SMEP Thread/Sucess Stories 8 BFPs!

Deffo bonk!! I kicked myself for not DTDing CD12 last cycle.

There is differing arguments on when/how many times to DTD - they say its only not advised to be sexing every day if your OH has a low sperm count.

We are DTDing from CD9 until day after OV. Only because today is CD10, I have EWCM and did yesterday.


Thanks! I will do! Can I go on the list to please? I had spotting today! Never had spotting before ovulation before. But it might me down to having my miscarriage last cycle.
I need some of your spirit bobby! Mind you I could BD all day every day when I didn't have Jackson.

OH expects TTC to be the same, Im like hello! When I was TTC Jackson I worked part time and had no one else to look after but the 2 cats. Now I have 3 cats, work full time and have a toddler who hangs off of me wanting to play everything and demanding attention left right and center and of course I want to give him it all and a lot more house work.

I dunno what the hell he expects :lol:


Some men can do it all day I guess! At least you do not have to worry in case he is 'not in the mood' :lol:
The only time hes refused sex is twice, once when ill and once he was working and gym after..

Spose its a good thing. He doesnt even feel like a sperm factory whilst ttc, I think hes just grateful :lol:

Never heared of this before.. It's an interesting concept but the trouble is DH is getting tired enough with all our BDING I don't think he'd go for it lol.

I'm going to keep an eye on the thread to see how it goes though. Good luck ladies x
I will watch this thread with interest. I have a very low sex drive so SMEP is extremely unappealing to me, but if it starts producing noticeable results for you girls then it'll certainly get my attention. We were also lucky to conceive our son by having sex just once, after getting a smiley face on a clear blue OPK, so I know first hand that it's timing that really matters as opposed to frequency, but I'm all for people raising the odds! Good luck ladies!
Getting pregnant at OV is biology. Thats why SMEPs most BDs are over OV. It was actually developed for the ladies who MC recently or dont have regular cycles, ensuring that BDing at each point in your cycle can get you that bfp.

I think some of us who arent or havent been pregnant yet might like a little hope though eh? Certainly worked for me. I got +opk and didnt OV till later, so me doing smep worked in my favour and I got my bfp :)

Like I say if anyone has any sucess stories for this motivational thread, be good to hear them. :D


Eeek, I definitely didn't mean to be negative. I pretty much just meant it for anyone with low sex drive or wouldn't be able to cope with the frequency (like me and Birdie above), and that it's not perhaps the amount of times you do it and not to feel bad about not being able to do it as often as SMEP suggests xx
SMEP has been great for me, it took a while to conceive the first time and after not conceiving for 7 months I did some research and discovered we had not been doing it at the right times and most of the time I was away for work - no wonder we didn't get pregnant! found SMEP and first month got pregnant! unfortunately i'm dealing with recurrent miscarriage and have had 5 losses, but each time I miscarry I have been pregnant within 3 months by doing SMEP... have to wait until Feb to TTC again after taking methotrexane but when we TTC it will be with SMEP and hopefully a BFP by May.
Hi girls

I know what you mean Kitty, about feeling bad about not doing it enough. I feel like I've been fighting that battle for 2 years, trying to make sure we've at least got ov covered, and it got me down and took all the fun out of it. I'm so pleased for you by the way. Hope you're doing well.

We've started seeing a fertility doctor and he immediately wrote down a list of numbers for days we have to have sex on. I have weird cycles so the list was: cd 9,11,13,15,17,19,21.

Luckily, hearing it from the doctor seems to have convinced my bf as we've definitely upped our game this month. I think having to report back to another bloke on our sex life makes it feel more like a competition or something. who knows?

Anyway, SMEP - I'm in!
I agree with the pressure and the worry of not 'meeting the days' for SMEP, I have quite a low sex drive and before TTC we would only BD 3/4 times over the month. We have upped our game this month, but previous months have BD 1-3 over the fertile period. It's bloomin hard work! Christmas holidays helped but working full time its hard to get motivated!

I can see the logic in SMEP and now we are nearing the end I'll be glad of the rest with my fingers crossed for a BFP!
Getting pregnant at OV is biology. Thats why SMEPs most BDs are over OV. It was actually developed for the ladies who MC recently or dont have regular cycles, ensuring that BDing at each point in your cycle can get you that bfp.

