~***September Mummies***~

I'm also dreading family visits might not them for a couple of days hehe

ohhh its so cold tonight isn't it!! Anyone watching midwives at 9?
I missed it but I heard it was all about super fast labours like Amy's today lol yeah I'm afraid beesmall that they are exactly like that lol me and my husband have had many rows and disagreements about it! He told me once he would have them all in the waiting room if he was allowed I was like I hope your fucking joking! Lol x
well just looking at front page there's not many if us September mummies left!!

I'm awake itching like mad :/ can't wait for baby to come so I can stop this itching!!! getting ever closer to due date and cannot see him making an appearance anytime soon except for bloody show yesterday I've had no more signs and even that could have been from being examined.

plan for today is to clean house and get car Valeted if baby max does arrive hel be travelling home with mud and dog hair otherwise
Sorry you didn't sleep much pregnot. Hope you can get a nap in during day :) my mum cleaned my car for me the other week and I have managed to keep it reasonable for baby's arrival however with lack of any sign what so ever I have feeling could be a while... Can't believe 3 days till our joint due date!!

Have been sleeping in spare room last few months with all my pillows etc but moved back in with oh last night to see if helped sleeping and slept from 11pm! Had quite few toilet breaks but overall one of best nights sleep for ages. So if baby did want to arrive today that would be handy. (Although highly improbable)

Hope you other sept mummy's especially those overdue are doing ok and hopefully starting to feel it getting closer. Thinking of you xxx
Can u believe another sept mummy rachel80 waters have gone!! we have 3 days until
Due date and I've no signs now of anything!! I'm getting depressed by the minute haha
Chrispin had her baby a few days ago too, thought she'd want to announce it herself but another queue jumper!!

I'm in agony with my stupid tooth, emergency apt this afternoon. I'm so scared they'll say they can't do anything till after baby arrives and I can't have any pain killers stronger than paracetamol which hardly help at all :-( Now officially overdue too so fed up probably sums me up today!!

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They probably can't do much till baba is here Hun :(!!! Apparently the full moon makes ladies go into labour, should be around 5am.... That's wha I'm holding out for! Will be so gutted if nothing changes tho! Xxx
All I can say is that all our due dates must be completely wrong!!! Lol it seems that the list has gone from blank to nearly full in the space of about 4 days! And I'm stuck right in the bloody middle lol 14th September team yellow NO BABY lol x
Had a quick count up there's just 9 of us left out of the whole list!
I really think I'm going to be an October mummy in end. Just so bored already! All these queue jumpers, do these babies not have any manners haha. :) just goes to show you never know when they are going to decide they want to show their face to the world.

Good luck beesmall with dentist. Really hope wen if they can't do anything they can give you some advice on how to deal with pain. At least when you go into labour you will prob forget about tooth ache... Xx
9 of us left! That's outrageous lol there was loads the other day!!! Hope it's a few less by the weekend! Totally agree with this queue jumping! Lol will have to have words about manners and being punctual when they do finally decide to come out! I'm so frustrated I keep forgetting that I don't know if mines pink or blue lol x
yep just 9 of us!

I've given up cleaning now because I feel we not going to come anymore :(
god im bored today
Same!! I'm having a right lazy day! I've only gone downstairs for food and drink, I've had a bath got dressed and am back laying on the bed! No point sitting downstairs on my own lol x
Crap isn't it - I'm sat downstairs with the dog looking at me you have to avoid eye contact with him
Else he thinks he's in for a game of tug or chase and then he doesn't leave you alone haha
I haven't even got the tv on I'm literally sat here miserable, itchy and fed up!

I've been shopping last few days and spent way to much money so now I refuse to leave the house - I might have a Hoover up about 3ish break the afternoon up haha
My sister in law's sister in law just had her baby! Posted in Facebook! She wasn't due till October!!! But because she has c section and lives in France they do it at 38 weeks. Happy for them but so jealous!!!! Xxx
I have same problem with dog pregnot. She stares at me so sad with a ball beside her. She looks so sad. Daddy will take her for long walkies when he gets home but she doesn't understand this!! X
Oh bubbles yet another baby that isn't ours :(

Yes dogs are funny aren't they, ben seems to have given up hope on baby max coming too he's no longer following my every move , my oh not interested either anymore he's like ohhh hel
Come when he comes oh that's ok then
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Oh for god sakes!!! :( yesterday I had the tv on in the afternoon and every bloody channel I clicked on someone had just had a baby! Why can't you get away from it lol x
Sooo relieved. Dentist said I have an infection in and around my wisdom tooth so he's given me antibiotics for 5 days and said it should be fine after that. I was so worried I was going to have to have it removed either this week or as soon as baby was born! Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon and the pain will go down quickly. The lady behind the counter needed my due date to allow me to get treated for free and nearly fell off her chair when I said yesterday haha

Operation get baby out can take place again...

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