~***September Mummies***~

Thanks hun, MUCH better. Wee man is regularly making a in voluntary belly dance with me! JUST LOVE IT!! :lol: Feels great! Dropped you a line in your journal too......XXXX
Glad you're feeling better :) aww it's so lovely feeling them dancing around inside isn't it :)
Replied to you in my journal and yours too Hun, I keep forgetting about that section, I neglected my diary for ages last week, oops xxx
I was wondering, is anyone due toward the start of the month also hoping for an actual September baby rather than him/her coming a little early in August?

It didn't bother me, but my OH has a massive thing about it being the oldest in its school year, not the youngest! And there's a fine (7day) line!!!
See I've got a bit of a dilemma here! My son starts school on 3rd September (my due date lol) so for his sake I'd quite like baby to come a bit early so we can have a little bit of adjusting time before he has the upheaval of school. But I do worry a bit about the baby being the youngest in her year if she comes in August :-( DS is a May baby and that's bad enough, he seems far too tiny to be starting school! So if this little one comes in August and is only just 4 when she starts I'm not sure I'd cope! Xxx
My sons a July baby. But if this baby came at 37 weeks it would be an august baby. Owen was a week early so who knows!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I'd really love September cause I'm September and I liked being the oldest at school, my mum is August and she hated being the youngest so I'm fingers crossed for September, has to be 2nd or after for the school year tho eeeek no pressure lol x
You see all the girls at the moment getting to 37 weeks and desperately wanting the baby out... I'm not gonna want him/her out till 39 weeks at the earliest!! And not on the 14th/15th September, doggys going to his first agility show and I want to go watch!! (If it comes 13th or before I can still go with baby!!!)

I've enquired about reflexology this week, might go see about a few sessions as it sounds realllly good, anyone else done it??
ooh im here now, another team pink to even out the score with me :)
Poppy is our current name. glad to finally be here but gosh times flying for me. i dont mind if mines early or late, i have a feeling its gonna be late as my dates are further behind the scan dates ive got given. september is a busy month for my family and if its late enough baby could even share daddys birthday!
EDD is 13th Sept but my origonal date from ov is 18th and DH's birthday is the 19th
Hi Bev, welcome over :) good to have another team pink to even out the list :) do you want me to add Poppy as your name (lovely name by the way!) or is it still subject to change? Xxx
Wahoo I'm finally 27 weeks today! Can't believe how quickly tri2 went. Scary!

Quick question, have any of you been getting braxton hicks much? I've had them since about 23 weeks but I'm getting so many more now, have had at least 8 already today. How many are you supposed to have at this stage? They're not painful or anything, just really uncomfortable.

Bee x
Wahoo I'm finally 27 weeks today! Can't believe how quickly tri2 went. Scary!

Quick question, have any of you been getting braxton hicks much? I've had them since about 23 weeks but I'm getting so many more now, have had at least 8 already today. How many are you supposed to have at this stage? They're not painful or anything, just really uncomfortable.

Bee x

Yay welcome officially to tri 3 :) do you know what team you are Hun?

I'm not sure what's a 'normal' amount of Braxton hicks but I know I seem to be getting loads! I think they get worse the more I do as well. Xxx

Our little princess is due the 9th September :) EXCITED :)

Added you to the list :) xxx
Well we actually found out at our 20 week scan but have told a little white lie to all family and friends and said we don't know and won't be telling anyone till baby is born. So technically I'm not team yellow...but I am if you know what I mean!!
I'm due September 16th and am team Pink x x x
Quick question, have any of you been getting braxton hicks much? I've had them since about 23 weeks but I'm getting so many more now, have had at least 8 already today. How many are you supposed to have at this stage? They're not painful or anything, just really uncomfortable.

Is it your first? Apparently you get more (or, feel more) on second children.

It's my first, and I felt them for a bit about 22 weeks, then nothing for ages, but this weekend I got a few.

As long as there's no regularity I think it's ok though (but my word means nothing!!!)

Yeah it's my first. I assumed I wouldn't get them till later. I have my 28 midwife apt next week so will double check with her but I'm sure it's pretty normal. Pregnancy is such an odd thing!!
Ive had good few hours here and there of braxton hicks. None for a while tho but yes def felt more this pregnancy

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Well we actually found out at our 20 week scan but have told a little white lie to all family and friends and said we don't know and won't be telling anyone till baby is born. So technically I'm not team yellow...but I am if you know what I mean!!

Ooh crafty! You're doing a good job of keeping it quiet, I'm sure I'd let it slip! Xxx

I'm due September 16th and am team Pink x x x

Added you :) the team pinks are leading again now! Xxx
I think I've been having BH this week, been getting period pains etc but no regularity etc so I'm assuming that's what they are. X

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