chat thread

Hi Ladies

Just thought I'd pop back to say "Hi", I feel a bit out of my depth in tri 3, they're all having babies and talk loads about labour. It's scary :think: It feels like I've got ages to go before the little one arrives, but I guess it's not really that long.

ROM - I use to work in Recruitment, I worked for Travail and Pertemps, but to be honest I'm not enough of a sales person to really be driven by it enough. Now I do clerical work and I'm much happier. I bet you can't wait to see your daughter, it'll be an emotional reunion.

Lisa - It sounds like your having fun going to all these parties and weddings, I can't remember the last wedding I went to!!

It was a manic week here last week. i had an accident where I fell over, right onto my big bump walking down hill. I looked like I'd been in a fight, after falling I got all emotional thinking (as my bump got the full impact of my fall) that the baby might have been hurt, so I ended up in hospital for the rest of the day where they monitored me really closely, they were really good and gave me a full going over, I even had a scan so got to see LO again. Luckily everything was fine, but I was a bit shaken up after. Since then I've felt hardly any movement which also worried me, but since last night it's like the baby has been having a solo party in my belly and has been kicking loads which is always reasurring. I'm convinced now that we're having a boy as the heartrate was 134 (they say anything under 150 is a boy and over a girl) Since my fall I have invested in some flat shoes as it's quite hilley here and I don't want to risk falling again!!

It was my birthday on Saturday and I have completely over indulged in chocoloate and still have loads of boxes left to pile my way through, although nice, I feel guity eating them and have to remind myself that all the weight has to come off after the baby's born!!! Actually, if you can't indulge when pregnant when can you indulge!

I hope your all well and look forward to more of you joining us in tri 3.

Take care

B x
:wave: everyone!!!

hope you are well!? Chat thread seems to disappear down the page without rach, chok and lea to hold it up!!!

:wave: Liza, (I've been calling you Ellie in other posts :doh: ) glad you are well! Credit crunch is rubbish :( we're trying to get a decent mortage at the mo.... since product with Northern Rubbish has run out! boo! :evil:

ROM -hope your company is doing ok :) want to find me a decent job?! I'm so bored!! :lol: Bless your son for going to sainsburys!! He'll soon be in Asda when he gets to his final year! :lol:

Bexie - good to hear from you! Glad the hospital were good with you after your fall.... and glad baby is ok too! :D I'm on the flat shoes too! been wearing small heels to weddings but they come off as soon as we get to the dinner! Glad you had a good birthday, and I'm glad I'm not the only one over indulging! :oops:

Not much happening with this weekend in Poland brothers, that will be different! He's 2 years younger than me and getting married before me!! :o Him and his finacee have been together 3years, same as me and my OH.... me's thinks OH needs to get his finger out! :wink:

Work boring as usual and counting down the days till xmas as that will be me off for mat leave! :cheer: :cheer:

Hope everyone else is well! :hug: :hug:
Hi Bexie.......great to see you popping back to 2nd Tri - Sorry I have been crap at texting, although have been keeping an eye on you in the Tri 3 threads :D

Lisa - Oh dont worry, I never introduced myself properly before, so its my own fault if people call me Ellie :D Oh and cant believe its only a few days until you hit 24 weeks :cheer:

ROM - Must be tough going at the moment, what do you specialise in?

You might have read at last DH has secured a job, and a very good one at that, so pressure off and I can do some baby shopping soon - been holding off for ages as its been such a worry.

Had my 25 week MW appointment today and all was pleased about that :D

Anyone else have any news??

Right better go and walk my dog, before she starts bouncing off the walls :)
:wave: hi all :hug:

jane pleased to hear josh is settling in had to laugh when you said he was shopping at sainsburys :think: wonder how long that will last lol before you know it he will be spending his money on asda smart price beans :rotfl: awww bless him you must be so excited knowing han is coming home friday :cheer: will be lovely for you to see her for a few weeks :hug: your house must be so quiet at the moment xxxxxx

lisa you sound like you been busy hun all these weddings try not to overdo things you will need all the energy you can get in the next few months :hug: xxxxx

liza hope your o/h finds work soon i know what a worry it can be when your expecting and no money coming in :( we were the same when i was expecting christopher try not to worry though you will manage either way :hug: xxxxx

bex i know what you mean about 3rd tri hun i really dont feel like i fit in there at all :( everyones talking about labour and giving birth and sweeps etc i know i probably wont have anything like that as im booked in for a planned section by 36/37 weeks so all il have to talk about is my endless scans and appointments and lots of moaning :rotfl: im sure everyone is getting fed up by now xxxxx

hope everyone else is ok :hug: :hug: :hug: to all hurry up and come to 3rd tri i miss you all xxxxxxxxx
Morning all :wave:

