SMEP Thread/Sucess Stories 8 BFPs!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi everyone, seen as I am bored and awake late due to a problematic wisdom tooth I thought Id do a SMEP thread for all thats doing it or did it and wants to share some sucess stories.

SMEP is the sperm meets egg plan and generally gives you a good shot at your :bfp:

I did SMEP with my first pregnancy and used C+ and got my :bfp:

I half arsed did SMEP last cycle and missed one of my most fertile days so I am reattempting the SMEP challenge.

If anyone is doing it currently let me know and I'll make a list of your outcome.

Ive left a link below for anyone wanting to do it or hasnt heard of it. Theres loads of sucess stories on other sites, but I wanted to collect our own here on PF.

Good luck!!


The Smeppers! :bd:

Augustus :dust:
Birdie :bfp:
Bobby23 :bfp:
Broody2013 :dust:
Clover :bfp:
Crinkles90 :dust:
Lilalyolola :bfp::bfp:
Lillith112 :dust:
Lisey :dust:
LoulouBelle84 :dust:
LyndseyB :dust:
Mar_15 :dust:
Moomin21 :bfp:
MrsS15 :dust:
Mummyto3 :dust:
Nilka35 :dust:
PeanutButter :bfp: :dust:
Russellmuscle :bfp:
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Thinking about doing this this month, but not sure if my husband can keep up with every other day and then 3 days in a row :wall2::rotfl:
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Really? Swap? Its me that cant keep up.

I just need to say sex and hes in the corner naked. :rofl: give it a shot. Obviously after OV you can relax so its really like 4-5 times over the ov period.

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We attempted it every month. The month we got lucky we DTD CD 5, 7, 10, 12 and 13 (probably less than usual). I ovulated on CD12.
I honestly think as long as you do it over O period, you have as much chance as anyone else.
Getting pregnant at OV is biology. Thats why SMEPs most BDs are over OV. It was actually developed for the ladies who MC recently or dont have regular cycles, ensuring that BDing at each point in your cycle can get you that bfp.

I think some of us who arent or havent been pregnant yet might like a little hope though eh? Certainly worked for me. I got +opk and didnt OV till later, so me doing smep worked in my favour and I got my bfp :)

Like I say if anyone has any sucess stories for this motivational thread, be good to hear them. :D

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So Im on CD9 and even though its not a "BD" night, I have super stretchy CM again so..

Off we go :bunny:

I tried this and got my BFP. Although it was also the first month I tried soy isoflavones so it's hard to distinguish which one helped get my BFP. I sadly miscarried but this month I will be trying the SMEP again but not soy this time. Fingers crossed it works! Xx
Hi Loulou :wave:

I know there are no sure facts of how we get our BFPs its just really a wee thread to spurr people on and try it...

Glad your not scared off and are reattempting.

I hope you get your bfp next cycle lovely.

Yeah time to get back on the TTC wagon for us and the SMEP is a good place to start. So fingers crossed! Hope you get your BFP too. Xx
Deffo, as I said above it was developed for girls whov lost or had irregular cycles. So I hope it works for you.

Thanks, I hope so too!!

I want to try this now I've read! Maybe next cycle, think hubby will be nakerd xD x
Go Peanut butter!

Get Smepping! Hubby will be knackered, and grateful :p

Good luck.

I am not sure what to do! Lol I missed cycle day 12 which was yesterday, today cycle day 13 my opk is getting a lot darker it will probably be positive tomorrow or the day after.
Do we have sex today or tomorrow? As when we will do it today and tomorrow have a positive we will have to do it 4 times in a row! Does not matter to us really but I thought sperm needed to "recover" lol to have good swimmers? As my husband is 47.
We should've done it yesterday but fell asleep! Arrg!

So to bonk or not to bonk today??:
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Deffo bonk!! I kicked myself for not DTDing CD12 last cycle.

There is differing arguments on when/how many times to DTD - they say its only not advised to be sexing every day if your OH has a low sperm count.

We are DTDing from CD9 until day after OV. Only because today is CD10, I have EWCM and did yesterday.

Ah a great motivational thread russ! I can say after 10 years of trying , being told by a consultant give up you had your kids when you were younger. SMEP worked for us . We have a 14 month daughter. It was exhausting haha, enjoyable and we couldn't believe it when we got our BFP. I heard about it on here a few years ago and away I went on a mission. We were successful the first month. Now we are trying again and I think SMEP is the way forward.
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Thank you Augustus!! Anything to help the girls get their dream BFP.

Glad you are TTC again. Hope your not waiting long for your BFP - hope SMEP doesn't disappoint, you or OH :p


I will make a wee list of our names on page one, be sure to keep me updated if SMEP brings you that :bfp:

Please can you add me ☺️ X
Yeah sure its been updated for you :)

Welcome and good luck! :dance:

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Thank you! Finally got my positive OPK last night and was even darker this morning. Managed to BD CD9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 so will carry on!

The literature on the plan is really interesting and you can see the logic behind it. Fingers crossed!!

I need some of your spirit bobby! Mind you I could BD all day every day when I didn't have Jackson.

OH expects TTC to be the same, Im like hello! When I was TTC Jackson I worked part time and had no one else to look after but the 2 cats. Now I have 3 cats, work full time and have a toddler who hangs off of me wanting to play everything and demanding attention left right and center and of course I want to give him it all and a lot more house work.

I dunno what the hell he expects :lol:

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