~***September Mummies***~

6 weeks is a long time!! Hope it does fly by for you. I'm 29 weeks now, baby's STILL quiet, but I wonder if its just me being too hot is slowing them down?!

I have to go away at the weekend for college, I'm dreading it. It'll be the first time away from hubby since falling pregnant, never realised I was so clingy!!
It does make u clingy though! Im normally so independent but this is something totally new....

Iv read a few posts where the baby isnt as active and some people have said maybe its because the baby is getting more snug so not as much room for kicks etc.... Also he could be doing it when ur asleep more or not aware of it with moving about??? All i know is iv read alot of this and the next day the babies have been bouncing around again. Could it b a growth spurt? Xx
Hi amanadz can you add me on ive just moved over!!!

Due 24th september and im team pink!! Xx
Well, baby's still being quiet. I've had a maximum of about 20 pokes all day, I just had some Haribo though (it did nothing yesterday mind). Not sure really what to do, because everything was normal up the hospital yesterday.

When's everyone thinking about finishing for maternity? My last day is August 16th, when ill be 36+6!! But I've got every Wednesday off for 3 weeks before that, and a week off between now and then. I worked out after today I have 29 working days remaining :-)
Ooh can i join please?! I'm due September 22nd and team yellow :-) xx
I've had a quiet day today Tigger, she moves when I give her a poke which is comforting but defo quieter than usual. I've been really hot today tho and I'm sure that slows her down cause the same thing happened a coupe if weeks ago when it was really warm. God knows how ill get on in the height of summer!

Welcome to the new mummies over here now too :-) xx
My little one has also been quieter today, I'm on Jury service at the moment so spending a lot of time sitting quietly which may be why I have noticed it more - it's such a worry but I would say if you have tried to get them to move and they aren't just phone the unit, they would rather put you on a trace than for you to ignore it.
I'm feeling massive today, I was measuring six weeks ahead last week, I know I'm even bigger this week, I'm way off m centile chart and have to be honest - I fel a bit worried about it. My midwife has recalled me next week, so only 2 weeks since my previous appointment for a fast heart rate so am going to talk to her about a growth scan. My first born was 9lb 2 oz so am terrified this one is going to be bigger!
Only a couple of days until July, then september will feel closer - eeek, will be us posting labour threads before we know it!
Hi iv just moved over to tri 3, im having a boy and due date is 25th sept xx

Hi amanadz can you add me on ive just moved over!!!

Due 24th september and im team pink!! Xx

Ooh can i join please?! I'm due September 22nd and team yellow :-) xx

Hey ladies and welcome :wave: I've added you all to the list :) it's really filling up now, won't be much longer and all the September mummies will be in tri 3! Xxx
Naughty hot quiet babies!!

Try not to worry too much Ellie, the measurements can be a load of poo anyway, with any luck it'll just give you the opportunity to see your baby again and be told how well it's growing :-)

I've had a few more wiggles this evening, but not loads. I'm trying not to be worried though :-)

Haylian - what do you mean when we get to the height of summer, surely this is it?! I don't know if my memories playing tricks but I don't remember it usually being any warmer than it is now, infact it feels like we've had the best summer for years so far!!! Haha, is this just because I'm feeling it more though?! Xx
Hi ladies, I'm just joining tri 3 too! Due 24th September and team yellow :D
Thanks - a, sure you are right and its just my shockingly bad muscles. I need to post a bump picture when I am feeling brave - honestly I look full term.
As for summer - am personally quite happy that its seasonally cool - couldnt cope with really high temperatures!
Naughty hot quiet babies!!

Haylian - what do you mean when we get to the height of summer, surely this is it?! I don't know if my memories playing tricks but I don't remember it usually being any warmer than it is now, infact it feels like we've had the best summer for years so far!!! Haha, is this just because I'm feeling it more though?! Xx

Haha could be cause we're so far apart, we've not really had many hot days in Sheffield yet....... Well I have but non pregnant people haven't :-)
Hi ladies, I'm just joining tri 3 too! Due 24th September and team yellow :D

Welcome to tri 3 :) I've added you to the list.

We're off to legoland for a couple of days today so I might not get the chance to update the list again until the weekend so for any newbies that arrive today or tomorrow, I haven't forgotten you, I'll add you as soon as I can! Xxx
Hi ladies, I'm just joining tri 3 too! Due 24th September and team yellow :D

Welcome to tri 3 :) I've added you to the list.

We're off to legoland for a couple of days today so I might not get the chance to update the list again until the weekend so for any newbies that arrive today or tomorrow, I haven't forgotten you, I'll add you as soon as I can! Xxx

Ooo that sounds like fun! have a fab time
Hi Nat, thankyou! :D how exciting! Is this your first baby? X

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