***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Yes I am - well it's something I got second hand from the local buy and sell site, a peppa pig campervan with the family inside. Millie is in love with peppa pig and has the house but no mummy and daddy pig and no George, just peppa and some of the friends, so think it will go down well.

Going to take millie shopping at some point and let her pick out a soft toy for her to give the baby. Xxx
Ah I'm starting to feel bored now. Time feels like it's going slowly again! Xx
That sounds like a lovely pressie Naomi xx
I wish time would stand still a little, just feel like it's flying in and I've not had the chance to rest yet :-( there's always something to do xx
That does sound like a good present, Chris wants to get Liam a train set I think, but he hadn't done yet

I'm happy for time to fly now, even if it's just for a week so I know or have more of a clue as to what's happening :), going to make sure I have everything sorted for this time next week too just in case.

My lounge is coming along too now, I have a better feeling that it will be done before babies arrive :)

Coping with the pains better today after some sleep ... They haven't eased though ... Knowing me I will start ignoring any pains I have now and not go in when I need to

Who finishes work next? X

Ahh MrsB glad you're feeling a bit better. Must be tough with two wrigglers in there. Gorgeous pram!!

It's a great idea to get pressies to the other siblings. I bought my best friends son a pressie when she had her little girl a year ago today in fact. Help them not feel left out.

I won't finish work til Sept. Maybe 7th or 14th. Due 21st!

Thinking seriously about home birth now... Anyone got any thoughts on it?

Ooh I know someone who had a home birth, if there are no risks and baby is in a good position I think it's great

Still in agony but I'm coping better with it :)

September is only a few weeks away :) x

I finish work on Friday this week. It's two and a half weeks annual leave and then mat leave but I'm so ready for it. Don't think I'll last a month after I finish. Fully expect him to come by the August bank holiday lol.

DsS is going to be ten in the middle of September so he's going to be a bit spoiled anyway after problems he had at school last year meant his 9th birthday was abit of a non event. He was repeatedly excluded for poor behaviour which we now know was due to frontal lobe epilepsy and is now well controlled by medication.

So, bit of a combined present potential... though he's just very excited to finally have a sibling and likes knowing he should have a brother by his birthday.... Though at last resort induction if over 12 days late would be after his birthday as it's ten days after due date!
Dammit just wrote a long reply and it didn't send.... grrr!!!

I am supposed to be finishing work on the 7th September but may bring it forward to the week before depending on when I am being induced. So either 6 or 7 weeks left in work. Want to be finished now!!!!

Train sounds like a lovely pressie Caroline. And fab that the lounge should be finished too :-)

Catherine a friend of mine had a home birth and she absolutely raves about it. Think it must be lovely to be in your own surroundings and be able to get into your own bed after its done.

Lander sorry to hear your DS went through such a tough time. What an exciting birthday present for him though!!!
Aww bless him, glad it is all under control now :), did school apologise for his punishments after he was diagnosed?

Bright spark here decided I was dehydrated after hospital trip so I have drank quite a fair bit today, needed to pee loads which I can handle lol but clearly needed the drink ... These 2 have woke up and my god I think I will have internal bruising tomorrow, whichever side I lie on is being well and truly battered lol

I don't think I will make to the end of August either as I was told I won't go past 38 weeks which is 31st August

I'm also not technically on mat leave until 1st August :) did the same as you and took annual leave :)

I keep finding little fresh scabs on my stretch marks not sure if I have scratched my tummy or of my skin has split ... Any knowledge etc welcome on that one.

One of my dogs has just decided the folded up duvet on a box in the bedroom makes a great bed ... Bless him :) x
Dammit just wrote a long reply and it didn't send.... grrr!!!

I am supposed to be finishing work on the 7th September but may bring it forward to the week before depending on when I am being induced. So either 6 or 7 weeks left in work. Want to be finished now!!!!

Train sounds like a lovely pressie Caroline. And fab that the lounge should be finished too :-)

Catherine a friend of mine had a home birth and she absolutely raves about it. Think it must be lovely to be in your own surroundings and be able to get into your own bed after its done.

Lander sorry to hear your DS went through such a tough time. What an exciting birthday present for him though!!!

That happened to me the other day lol, also it's a good idea to finish a week earlier if you are struggling plus you will have a little more time to relax before baby x
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My boobs have started aching, I'm assuming it's just hormones and filling with milk, anybody else have this symptom?

