***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Aww bless him, glad it is all under control now :), did school apologise for his punishments after he was diagnosed?

Um, no funnily enough... They're useless. On at least two occasions he was told off for 'acting up' in assembly, both occasions he was actually having seizures, they're just not the typical collapses people expect with epilepsy.
I think baby has just about started to engage... He seems to have dropped a bit bump-wise and I've felt different pressures on my bladder and in my pelvis today. He's also resting on my thighs more now than before as well... Thank god I finish his week!
Aww the poor guy, that school needs a slap if they cannot even apologise. What did his seizures do then? X
I think baby has just about started to engage... He seems to have dropped a bit bump-wise and I've felt different pressures on my bladder and in my pelvis today. He's also resting on my thighs more now than before as well... Thank god I finish his week!

Now that sounds exciting :)

Got to love a bit of progress x
Aww the poor guy, that school needs a slap if they cannot even apologise. What did his seizures do then? X

He'd tense up all over, sort of huff breathing, he'd stare off, go really round eyed and have some pupil dilation, clench his fists up, often to his chest (on one other occasion it was whilst holding a bit of 'pretty glass' he'd picked up and it cut his hand, he didn't even have a pain reflex response and drop it when it hurt etc). He'd look a bit like he was hyper-ventilating or having a panic attack.

Christ knows what the school thought was happening, it took us almost four months to establish that it was likely to be something epileptic, DH's ex-MiL put the 'anxiety attack' idea in his and his mum's head and DH thought he might be putting it on for a while, but I pointed out that he was doing it in his sleep as well, not put on.

I had to make DH watch videos of children having absence seizures on YouTube (formally known as petit mal seizures) to make him see how similar some of it was. But from seeing GP to diagnosis & medication after that, took from end of Oct '15 to beginning of Mar '16. :wall:

At least the consultant who saw him two months after the GP referred him had the decency to apologise for the delay, that referral should, by NICE guidelines, take a fortnight.
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But even if it was anxiety attacks, which you can see the resemblance ... School should not punish for that.

At least he's controlled though now :)

My cousins daughter had about 30-40 seizures a day but whenever she took to the hospital or GP it never happened so she filmed it happen and documented all the times etc to make them believe her it took well over a year to diagnose her with epilepsy x
But even if it was anxiety attacks, which you can see the resemblance ... School should not punish for that.

At least he's controlled though now :)

My cousins daughter had about 30-40 seizures a day but whenever she took to the hospital or GP it never happened so she filmed it happen and documented all the times etc to make them believe her it took well over a year to diagnose her with epilepsy x

Yeah, we kept a diary, certain times and triggers etc and DH managed to get a couple of good videos, as we knew he was always likely to have one during dinner.
At least you were able to do that :)

Still shocked at the school though x
This morning I was a rebel ... Luckily husband at work so he cannot kill me lol.

I was getting annoyed with the nursery because it looks like a dumping ground ... One full of baby stuff to be fair ... But there is boxes of baby clothes from 3mnths to 24 months that need to go back in the loft. Then there is a bag of baby toys that ideally needs a basket to go in and be wiped down. Then there is a bag of baby clothes for charity that I have chosen not to reuse, a couple of bin bags, an unbuilt cot and various other stuff that ideally needs to go in the lounge but that isn't decorated yet ... Oh and my wedding dress

So Chris went to work and took Liam to nursery, I made space and built the 2nd cot :) ... Then rearranged some bits so I could put the baby bath unit in front of the window, got the bedding out ready, and made it. I can at least get in the door lol.

Then I was going through the bag with the steriliser in and decided the steriliser was too disgusting and had a little bit of mould from being stored in the loft in our old house ... So I bought a new one

Then I had to go back to bed for 2 hours because I made myself feel ill :(

Chris has moaned about the steriliser as we could clean it up ... Probably could but my baby brain decided it was too disgusting to do lol

Need to stop having outbursts of doing things I shouldn't though it's not good for me.

