~***September Mummies***~

Ha ha that's good news Hun! Hope the tablets kick in soon! I had my two lower wisdom teeth out because of infections etc! All you need now is your baby lol x
Now I'm back to obsessing about when this baby will be born!! I can't actually believe how many people are texting! My brother text my mum today and told her to keep him updated about when I'm in labour, even if its the middle of the night?! She couldn't understand why I wouldn't want him to know but I just find it so weird, I'd rather just call everyone once he/she has been born. Can't believe there are so few September mummies left now :-(

- now Free
I know! 9 of us apparently hope most of us go by the weekend lol x
Hey girls, how it's all going ok. I've been reading just not getting time to update!! I've done my birth story, hopefully be reading all of yours very soon... :-) xxx
Hi everyone hope you're all ok, I can't believe hw many September babies came in a few days :-) hope you're all ok and not getting too fed up xx
Hey girls, how it's all going ok. I've been reading just not getting time to update!! I've done my birth story, hopefully be reading all of yours very soon... :-) xxx

Hi everyone hope you're all ok, I can't believe hw many September babies came in a few days :-) hope you're all ok and not getting too fed up xx

Cant wait to see you ladies over in the baby toddler section! Hope your both recovering well and enjoying major bubba cuddles!

Wish all the other sept mums all the best and it is so worth it xxxx
Same pregnot :-( my bump is sooo high, took another pic tonight. Do they always drop before labour?!

- now Free
I don't think they do you know, I think thy can drop last minute

I've come to the conclusion that despite all these pregnancy forums, pregnancy books, pregnancy classes there is NO WAY of predicting what can happen - NONE!!

apart from 2 things there's a baby in there made by sperm and egg and it will come anything inbetween might aswell be a blank note pad!

no rules nothing!
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I was thinking exactly that earlier on today pregnot lol how they say all this stuff in books almost like its guaranteed and then it doesn't happen and you freak out like something is wrong. I'm 5 days over tomorrow and I've had no waters go, no show, no low bump, no 'feeling' that anything is going to happen lol we should write a book called real pregnancy by real women lol x
Haha were miserable aren't we!

I don't care anymore lets wait for my induction thread in October haha
Ha ha you'll get your date and it will probably happen just before you go in lol I'm nervous about this sweep though, worried it won't work but I'm game for anything at the moment! X
I think if your over like you there's a very very good chance of it working I cannot wait for it update tmro!!
ohhh roxy seen your waters went hopefully by time everyone wakes up
Tomorrow u have got baby or at least be well on your way!

Beesmall and bubbles of either of u go before me I think I might just delete my pf account in anger lol
Be fair beesmall is overdue now, it's only polite to let her go first :)

Don't think you have to worry about me though. We can keep the sept chat thread going... And with all yours signs I'm sure you won't be long. Xx
No more signs now though its all stopped :(
Ok beesmall can have a go but you bubbles I'm warning you :)
Oww sorry ladies lol :( at least I'm overdue lol I've tried very hard to not queue jump and keep this baby in x
Ok ill try my best to hold out. :)

my friend has just gone off Facebook chat suddenly, hopefully she is ok. Excited for lots and lots of baby news in am! Xx

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