Liza great news about your DH job - it must be such a relief for you even if he had to go away a couple of nights :hug: I specialize in HR and Manufacturing recruitment!! Not a good place to be at the moment but luckily I have a couple of clients that are in Telecoms that I have picked up through referal so they are keeping me going at the moment ...... The worst thing is I had 3 or 4 assisgnments just about to offer with manufacturing companies a fortnight ago and they have put everything on hold!! I totally understand why but the bugger of it is when you get to that point I have done all the hard work and dont get to see a penny for it!! I am lucky as I was an operational HR Manager for many years so I am also able to offer my clients general HR consultancy - DH is putting together a new website for me as we speak so if I cant help them hire them I'll offer to help them fire them :D

Bexie and Rach its lovely to see you back here - I'm sure when our time comes it will be strange to be in 3rd Tri too - I do pop my nose in sometimes and it looks so scarey - all that pain and mess!!!! :D I know what you mean about heels Bexie I had a meeting on Monday and dug mine out - felt really strange in them :D as if my centre of balance was all messed up - think I must have looked like an little girl dressing up in her mums shoes!

Lisa how nice to be going to Poland - perhaps your OH will get all romantic when he sees the wedding :pray: . Who are you flying with? and have you taken out travel insurance for medical cover? I am thinking of going over to Austria to see my brother at the beginning of November and was talking to my mum last night about whether I will need to take out insurance incase something happens with the baby?

Can I ask you ladies a question about your LO's movements? I found out at my scan last week my placenta is anterior so was not too worried that the movements I was feeling werent too strong but then towards the end of the week they were getting more frequent and stronger - yesterday I hardly felt anything and I am worrying myself silly!! I have a doppler and I can still hear his heartbeat nice and strong but I want to be kicked!! :wall: Has anyone else found their LO has quieter days?

Jane x

PS only one more sleep before my baby girl comes home :D although we did find out yesterday she has to fly out to Tunisia on the 22nd October so she will only be home for 12 days :(
Hi All,

ROM - I bet you can't wait to see your girl, it'll be so lovely to have her home again, is your son going to be able to make it home so he can catch up with her as well? It'll be really weird for her to see you pregnant as the last time she saw you I'm guessing you didn't have a belly.

I wouldn't worry too much about feeling a lack of movement, I have some really quiet days. After my fall last week the baby was really quiet and I was a bit worried, but since Sunday night they have been so active, and moving loads, I'm sure they will calm down again at some point just so I can start worrying again. When I was carrying my daughter I kept a tally of all the movements and it amazed me how many movements I was feeling in a day. By a certain stage they say you should feel at least 10 movements a day, i was feeling 10 in my first hour at work. Plus you've got the doppler, so you can be reasurred just by hearing their heartbeat.

I would get insurance if your planning on going abroad, just to be on the safe side.

Liza - I've been crap at texting too, don't worry :D. Glad your husband has got himself a job. Now the fun begins with buying all the baby gear. I brought a wardrobe yesterday for Phoebe's bedroom which was exciting (you can tell how unexciting my life is!!!) But after buying it realised that it may not fit in her bedroom as we live in a cottage with really low ceilings upstairs, so the diagonal angle may be taller than our ceilings, meaning they won't be able to turn it into an upright position. I call the shop this morning, but they seem to think it'll be alright. We'll just have to wait and see what happens on Saturday.

Lisa - Hope you have fun at your brothers wedding. Perhaps you should break with tradition and propose to your OH while your over there.

I agree with Rach, miss you all so hurry up and move yourselves over to tri 3, it's all about labour in there and I don't feel quite ready for that just yet!!

Take care love Becks x
reallyoldmum said:
Lisa how nice to be going to Poland - perhaps your OH will get all romantic when he sees the wedding :pray: . Who are you flying with? and have you taken out travel insurance for medical cover? I am thinking of going over to Austria to see my brother at the beginning of November and was talking to my mum last night about whether I will need to take out insurance incase something happens with the baby?

Hi there,

We're flying with easyjet (after central wings giving us the bump off!). I've got travel insurance and phoned them before we went away last week to advise them I'm pregnant,... they just noted it on my policy, no extra charge. They only cover me up to a certain week (cant remember off hand) and I'm not covered for so many weeks after the birth too.

they were totally fine about it...

Hi to everyone else, will post more when I get home tonight,...before I fly away for the weekend! :)
Hi again!