Also last night ... Sorry TMI lol ... I was asking Chris to check my tummy to see if it was bleeding where it felt like it was splitting and he made a comment on how hairy it had got down there ... My response was I cannot see or reach down there to maintain (not that he cares ... But I do) so he went and got a towel and gave me a trim ... I wasn't sure where to look lol.
Bless his cottons x
Wow, I'm impressed you managed to get all that done by 11.20 :lol:
Please take it easy and don't over do it xx
I'm still sorting myself out in the lady garden department, no idea what it looks like though cos I'm doing it blind :blush: I've got some removal cream that I'll use nearer the time to try and have it looking it's best for the hospital :lol:
I learned my lesson this morning, I've suffered all day from it, but it is a job done :)

I was trying to keep on top of down there but I couldn't see or reach etc so ended up letting it grow :( ... Got no excuses now as Chris will do it for me haha

Got my mum painting my toes for me in a big and then the dentist :(

I'm trying to not leave anything to chance especially if they decide I am having them next week. There is nothing left to buy now apart from blinds but we have curtains anyway so now it's just a case of making sure everything is ready.

What do you have left to do? X

I've just got to build the cot, crib and pram and pack the bags for hospital. All the bedding is washed and all the clothes up to 3 months is washed, got the bigger clothes to wash but no rush for that.
Do you think you'll be having the boys next week then?
Wow... I haven't been on in a bit so just catching up on all the conversation.

We are all so close to our due date now... it's so exciting.

I spent last night in the labour ward. I finished work at 10.00pm yesterday and when I came home I had a searing pain right in the middle of my back which was travelling across the top of my bump too. I persevered until about 3am but during that time I was pacing and being sick due to the pain. Husband was great and I tried a hot water bottle, paracetamol before he gave the labour ward a phone and they asked me to come in.

When I went in they strapped me to the monitor and Baby seemed very happy but it was showing I was having some contractions so they said it was possible I was in early labour. They checked my cervix and it was still closed so that ruled our early labour.
In the end, it was decided it may just be the way the baby was lying (possibly on a nerve) that was giving me so much discomfort.

We got home at about 5.30am this morning with painkillers and paracetamol and they have just started kicking in. The pain was absolutely awful and I normally have a high pain threshold.

I had to take today off work and I'll probably take tomorrow off too to catch up on sleep. I work as a gym instructor and I'm still cleaning/hoovering the gym at the end of the night so I think last night was just a warning to maybe start slowing down a bit now (only 8 working days left until maternity now anyway!)

The doctors/midwives were lovely last night. I was going to be sick and DH was running around trying to find a sick bowl but brought over a big metal bowl... the midwife was impressed haha she said "that's usually used to catch placentas' but sick is fine too" haha.
Oh gosh DeeAtk what a stressful time! Sounds painful too but glad the tablets are starting to help. I keep wondering if any of us are going to go quite early - when I was pregnant with millie there were a few girls on the thread who gave birth in the late 20s weeks but our little ones have all held on so far!

Baby has been moving loads today but it's been a bit uncomfortable. Work went sooo slowly too!! I swear the closer my due date gets the slower time seems to be going!

I've about 70% packed my hospital bag now. Got a few more bits to pack for the baby and need to get the bedding washed for when we get home. And got a few more items left to pack for myself but most of those are last minute bits that I will chuck in just before we leave. Got a main bag and changing bag, and then an extra bag with additional stuff for if I'm in longer.

Caroline you make sure you don't over do it too much lovely! Xxx
Oh and I dread to think what my lady garden looks like! Going to try and start pruning it a bit at the weekend haha xxx
I've just got to build the cot, crib and pram and pack the bags for hospital. All the bedding is washed and all the clothes up to 3 months is washed, got the bigger clothes to wash but no rush for that.
Do you think you'll be having the boys next week then?

I won't object if they tell me too lol, it depends on twin 2s growth mainly, I also need to finish packing the hospital bag x

OMG deeatk hope you are ok, it sucks when you get terrible pains doesn't it

Not long left in work for you now x

You sound like you are on top of it Naomi, I'm glad we are all in the 30s though at least when we have them there will be a lot less risk and more likely to be home not long after :) ... Cannot believe I'm 33 weeks today

I am taking it easy from now on :) x
How scary for you Dee, hope the pains are gone for you now xx

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