~***September Mummies***~

That's alright roxy, you go for it girl! You've waited long enough for this baby. Mine now has hiccups from the sheer excitement of it all! :) xx
Why do our tickers not change until later in the day even though
It's gone midnight?? haha I want to see 2 days left
Lol I stopped looking at mine days ago and all my apps are shit now lol one of them has already started saying your baby is 5 days old like it was a given I had my baby on my due date! X
After Saturday il stop looking too - went breast freedomg workshop last night stopped off on way home
For chinese meal and its proper repeating on me now I feel I'm
Going to throw up any second :( getting all warm with it
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Are all you sept mummies who are yet to deliver all trimmed and neat ready to go? Was thinkin this a
Minute ago like ohhh If I go what about my hairy legs and 'area' when I get in bath about 5.15 am as usual il
Have a tidy up just incase
Lol I've managed to keep well groomed throughout so far so I've not had any worries that my garden is overgrown! Would have loved to have got a wax done but I heard so many stories about it hurting more when your pregnant so I didn't go x
eeek I can imagine that would be sore , what's the protocol
Now your waters have gone do you wait for pain? do you ring maternity? What r u meant to do now?
I rang the hospital because the birthing centre where I want to go isn't open till 8am and I told the lady that my waters had gone and she just asked if my pregnancy had been low risk and I said yeah then she basically said from the time your waters go you've got 24 hours to go into labour naturally and if not then we need to talk about induction etc but for now she said just stay at home and go to your midwife appointment as normal to be examined, if things get crazy before 8am to ring her back and then after 8 I can ring the birthing centre. X
Ill be getting in one soon I think just had a propose contraction ... You definitely know about it lol x
I definitely deserve to go next!! 2 days overdue and counting!!!

Exciting about waters breaking, really hope your contractions get going soon x

- now Free
How are we all this morning? My friend was just talking to me on Facebook chat with contractions 2 minutes apart but not left for hospital yet as her boyfriend is still in bed!!! She seems to be taking it pretty well. Said she is almost in tears but they are manageable!

How are you feeling roxy? Any contractions?

How about you beesmall? Any signs of niggles?

Did I read right you were contracting again last night pregnot? Xx
Contractions are about 30 mins apart so not very close yet but are pretty intense I find them easier to deal with if I move around, I had one sat on the loo earlier and it did NOT help at all x
Good luck with midwife. Hopefully she will examine you and find you are in your way. :) will be thinking of you xxx
Good lck with midwife let us know :)

No bubbles no contractions for me I was in bath to stop my skin itching :)
Wtf is this weather about??
Weather isn't too bad here.

Oh I see, hope bath helped! I am going to have bath later at my mums, we only have a shower. Xx
Good luck ladies. We called our little boy Arthur. Still need to add a piccy! Came home yesterday and my DS Is adjusting pretty well. See u over in baby and toddler soon :) xxx
Any signs bubbles??
I've got nothing not one single solitary sign now- even my plug has turned into what looks like a thin watery discharge now

:( think its all stopped for me
Nope still nothing. I honestly think it will start again, it can't stop forever. It must have done something... He will be here very soon. :) hope roxy is doing well after midwife appt!! Xx

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