Back from work and having a break before I have to rush about packing stuff and get to bed early....have to be at airport for 5am!!! :sleep:

ROM - This will be the 12th wedding we've been to over the past 3 I think that OH has had all the romance we're gonna get!! :wall: who knows if he'll ever pop the Q! :lol: About movements..... I'm the same and have an anterior the movements I feel arent too strong yet! I also find that LO has quieter days too.... maybe they just having a lazy day? or maybe they have spun round! I'm the same and get the doppler out too....dont worry hun think its all normal.. :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx

Bexie - Miss you too! not long and in a few weeks I'll be in scary tri too!! Glad you are well! :) :D xxxxx

rach- good to see you!!! :hug: dont worry after these wedding are over I plan to kick back and relax! all focus will be on baby stuff and getting the nursery sorted! :D Getting to tri 3 asap!!! xxxxxxxx

Ellie - so glad your DH has got a job! must be a huge weight off your mind! :) glad your MW appointment went well too! :D

We'll thats me away for the looooong weekend, be back on monday and will do a good catch up! :D

hope you are all well :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Firstly thanks so much all for the kind wishes regarding DH's new job, we are both so relieved!! Its going to be really tough as Im going to have to be on my own again for a few days a week, as he will be away over night at least 2 nights a week - but Ill cope, and have you lovely lot for company :D

Lisa - Have a fabulous time at your brothers wedding this weekend - and hope your OH finally gets the marriage thing :) Must be so frustrating!! Do you think reverse pyschology would work, or have you tried that already?

Jane - Glad to hear the HR side of things has taken off, but what a nightmare with the 4 positions on hold, its such a strange time and can imagine retail is tough at the mo, although looking on the bright side at least your not in Financial recruitment :D Great to hear your daughter is coming home!!
I dont have the problem with lack of movement in fact I asked the MW yesterday when she thought my baby slept as he seems to kick me all day long, and the kicks get harder every day - little monster!!

Bexie - Hope the wardrobe fits, and tell us more about the theme!!! Have just bought a whole nursery set off ebay, which we collect on Sunday!! We live in a cottage too, but our problem is whether we can fit things up the stairs, oh and the dog not knocking me down the stairs as they are so steep!
How is life treating you in the 3rd Tri?? Only 2 weeks to go and will be joining you at long last!

Rach - always lovely to see you back in Tri 2 :D

Right thats quite enough waffling from me.........could talk all day :D
:wave: hi all hope your all well :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx

just a quickie for jane if you read it hun :hug: i know you prob wont be on much in next week or 2 with having han home :D bet your so excited today bless you :hug: hope you have a lovely 12 days together and it doesnt go too fast :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cheers Rach - I'm up I'm so excited and she doesnt land till 6.00 pm!! Got to make her favorite lasagne for dinner so will do that this morning and let it stand..... Her bedrooms all ready but think I will give it another hoover and dust so it smells all lovely for her when she gets back :D She is off up to Sheffield on Monday for a couple of days so she will spend sometime with Josh which will be lovely and then we have to fit in all the visiting as my Dad and Gran are desparate to see her too so its going to fly by bless her...........

Anyway 11 hours and counting :D :cheer: :D :cheer:
I just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone!! :wave: :wave: :wave:
Cant wait for you to join us over in tri 3! :hug:

Jane yay on your daughter being home :cheer:

Lisa I hope your having a great trip and your bro has a lovely wedding!! :hug:

Liza :wave: Congrats on hubbie getting the job!! Must be a relief for you! :hug:
Hi everyone!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :D Had a fabulous time in Poland, wedding was great and eveything went to plan! So much more relaxed than our weddings over here..... just constant eating/drinking/dancing all night! And proper dancing, like almost rock and roll/jive stuff! crazy!!
The only downside was the travelling, 2 hours on a plane and then a 5hour coach trip each way :( my ankles/legs were the size of elephants and never fully recovered all I'm back home now with them up!! Considering a trip to the doctors to get them checked as the left was much worse than the right leg and my worst varicose veins are on that leg and I think another one has sprung up too :( They only gave me Class 1 stockings and wondering if it should be Class 2.

Anyway... I hope everyone is well!? :) Whats been happening?! I hit 24 weeks on sunday so I'm officially viable too! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I struggled to find this thread, you ladies obviously enough. I don't know what page it was on so I had to do a search.

Hope your all well, looking forward to you joining us in tri 3

ROM - How's the visit with your daughter going, it must be so nice having her home with you again. I hope she had fun staying with her brother (or is that this weekend?)

Lisaspoon - Glad you had fun in Poland, sounds like a right old knees up, sorry to hear your legs have been bad though.

Liza - That's great the you DH has got himself a job now, it must be such a relief for you both.