Also I have prepared for them with a lot of up to 1 month stuff, I was wondering if it was worth buying some tiny baby stuff like up to 7lbs, just in case I do have to have them after the 34 week scan, I would know if I am in just over a week, so if I buy them and don't touch them I could always return them ... What would you ladies do? X
Hi all.. Been away from the forum for ages. Sorry!

Hope everyone's pregnancy is going well. Countdown is well and truly on now! 4 more weeks left of work. Got a scan in 2 weeks to find out if placenta has moved (please God!). Have suffered bad pelvic pain and back ache/sciatica but past few days it's been fine and i've had loads of energy again!
Ahh MrsB glad you're feeling a bit better. Must be tough with two wrigglers in there. Gorgeous pram!!

It's a great idea to get pressies to the other siblings. I bought my best friends son a pressie when she had her little girl a year ago today in fact. Help them not feel left out.

I won't finish work til Sept. Maybe 7th or 14th. Due 21st!

Thinking seriously about home birth now... Anyone got any thoughts on it?


Go for it! If you're a low risk pregnancy it sounds lovely xx

My boobs have started aching, I'm assuming it's just hormones and filling with milk, anybody else have this symptom?

Also I have prepared for them with a lot of up to 1 month stuff, I was wondering if it was worth buying some tiny baby stuff like up to 7lbs, just in case I do have to have them after the 34 week scan, I would know if I am in just over a week, so if I buy them and don't touch them I could always return them ... What would you ladies do? X

Mine are starting to get a tiny bit tender at the sides.
I've got 3 vests and 3 babygrows in tiny baby size just in case, might need to get more if the first size (up to 9lbs) look massive on him, if he keeps on track with his weight gain so far then he should be around 7/7.5lbs but will obviously lose some of that birth weight.

Hi all.. Been away from the forum for ages. Sorry!

Hope everyone's pregnancy is going well. Countdown is well and truly on now! 4 more weeks left of work. Got a scan in 2 weeks to find out if placenta has moved (please God!). Have suffered bad pelvic pain and back ache/sciatica but past few days it's been fine and i've had loads of energy again!

Lovely to see you back, I'm suffering with bad pelvic pain as well, can hardly walk some days!
Hope your placenta has moved for you xx

Today for me mainly consists of washing more of baby's things, DH back to work today after 18 days annual leave so looking forward to having some peace around the house just plodding through the day on my own :-)
Yeh sounds like your colostrum is coming in Caroline. Mine are ok at the moment but I remember them aching last time around the 34 week point.

Hmm I might be tempted to get one tiny baby outfit for each of them and then if you go next week and they say they're going to induce you or give you a section you can send hubby out for more?

Hi Yess - that's great that you're feeling a bit better with more energy etc.

Sat outside work trying to gather up the motivation to go in! Xxx
Aww I swear you do that every Monday morning Naomi :)

Hi yess, sorry to hear you have had pains but glad they have eased, fingers crossed your placenta has moved.

Karen, washing baby things is fun :) I've washed all of ours now, just sorting last few bits of stuff like putting curtains up.

I can't remember when my boobs started hurting last time

Was crying earlier from my pains and Liam became the best medicine ever, he gave me hug and told me I was supermum and he was superliam :) x

Haha Caroline you are probably right ;-) ;-)

That is so sweet about Liam - it's made me well up! Bless his little heart. Kids can be proper cuties eh :-) I'm missing millie today, wishing I was home with her instead of stuck in the office. Time is going sooo slowly! Xxx
Not good about the pains though... hope they ease for you soon xxx
Do you not have any annual leave you can take before may leave them you could have some quality time with Millie :)

He is a cutie and then he gets over tired and a monster child takes over lol.

Pains aren't easing but they aren't getting worse which is good. Is it bad that I'm hoping my next scan makes me have them sooner? X
Noo not bad at all, I would be the same if I was carrying two!! Hopefully you will at least get a date at your next appointment so you've got something to count down to. And hopefully they will confirm the c section.

I've got two 2 day weeks between now and when I finish so will have some nice time with millie then :-) both are at the end of august which sounds ages away but which is actually only a few weeks away now. So I've got 4 full weeks, two short weeks and then maybe one last full week beginning of September depending on if I last out that long. Xxx
Feel less guilty now you said that :)

At least you have some short weeks go look forward to. Are they still saying you are measuring big? Do you kno if they will let you go naturally?

I have just learnt that our local carvery is doing breakfast with peppa every Saturday through August x

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