~***September Mummies***~

Back from the midwife, all good, baby seems happy and comfortable, 3/5 engaged now. They don't offer a sweep till term+7 but can't actually offer me an appointment till term+8 so booked in for a sweep next Wednesday afternoon. Doubt anything is going to happen before then. Oh well x

- now Free
Good baby is engaging now and all ok. Shame about sweep, it's so strange how they do it different in different areas. You would think they would keep to same guidelines or something. You need know baby might suprise you and make an appearance before next wed.xxx
Ohhh beesmall I have sweep then too :)
Maybe next weekend will be our lucky weekend eh?

hopefully bubbles midwife took pity on her and is being probed as we speak? We can but hope eh?
just want this week over with now i feel like absolute crap :/
discharge update from me - I'm having a bloody show!!
not ur normal mucus this is bloody however trying not to get excited because I did get examined last night so maybe just she's disturbed something?
Sooo jealous! I want mucus or blood or something!! Really hope something happens soon but not feeling like I'm anywhere close. Have awful wisdom tooth pain (more in my jaw and cheek) and have been putting off going to the dentist until after the baby is born because I know they won't be able to so much until baby is born anyway but am in agony now so thinking I might need an emergency appointment, could cry :-( anyone know if Tesco would sell an ice pack that I could put on my cheek to cool it down a bit or anything else I could use? xxx

- now Free
The pharmacy at tesco may sell them? I don't know I am afraid. Sounds painful though, not what you need when you are overdue. Saw midwife and she said no everyone has show so no signs isn't always a bad thing.

No sweep till week Thursday so will be 40+5 :( I even cried! She did say the pain, the crying, the non sleeping and rash are all due to a massive hormone surge just before so could mean she is close. Now 2/5 engaged (by this he means 2/5 out of pelvis) but she said this is because she is on my right side and looking up but doesn't mean anything as to when it could all start. She did say if she doesn't move I am likely to have quite a painful labour and long one and to crawl around house. That is not easy to do!!! And boring, not much you can do on all fours (except the obvious! Haha).

Bloody show sounds very good pregnot! Fingers crossed... Will be stalking you both :) xx
Oh no, that's rubbish you have so long to wait for a sweep too. There were 4 girls at he midwife this morning all due today, she said they have so many women due this week they are having to run double clinics until we all have our babies. I'm now stressing about labour ward being busy or having to wait for induction because its so busy! Haha always something...

- now Free
Hi ladies. I've updated the front page. There have been so many new arrivals lately, it's hard to keep up! Please let me know if I've missed anyone out or got any details wrong xxx
Couldn't get me in Thursday so got Wed PM with a different midwife who I have seen a couple of times so not too bad. Booked my pedicure for Saturday my due date :) Something to keep me going through the day.

AmyA has had her baby now too so needs updating. Hardly any babies due before mine, scary! xx
Can't believe how many babies were born today! Shame mine wasn't one of them!! Stupid due date!!

Hubby is picking us up a spicy curry after he midwife told him this morning that it can induce labour! He didn't take much persuading. Even got a chilli naan, hope its not too spicy!

- now Free
Good luck beesmall! 40+3 and all these baby threads have made me literally break down and cry :(
I know, I'm obviously happy for everyone else but it's so hard seeing other people have babies and not you. I've had so many friends have babies the last month and all of the girls from my NCT class have had their babies now too so I literally feel like the only pregnant person on earth haha x

- now Free
Fingers crossed our little ones will come soon!!! Yeah same with me and everyone I know! :(! Please come soon little babies!
I've had so many texts today and I do know that people only mean well. So many people saying they've thought about me all day and any signs etc. and I get that everyone is excited but I feel like I'm letting everyone down by having no news. Hoping the texts were just a due date thing but I somehow doubt it!! x

- now Free
And now my brother's status on Facebook is 'hurry up baby b, your uncle is excited to meet you' aghhhhh

- now Free
I've had so many texts today and I do know that people only mean well. So many people saying they've thought about me all day and any signs etc. and I get that everyone is excited but I feel like I'm letting everyone down by having no news. Hoping the texts were just a due date thing but I somehow doubt it!! x

- now Free
I hate to say it, but it gets soooo much worse :(!!!
Yeah tell me about it lol 40+3 too and it sucks!!! When this baby does come I might not tell anyone and when they ask me after a few days I might say oh yeah I forgot to mention I had my baby 3 days ago lol x
Thing is, if it was one of them I'd be so excited too and I'm glad they're excited for us and to meet the baby. It's just frustrating not having any news. I wish I had a few signs at least to update people but so far I've had nothing!! x

- now Free
It's only going to get worse too lol I'm fed up with the constant asking but shitting myself about the stress of everyone wanting to see the baby straight away! My husbands family are.. How can I say a bit ... Full on about everything! The kind of family that just walk through your front door without letting you know they were even coming round?! X
Oh god really? My mum is being a proper mother hen and I know she'll tell everyone to leave us alone to rest if we need it. She keeps threatening to make me stay in bed for the first week with the baby! We've compromised on the sofa!! In laws live abroad so don't have to worry about that.

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