~***September Mummies***~

19th of july here!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
19th of july here!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

I'm so jealous!!

I'm finishing 16th Aug, 26 working days left because I have a week off in 3 weeks, then my final 3 weeks I've got Wednesdays off (mainly so I can keep going longer!!). Can't wait!!!

How's the heartburn now girls? I've been relatively lucky with it, but I think my bumps quite low compared with others, could be why! (I still have to carry a bottle of gaviscon round, it's just not as severe as you girls!!) x
I'm still struggling with heartburn, got some double action stuff which seems to be helping a bit more but it's still there. Do you think there's any truth to the myth that loads of heartburn means baby will have lots of hair? X
Still here. Had it with owen and he had a head of hair when he came out!! ( and his back and his ears lol)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I had it last week really badly for a few days but had nothing since...no idea why. It's so awful! Don't think it can possibly have anything to do with hair though, think it must just be a coincidence!
yea I read that it means lots of hair but not sure? Il be expecting a pretty bald baby as not had much of it,

ohhh 28 week appointment today :) is it sad I get excited about how big I will measure?
last time at 25 week apt I measured exactly 25 so I hope I measure 28 today :)
Course it's not sad, it's all so exciting, I've measured 2cm ahead at both of mine which apparently is normal. 3cm either way is what they'd expect. Good luck at your apt, update us when you're done xx
I'm due the 4th team blue with my little one! Yey I'm excited we have our list going!! Xx
I got very excited at being measured, didn't get measured at 25 weeks so I have nothing to compare to - but was 27.5cm at 28weeks!!

Good luck with your appointment, hope you have fun...!!! Xx
Have any of us thought of names for our little bubs yet? I'm almost positive we're going to call our girl Violet :) I just love it and love it more when hubby calls her V so I'm pretty sure that's what she'll be but won't be sharing with anyone until she's here x
Ohh I love Violet, pretty and not very common. I love V too!

We haven't really got any yet. Need to get hubby to sit down and discuss it, but we haven't had chance lately :-(
That's what I thought, I have some teachers in my family and they don't have 1 Violet in their schools which I like, I know it's an older name but its not old fashioned :) I also love all the shorter names like V and Vi. Glad you approve :-) x
Yey just got back measure 28.5 and she told me position of baby max he is head down tucked up in there
all seems ok back tmro for whooping cough vaccine and then bloods at hospital on Friday :)

listened to hb and he was absolutly fine
Excellent and yay on the measurements. I had my hooping cough yesterday and my arm is killing me today :-( needle didn't hurt tho x
ohh dont I had read that does it proper ache??
U feeling well apart from that?
The needle itself didn't hurt one bit, didn't sting or anything so was chuffed. My arm went dead about 15 mins after but felt fine again after a while. Woke up this morning and its very sore, got a big raised red circle round it which is itchy and very tender and my arm is really achey :( I'd read it normally happens this way was just hoping it wouldn't. Sorry I can't give you any better news lol x
Just had 28 week mw appointment, his head is down! Hb fine, measuring 28cm. Had bloods done too, anti on fri then whooping cough nxt mon! Not looking forward to the injections iv heard the anti d really hurts :( xx
Violet is gorgeous, we had Gracie for a girl but scene as we r having a boy we r calling him Ronnie, Jude x

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