~***September Mummies***~

I think I've been having BH this week, been getting period pains etc but no regularity etc so I'm assuming that's what they are. X
My Braxton Hicks kind of feel like someone is squeezing my tummy really tightly, I dont get the period cramps with them, notice them more if I havent drunk much or when I move after resting
I'll be joining next week, I'm due 29th Sept & having a little boy x
I'll be joining next week, I'm due 29th Sept & having a little boy x

Added you :) xxx

So how is everyone today? I think I've overdone it a bit, been shopping all day with mum and DS and now my back is sore! I got my Emma's diary freebie packs though, I get stupidly excited over things like that :) xxx
I'm much better today than i was the past few days... it's cooled down a bit and is much more bearable.... i was suffering big time with the heat xx
Oo I have my leaflet out ready to claim my next emmas diary pack this weekend. Did you get some good freebies?
I'm shattered tonight, really struggling with work, only 4 weeks to go!!
I feel awful today. We have an inspection in work on Monday that's pretty major, so it's huuuuge panic from my boss - though he puts no responsibility on me at all because of the pregnancy and is grateful for anything I do, no matter how small. I'm so tired now, I could cry!! Thank god it's the weekend!!
Yeah I've been finding the heat a struggle as well, I normally love it, can't believe what a difference being pregnant makes to how hot and bothered I get!

Yeah I was quite impressed BeeSmall, I got the first two packs in one go and got some Johnson's bits including a full pack of wipes, bum cream, breast pad sample, pregnacare tablets, sachet of cereal umm, probably some other samples I've forgotten! I do love a freebie :)

Aww tigger poor you, like you say at least it's the weekend. Hope you get chance for some nice relaxing to help you recover.

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I've had a lovely few days at the lakes so feeling good, and the AC in our lodge has saved my life as its been really warm! I'm really not a fan of the sun (unless I have a pool to get in every 10 mins) so I struggle anyway but I'm dreading the next few weeks now cause I'm finding it tough already. Oh well our little bubs will be worth it :-) xx
Sounds lovely and yay for AC!

Yep the little babies will definitely make up for us suffering through the heat :)

I've done it once before, heat wont affect us too much drink plenty of water and we'll all be fine x x x
Anyone who isn't already on my main list "due dates as promised" who wants to be reply on that thread with due date and name /gender if u know and il update it I usually update once a day and each time someone has baby I put their weight g/b name and then late or early so we can all keep track! Many thanks and welcome to all the newbies!. X
Hey joining tri 3 today! Due 21st with a little girl :) thanks xx
Hey joining tri 3 today! Due 21st with a little girl :) thanks xx

Can't believe 2/3rds of the September mummies are in tri 3 now!! It's gonna be odd when the October thread pops up, each month ticking by quickly now.

How's everyone today? I'm in a FAR better mood! Got a reflexology appt at 1, looking forward to that, then a works do tonight which should be interesting.

I've just epilated my legs - at the rate the hair grows after shaving, I may not even have to touch them till I'm due (wishful thinking!!)
I remember looking in Tri3 when I first got my BFP and it was all January and February mummies! Scary that there'll be October mummies in here soon. How exciting, we get to meet our babies soon :-)

I feel good today, it's so much cooler and we have a quiet weekend planned. Housework and shopping today.

Bee x
I've been to my best friends baby shower today, she's 3 weeks ahead of me so we've timed it perfectly :-) its made it all seem so real now tho. All babies babies babies and more babies! Xx
Hey joining tri 3 today! Due 21st with a little girl :) thanks xx

Welcome to tri 3 :) I've added you to the list. Xxx

Hey joining tri 3 today! Due 21st with a little girl :) thanks xx

Can't believe 2/3rds of the September mummies are in tri 3 now!! It's gonna be odd when the October thread pops up, each month ticking by quickly now.

How's everyone today? I'm in a FAR better mood! Got a reflexology appt at 1, looking forward to that, then a works do tonight which should be interesting.

I've just epilated my legs - at the rate the hair grows after shaving, I may not even have to touch them till I'm due (wishful thinking!!)

I can't believe so many September mummies are here now either! Doesn't seem 5 mins ago I was adding the first few dates to the list and now we're into the 20s!

I've had a good day today, took DS to toys r us with my mum and dad, it's like a day out for him lol, he spends ages looking at all the toys :)

I hardly have to shave my legs at all at the moment, the hair that does grow seems to be really fine and hardly noticeable, it's great :)

Hi iv just moved over to tri 3, im having a boy and due date is 25th sept xx
Hi iv just moved over to tri 3, im having a boy and due date is 25th sept xx

Welcome to tri 3 :-)

How's everyone doing? I had to go up the hospital for a trace last night. A few nudges from baby over 24 hrs, they stick me on the monitor and said it all looks fine, half an hour later and I've only felt one kick (despite the trace saying he/she is moving loads). So another half an hour and a glass of ice, starts booting away!! It makes you feel like a drama queen when they do that. But I'd eaten sweeties, had an ice lolly and a lie down and NOTHING at home! Baby just hated having things strapped to my tummy!!!
Awwww how many weeks r u now? Im sure i will be the queen of drama queens! Baby has started a routine of kicks and turns now so i know the day he doesnt do his usual antics then i will b a wreck! They r so unpredictable at times and im guessing that we have alot more of that when they r here! I wouldnt worry about feeling like that at the end of the day the midwifes must see it all the time and it only shows that ur a good mum already for taking notice of bubs movements and im sure ur not the only one...

I feel like i want time to just go quickly now only because hubby is going away for 6 weeks at the end of the month and im really worried about how upset i might get being home alone for that long with no one to cuddle up to at night :( at the same time im trying to remember that im pregnant and i should be enjoying it while it may never happen again!

Hope u feel better today and u may find that bubs will kick u all day now haha. Xx

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