This morning I was a rebel ... Luckily husband at work so he cannot kill me lol.
I was getting annoyed with the nursery because it looks like a dumping ground ... One full of baby stuff to be fair ... But there is boxes of baby clothes from 3mnths to 24 months that need to go back in the loft. Then there is a bag of baby toys that ideally needs a basket to go in and be wiped down. Then there is a bag of baby clothes for charity that I have chosen not to reuse, a couple of bin bags, an unbuilt cot and various other stuff that ideally needs to go in the lounge but that isn't decorated yet ... Oh and my wedding dress
So Chris went to work and took Liam to nursery, I made space and built the 2nd cot

... Then rearranged some bits so I could put the baby bath unit in front of the window, got the bedding out ready, and made it. I can at least get in the door lol.
Then I was going through the bag with the steriliser in and decided the steriliser was too disgusting and had a little bit of mould from being stored in the loft in our old house ... So I bought a new one
Then I had to go back to bed for 2 hours because I made myself feel ill
Chris has moaned about the steriliser as we could clean it up ... Probably could but my baby brain decided it was too disgusting to do lol
Need to stop having outbursts of doing things I shouldn't though it's not good for me.
Also last night ... Sorry TMI lol ... I was asking Chris to check my tummy to see if it was bleeding where it felt like it was splitting and he made a comment on how hairy it had got down there ... My response was I cannot see or reach down there to maintain (not that he cares ... But I do) so he went and got a towel and gave me a trim ... I wasn't sure where to look lol.
Bless his cottons x