Totally horny at ov!
I was considering temping, but I'm sometimes disturbed in the night with the LO teething, so thought it wouldn't work cos that might disturb my general temp. I'm rambling nonsense, but I know what I mean! Also I can't hear very well, so the beep on the thermometer would happily pass me by. Bums!
AKA SunnyGirl! Waiting to change back.
Totally horny at ov!
I was considering temping, but I'm sometimes disturbed in the night with the LO teething, so thought it wouldn't work cos that might disturb my general temp. I'm rambling nonsense, but I know what I mean! Also I can't hear very well, so the beep on the thermometer would happily pass me by. Bums!
AKA SunnyGirl! Waiting to change back.
I'm up almost evey night, but if you look at my last cycles of temping it doesn't seem to disrupt with my temperature line It's quite fun actually!!
yay sunny is back
Sooo... After a ridiculous amount of danger pokes last week I'm now having a little bit of random spotting. Af is not due for another 6 days and has never ever been early. What do you think the chance are that its an implantation bleed? I sooo want it to be!
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Well I am back on the pill (once I pick up the prescription tomorrow)
First time in 2 years I am not TTC or preggers!!
I have 6 months and I reassess then. I am on Mercilon which was always OK for me.
AF has arrived with absolutely zero warning. 40 day cycle!!!!
AF has arrived with absolutely zero warning. 40 day cycle!!!!
Yay!! That's ace! Is that the shortest yet?
AF has arrived with absolutely zero warning. 40 day cycle!!!!
Yay!! That's ace! Is that the shortest yet?
Yup - the others have been 375, 200, 65 and 65 ish.