I am so broody it's unreal.
My sister had her 12 week scan today, I remember how freaking happy I was on the day of our 12 week scan... (all was perfect with the baby! so I'll be having newborn cuddles this year LOL)
James is an amazing baby and he makes it so easy to be a Mummy. I know this will all change with teething and when he gets his first illness etc BUT in general he is such a sweet, sunny, happy little monster.
I want enough time to enjoy James so we'll stick to the current plan, for the time being.... It's technically only just over a year until we can NTNP
I stalk tri 3 and I sometimes feel so jealous of the ladies there, waiting to experience all this for the first time. Of course I make sure I appreciate every second with James but I know I'll never get back all those 'firsts'. First time we saw HB after all the m/c's, first time I heard babies HB, first 12 week scan and getting the OK, first time I felt baby move. God I loved every single second of it. The moment I was told I had a son can probably never be topped - although he tops it every single day LOL!
I've been pretty emotional this week, found all my old miscarriage stuff (scan reports, results from recurrent m/c clinic) and it reminded me how much we wanted this, how far we have come and how bloody lucky we are.