeling jsut kept going each time I reached a new stage! Even if you can't make it through the whole of the first minute, walk unitl you can. I still run like this a year later and I can run for 5 miles - if I'm struggling, I walk until I can run again.

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