~***September Mummies***~

Hi ladies, I'm just joining tri 3 too! Due 24th September and team yellow :D

Welcome to tri 3 :) I've added you to the list.

We're off to legoland for a couple of days today so I might not get the chance to update the list again until the weekend so for any newbies that arrive today or tomorrow, I haven't forgotten you, I'll add you as soon as I can! Xxx

Ooo that sounds like fun! have a fab time

Thanks! We had lots of fun but I'm knackered today haha!

What's everyone up to this weekend?

We had to go food shopping this morning but now that's out the way I plan on having a lazy afternoon to recover from the last couple of days! Tomorrow we are doing a bootfair in the morning so early start for us then as its my sisters birthday I think we are all meeting up by the seaside and going to the amusement park :) xxx
Glad you had a nice time, we're sorting our bedroom out today :-( got lots of new furniture that needs putting up so hubby is upstairs doing that now, he gets stroppy tho so I'm staying out of the way ha. Then tomorrow going to the ikea AGAIN as they didn't have the shelves in stock last week. All the way from Sheffield to Nottingham for a shelf! Your Sunday sounds much better than mine :-) x
My OH gets stroppy with things like that too, in fact sometimes I think he acts more hormonal than me haha! It's definitely best just to keep out of their way! Xxx

I'm joining tomorrow, due 29th september team blue :) xx
I can't believe nearly all the September mummies are over here now! Welcome aboard Amy and congratulations xx
How exciting that that's nearly all the September mummies!!

We are staying with my Nan is Bath this weekend. It's a 5 hour drive from our house and the car journey yesterday was a killer!! My back was killing and we had several wee stops on the way haha. Went shopping today and bought a lovely maxi dress, it's not a maternity one but clings nicely to my bump and best of all, was reduced from £180 to £35! Love a bargain!!

Hope you're all having a fun Saturday x

I'm joining tomorrow, due 29th september team blue :) xx

Added you :) can't believe we're all nearly here now, can't wait until the September labour threads start :) xxx
Ohhh girls your making me so jealous, leg plans sounds like the most fun, and even ikea sounds like a good day out :-) I'm in college till tomorrow, people are noisy and I slept rubbish last night. Home time tomorrow though! (After a whoooole 2 nights away!!!)

Welcome to all the September mummies recently joined :-) xxx
I still can't believe how many yellow there are! Got major heartburn tonight :-( xx
Not touching it Tigger :-( just hope it doesn't have me up in the night again x
Not touching it Tigger :-( just hope it doesn't have me up in the night again x
My heartburns been getting worse- his head is right up under my ribs! Drinking gallons of milk!
Only 19 working days left until i start my leave, I have a months annual leave before my mat leave starts - can not wait!! When is everyone else finishing?
I made my maternity leave earlier today so leaving 5th August then have all this years holiday to take before maternity actually starts on 11th sept. Ill be 33 weeks when I finish. Only 4 more Mondays ..... Xx
I'm finishing on 2 Aug, I'll be 34+5. Really looking forward to,it now. Every week gets harder x
Ellie I'm the same as you got 5 weeks annual
Leave to take so I finish on 26th July!! cannot wait now its all so exciting reading all these labour threads cannot wait until its time for us September mums to get going :)

not that long now is it?

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