TTCers 'Losing Weight Thread'

I don't think it is... If you completely cut these things off then you'll crave them more... and i wouldn't say 4 slices was excessive!

Don't feel bad hun, we all need treats!!

Grahams getting me a bar of Galaxy from the shop!! :oops: :oops:

Never feel bad hun, cos then you'll give up when you don't need to

I went to Borders today and I happened to spy the book "I can make you thin" by Paul McKenna. It comes with a self hypnosis cd I bought it. The book really seems to make sense. I'm just about to give the CD a whirl ;)
ive read about some others trying that. Some had results, others didnt.
I do agree with alot of things he says, i have been wanting to get the cd and try it but never got around to buying it
yeh it says on the back of the book it's got a 70% success rate. It's worth a shot so I'm gonna give it a try for a few weeks and see if if I get any results :)
Good luck!

I think i may have actually found a medical reason for my weight, but ive to be rested in 6 months to find out.
When i got blood tests done 2 weeks ago the thyroid one came up low, an underactive thyroid means that you are more likely to be overweight as your metabolism is quite slow.

I have a family history of thyroid problems so i think this is prob the case with me too.
Is there any medication or anything that you can take for an underactive thyroid?

I've just listened to the Paul McKenna cd...ooh it was so strange...I can't remember much about what he said....actually now that I come to think about it I can hardly remember anything at all. And I've literally only JUST finished listening to it. I was definitely in some sort of deeply relaxed state - so strange, you'd think I'd remember something but I honestly can't (well a teeeeny bit but nothing much). Maybe that's a good sign. It does say at the beginning of the cd that you might not remember much of what was said.

Ooh I hope this ends up working :)
There is medication but atm i havent been given anything for it. I dont know if its because my doctor wants to see what comes up on the next test.

the cd sounds interesting. I think i might have a look on ebay for it.
HayleyB said:
(could a mod add gracie onto the start weight list with todays date, as my computer keeps freezing when i try and edit!!!)

No probs, just done that :D Could I join in please? I've added myself whilst inserting Gracie's details on page 1 ..... I actually weigh myself on Saturdays, but I'll just give you my Saturday weights on Mondays so it ties in with you all :D

Good luck everyone! :cheer:
Thank you Laura!!!
Sorry my computer is being vvv weird at the moment, it doesn't seem to like doing/editing long posts, its just freezes!


Lots of people joining!!

I think i'm gonna have to get that CD and put it on my ipod! Hopefully i can fall into that 70%!!!!


Right i've just been and got mckenna's book (yay for borders @ the trafford centre!!)

I have finished the book and am feeling very very very motivated and willing to do it his way!
I have just uploaded the CD onto my iPod and will be listening to it everyday, or maybe every night as i'm going to sleep?

He does however say do not weigh yourself for at least two weeks... i am at the hospital tomorrow for my dieticians appointment - so will be weighed then, but then will be going onto 2 weekly weigh ins!

If you have £9.99 i would recommend investing in this book, its made me laugh, smile, agree with it, and also made me feel better within myself - All just from the first read, i'm pretty sure i'll be reading it a few more times in the next couple of weeks.

Thats Hayleys recommendation of the week!! If you're open minded and willing to try anything then would say try this book & CD!!

looks like i may just invest in this too!

Hayley i just realised i was meant to pay my first installement to you last friday :oops:
Don't worry about it hun.... it can wait till next Friday if thats better for you?

Would recommend it, is the best £10 i've spent for a long time!!

Theres even bits in there from people who've lost weight and stayed lost, all cos they followed the programme and re-tuned their mind!!!

I would be happy if we all got on it and helped each other follow the "4 golden rules" and start noticing a difference in clothes fitting etc (cos he'd actually prefer it if you didn't weigh yourself!)

Am gonna take half an hour in a bit and listen to the CD! Am all excited!!

Yea next friday would be better, i cleaned out the bank account on friday getting bills, food and a haircut.
HayleyB said:
Don't worry about it hun.... it can wait till next Friday if thats better for you?

Would recommend it, is the best £10 i've spent for a long time!!

Theres even bits in there from people who've lost weight and stayed lost, all cos they followed the programme and re-tuned their mind!!!

I would be happy if we all got on it and helped each other follow the "4 golden rules" and start noticing a difference in clothes fitting etc (cos he'd actually prefer it if you didn't weigh yourself!)

Am gonna take half an hour in a bit and listen to the CD! Am all excited!!


lol Hayley looks like we're all getting hooked on Paul's way of thinking hehe. I've been sticking to it today and it's been not bad, but I've found that it's soooo difficult to decide what I REALLY want to eat.
Ended up eating rice krispies for breakfast, and a steak with mashed potato, peas, and mushrooms for tea.
That's it so far apart from 1 milkshake...I just don't really feel hungry today.

I'm gonna listen to the CD again when Lydia goes to bed :)

I too will be doing fortnightly weigh-ins by the way. I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and then every 2nd Monday.
*raspberries at you!*

I think you should kick your computer, im really missing you not being on msn :cry:

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