~***September Mummies***~

Midwife appointment was a bit pointless lol she didn't examine me because they try not to once your waters have gone apparently but she checked my pad and confirmed my waters have gone she put me on the induction list incase I'm not in full blown labour by 2 am (been 24 hours then) and told me to go home stay active and drink and eat little and often. Contractions still about 25-30 mins apart and have a few erratic ones thrown in between that don't last very long. Waters still leaking out but feeling ok x x
Ohhh well at least its confirmed and your on the list ready I'm
Too exited for you !!! baby is coming
How are you feeling?
Not too bad still really scared but actually quite calm, contractions are quite something lol bouncing through them though got a hot water bottle on my back which is heaven! X
Ooh hot water bottle have to remember that one!

Hope they have started stronger. Have you managed to get any sleep or rest in?? Xx
I feel like I could actually be pregnant forever. I'm 3 days over tomorrow and feel pretty comfortable, sleeping really well, no signs at all. I really thought at this stage id be struggling to sleep, be in pain etc but I'm just not!! Where are you baby?!

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I feel like I could actually be pregnant forever. I'm 3 days over tomorrow and feel pretty comfortable, sleeping really well, no signs at all. I really thought at this stage id be struggling to sleep, be in pain etc but I'm just not!! Where are you baby?!

- now Free

This was me lol, wanted to stay pregnant forever x
Beesmall I am wishing for a very umcomfy, sleepless night for you and a baby popping out or your waters going :)

How is everyone tonight? I just had McDonald's for tea mmmmm they gave us extra Big Mac by accident so Ben my collie dog got a burger pattie he was very happy to join in the mc feast with mummy and daddy hehe
aww bless in the car my oh was like I want my son now haha

I did ask for his help to get him out by dtd however he declined my advances because 'he's seen the gloop coming out of me' hahaha I can safely say I think I've ruined his sex drive!
What a lucky doggie! We had Chinese tonight . Mmmmm. Just so salty so very thirsty now. Rash is doing my head in too actually bleeding in two places from scratching so much. Fed up of being so uncomfortable. Tries bath but spd played up massively from getting in and siting with legs open and squished in bath as belly so low. Had quite a few break downs with lots of tears tonight. Still not heard from friend, and people keep asking me if I've heard anything. I know she is overdue but I am so jealous and so desperate to have my baby and not be in so much pain constantly!! :( rant over sorry girls xxx
Aww bubbles lets hope u get some relief soon just think tmro could be our day!
I take it back about being comfortable. Been woken up by definite waves of pain/tightenings and a very active baby!! Really hope this is the start of something x

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God I been asleep 1 hour woke up in cold sweat with the worst period cramp ever I'm in pain right now I feel sick
Just been the loo its ok I think I'm
Jut having a show still must be hurting coz its my plug coming away still
Ohh umcomfy.com
I'm still awake. Pains coming every 5 mins and lasting about a minute. They're not too intense but definitely there. Haven't woken up hubby, he was so tired and grumpy last night I need him refreshed if this is the real thing!! I'm so scared its just a practice run and I'm getting my hopes up for nothing. Come on little baby b!!

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Fx for you beesmall! It might well be something sta I'm jealous, those first pains so exciting!rting!
I know!! It's so weird cos there's no one to tell with it being the middle of the night and like I said, hubby is much better in bed for now! I'm just really worried it'll turn into nothing and ill be disappointed. Have been really proud of how positive I've been despite being overdue but if this turns into nothing, all that positivity will be gone!!

Congratulations again on your gorgeous little Hannah. Hope she's behaving herself for her mummy in the middle of the night xxx

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How you getting on beesmall? All going on today again! :) Hope roxys induction is going well and pregnot in labour too!

I hope there is some other sept mummies out there for me to talk to or I may go mad!!! :( xxx
Definitely contractions and Jesus they bloody hurt!! Got tens machine on and that's helping a bit. They're lasting about a minute still but coming every 2/3 minutes. I haven't lost any plug though or having any blood etc so think I could have a while to go!! Going to ring the hospital in a bit x

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Sounds good! Except the pain but obviously. Not everyone looses plug, my mum with of hers didnt notice loosing it and midwife said some come so slowly apart you don't notice or come away during labour. Keep us updated!!

My friend had a little boy by the way this morning 5am called William 9lb 3oz!! Hope yours is little smaller :) xxx

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