Well, my wardrobe did manage to fit into my daughters bedroom which was a relief, now all we need are a load of childrens hangers, so next time I'm out I'm going to cheekily ask the shop if they can give me a load!!

My little bubba has been really quiet today, although I'm feeling the odd small kick/movement, it doesn't stop me worrying, but I know that I will have quiet days, so I try not to worry, I think if i hadn't felt any movement then I would be more inclined to contact the midwives to have a listen in, but I hate to feel like I'm wasting their time as I know some days are a lot quieter than others.

My DD was ill over the weekend, poor thing, she had a fever on Friday night and was full of cough and cold for the rest of the weekend, with puffy eyes that wouldn't stop watering. It seems to be clearing up a bit now which is good.

Me and DD are off to Weston-Super-Mare this weekend to meet up with my two best friends, one lives in Canada so I rarely get to see her, the last time I saw her, Phoebe was 4 weeks old, so I'm really excited, she's now a mum as well with another on the way and I can't wait for our DD's to meet eachother for the first time. There is 6 months between them.

Hope your all well and taking good care of yourselves.

Now remember to carry on chatting as it would be sad to loose this thread...................
Am replying to save this thread slipping off the first page!!!

How is everyone doing?

Bexie - my bubs has quite days too.... think it takes after me and has lazy days! I think its all normal tho as sometimes bubs is kicking away like a mad baby!!! Sorry your DD was ill :( hope she is feeling better now? Hope you have a good weekend in W-S-M... sounds like a nice trip planned!

I'm good myself, feeling quite well, although tired after my run of weddings. Got an evening reception tomorrow and thats us finished for the wedding season! Thank God I say as its knackering and hard work keeping up with the drunk people!! :lol:

Bubs has started to kick more and last night I was lying on my side and had my hand tucked under my side just above my hip and I could feel him/her squirming about in there! was very strange.. but also amazing! managed to get OH feel too! :D

Not long till I'm in double figures and venturing over to 2rd tri......eeeeeek!! :o
Morning ladies.....

Been up since the crack of dawn today, neighbour woke me up at 6am - their daughter practices the piano at stupid times of the day and its so loud in our house, they might as well be playing in our living room!

My beautiful little Ellie (my Border Collie) is off to the vets to be spade this morning, and although I know she will be fine, its always a worry!!

Lisa - SO glad the wedding went well, and enjoy the last wedding reception of the season.......hopefully it will be your turn next :D My friends are all married now and strangely my 2 bridesmaids are both pregnant - one due end of this month, and my best friend due 2 days before me - which is a little strange!

Jane - hope you have had a wonderful time with your DD......what did you get upto? Hope your DH has finally moved the furniture out of the living room.

Bexie - Sorry to hear your DD was poorly, Im hoping she is fully recovered now and you have a wonderful weekend in Weston-Super-Mare. Also great to hear the wardrobe fits, that must have been a relief!!

Lea M - So great to hear from you, I do keep an eye in Tri 3 to check you are all ok, and cant believe Im joining you all in a week :cheer:

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Im going to enjoy my last couple of days with DH before he starts his new role on Mon, and then my Dad and Stepmum are coming to see us Mon, Tues, Wed (well more me as DH will be away working some of the time) - they are bringing their caravan and staying at a site a few miles from here because the stairs in our cottage are too steep for my stepmum, especially when she needs a wee in the night (we have an en-suite, but other bathroom is downstairs) :D

Im selling my car on ebay and it finishes today and just hoping it keeps going up in price - fingers crossed :D

Catch up with you all soon...... :wave:
Morning ladies. I have 3 kids home all sick all with something different today! DD has a headache and woke screaming, younger DS has a really bad cold and sounds as if he will cough his whole stomach up! Eldest DS woke with his eyes swollen to slits and no reason or idea why!

How is everyone today? I am feeling fairly bleurgh and have an awful headache and am still wondering whether to go to work or not with the kids all sick
Hi there! :wave:

i've been slacking on this thread.... not had rach here to keep us all in check! :D

Mik - thats a shame about your kids :( I hope they are all feeling better soon... I would take the day off and look after them, as well as yourself! :hug: :hug:

Liza - how is your DH getting on in his job? hope it is going well?! Did you manage to sell your car for a good price?.. :cheer:

Im not to bad myself.....SO glad its Friday! Went to see Lee Evans last night in Glasgow.. was very funny, but a late night for me, so quite tired today! hoping to catch up on some much needed rest over the weekend!

hope everyone else is well! :D

Just noticed on my ticker I have 99 days to go!!! DOUBLE FIGURES!! woooooooooooooooo!

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