I think some of us who arent or havent been pregnant yet might like a little hope though eh? Certainly worked for me. I got +opk and didnt OV till later, so me doing smep worked in my favour and I got my bfp :)

Like I say if anyone has any sucess stories for this motivational thread, be good to hear them. :D


Eeek, I definitely didn't mean to be negative. I pretty much just meant it for anyone with low sex drive or wouldn't be able to cope with the frequency (like me and Birdie above), and that it's not perhaps the amount of times you do it and not to feel bad about not being able to do it as often as SMEP suggests xx

Oh of course it only takes the once. I did it once in August on the coil and got pregnant, I think theres only like a 25% chance of a bfp each cycle if you BD the correct times.

I hear ya on sex drive, Im mostly just exhausted after work and J. Following the smep plan as such, Ive actually been making an effort with intamacy which is good.

Im only half way through, I half arsed it last cycle. Its not for all of us.

I agree with the pressure and the worry of not 'meeting the days' for SMEP, I have quite a low sex drive and before TTC we would only BD 3/4 times over the month. We have upped our game this month, but previous months have BD 1-3 over the fertile period. It's bloomin hard work! Christmas holidays helped but working full time its hard to get motivated!

I can see the logic in SMEP and now we are nearing the end I'll be glad of the rest with my fingers crossed for a BFP!

Please dont feel stressed!!

I didnt manage it last month but I was super proud of the effort I have put in.

I work FT, have a 3 year old and 3 cats. My life is caotic and luckily Jackson sleeps well.

But smep is no plain sailing for me.. Im just remaining positive and hopeful.

Hi girls

I know what you mean Kitty, about feeling bad about not doing it enough. I feel like I've been fighting that battle for 2 years, trying to make sure we've at least got ov covered, and it got me down and took all the fun out of it. I'm so pleased for you by the way. Hope you're doing well.

We've started seeing a fertility doctor and he immediately wrote down a list of numbers for days we have to have sex on. I have weird cycles so the list was: cd 9,11,13,15,17,19,21.

Luckily, hearing it from the doctor seems to have convinced my bf as we've definitely upped our game this month. I think having to report back to another bloke on our sex life makes it feel more like a competition or something. who knows?

Anyway, SMEP - I'm in!

Yeah those are pretty similar to smep. Its good to feel proactive too.

Guys are usually sexually competitive. Hopefully he completes the challenge and it gives you some positive results :)

Evening ladies :wave:

Well Im on CD10 and OV is usually 4 days away, I did plan to DTD tonight too but Im gonna miss CD10 out because we BDd last night and I usally get my +opk CD11. CD11, 12, 13 and perhaps 14 then ill resume every other day from CD16. Im a 28 day regular cycle due :af: January 25th.

Plus my EWCM has went a bit watery. Im on antibiotics and fear Ill end up with no CM, thank god for C+ - so from tomorrow onwards there will be :bunny: Bunnies In A Sack :bunny:

The thing spearing me on aswell is not OPKing, gives me no other choice but to follow the routine because I dont know exactly when I will OV.

Really just couldnt be doing with the confusion this cycle.

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After reading I jokingly emailed the link to my OH and he said he'd like to give it a try. So if my AF ever shows and after I get my head in the right place I think we'll give it a go.

Thanks Russell x
Hi Ladies I'm going to definitely try this plan next cycle, AF due Sunday so if she arrives (which I'm sure she will)
This cycle we only DTD the day of my positive Opk and last night (at 10dpo what's the point lol)
This was due to hubby being poorly so couldn't be helped but I have told him he needs to make up for it this next cycle haha !!!!!

Good luck ladies :)

Hey clover your more than welcome to join in any time. Sorry OH was ill. hope hes fit for next cycle.

I'm definitely going to try this next cycle af was due today or tomorrow but had a bfn Wednesday and the symptoms I'm having I'm pretty sure she will show up tomorrow. I heard about this through a friend so definitely think it's worth a try ☺
Please may I join you?! I've been opk'ing with clear blue digital but still doesn't seem to help 🙈 So I'm going to use it along side this but let this be my lead!
Hubby works some nights but always back by 10ish but when I bored I fall asleep so may need you all for company to stay awake!!! Lol

Let's go team SMEP!!
Cycle day 8 today :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

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