TTCers 'Losing Weight Thread'

Hayley, do you have the recipie for that banana milkshake you were telling me about? I bought in some 'nanas today and some extra milk.

Ive bought a tub of wholegrain biopot to pick at when i get the munchines (no im not a drug addict lol) itll be healthier than a bar of choc or crisps and itll fill me up.
well done you!!
Will go get that recipie for you now!!!


half a banana
1 cup of semi skimmed milk
drizzle of honey

blend banana with milk, add small drizzle of honey

Yeah really easy!!!
And it says you can put oats or something in there if you wanted something else in it!!

Is this a diet shake? An does it have to be nanas?
Its a low fat shake.... they call it the big breakfast shake.....
Suppose you could use a different fruit... i've not really checked :think:

I got it off of a low fat recipie site, but that was the only one on there xox
Wobbles, don't deprive yourself of the things you fancy, cos you'll lose motivation if you're not having "a little of what you like"

Even if I decided to be naughty Im a little hungover to be able to go chippy :rotfl:
Hi ladies and well done to you all. Have any of you tried the slimming world diet? You can eat as much as you want but have to choose a protein meal with limited carbs or a carbohydrate meal with limited protein, not as hard as it sounds! For example you can eat the biggest bowl of pasta with veggie sauce as you can possibly eat if you have a carb meal. You also get to eat healthy extras which are your bread and dairy products. This is the best diet if you have a big appetite!

Wobbles there are even slimming world chips! You cut up the potatoes into chips , boil them for 4 mins, dry them off and then put them in the oven. You can eat as many as you want!! Rach was saying on another thread that she lost loads of wweight on this diet. You can eat as much fruit and veg, muller lite yoghurt as you want so lots of smoothies too!

If you get pregnant you can continue on the diet as log as you add some healthy extras. I am kind of following some of the rules but as soon as baby is born I'm doing this as its so healthy and I want to breast feed. You can buy the diet rules and loads of recipes off ebay as an e-book so you don't need to join, I think its only a few pound and is sent to you the same day. I have the info but am crap with computers but if you are patient I could work out how to send it to you :)

Good luck with all your diets, I am actually really excited to start myself :D
i agree with skatty its the best diet for hungry people :D im going to be really careful on this pregnancy am following the diet with 1 extra of the a and b choices :D one of these days im going to write a book 100 things to do with a muller light lol xxxxx
would any one here say that a size 14 is over weight? (i dont know my actual weight) and im 5'3 tall. i feel really big but no one ever says im fat, i dont know if people are just being nice or not!
Jenna I read your post about your boobs in off topic, I'd say you sound about right at a 14, voluptuous and curvy :D
id def be interested in trying the slimming world diet, i do have quite a big appetite so i think it could work for me.
My mum's doing the slimming world diet, so when i go shopping i steal her "shopping at Tesco's with slimming world" and my fride is full of muller lights!!! :rotfl:
So i use it as a guide but don't pay the £5 to go there!!!

Wobbles there are even slimming world chips! You cut up the potatoes into chips , boil them for 4 mins, dry them off and then put them in the oven. You can eat as many as you want!! Rach was saying on another thread that she lost loads of wweight on this diet. You can eat as much fruit and veg, muller lite yoghurt as you want so lots of smoothies too!

Ohhhh!!! Erm is 4 minutes rigth though?

Rach what thread? What diet? :D
You just boil them for 4 mins and then cook them in the oven for about 20 mins, sorry I wasn't clear!
Boiling them for 4 minutes wouldn't do much would it? Or I'm being thick lol

So whist dieting you can eat as many as you like as well as low fat mullers? :? Or am I being thick again LOL
I think the boiling softens them and then the oven makes them brown and crispy! Yes you can eat as many mullers as you like too plus loads of other free food so in theory you should never get hungry and raid the chocolate :D

Arcane girl if you give me your email address I'll try and forward the diet details onto you. I'll get my DH to help as I am computer illiterate! :lol:

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