funnily enough AG, that's next on my list.
Here's the plan:
Week one
Run 1 minute walk 1 minute repeat 10 times
Run 2 minutes walk 1 minutes repeat 8 times
Run 4 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 5 times
Week two
Run 4 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 4 times
Run 6 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 3 times
Run 8 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat 3 times
Week three
Run 10 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 12 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 15 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Week four
Run 15 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat
Run 10 minutes walk 2 minutes repeat twice
Run 30 minutes
Hayley, don't worry about losing weight - as you can see the first steps are very small! I was a big, wobbly, unfit, ex-smoker when I started this plan. Thought I would die for the first 4 minutes of running, but when I realised I'd done 10 mins I felt like a gold medal winner, and that feeling jsut kept going each time I reached a new stage! Even if you can't make it through the whole of the first minute, walk unitl you can. I still run like this a year later and I can run for 5 miles - if I'm struggling, I walk until I can run again.