***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

MrsB you're very bad!! Take it easy. Your boys will be here soon and then you will be kept busy! So enjoy the calm. Easier said than done tbf wheb you can see a pile of stuff to be done!

Dee sounds like you've been through it :-( glad it's not early labour and good to see you're taking a couple of days. Hope you feel better soon.

Naomi i agree it's going slowly now!! Dragged to 12 weeks, rushed to 30 weeks and now slowed down again. I think it's because I want to be on mat leave lol.

Off to the Netherlands on Saturday via Brussels for a wedding. Excited for our last trip as the two of us!

Also booked a home birth! We live 7 minutes from the hospital and I'm low risk so hoping will be ok! Midwife said I can change my mind at any time. She's doing a homevisit a week tues to check it will be ok.

Oh wow I want to hear all about your home birth after the event :)

We live about 40 minutes from the hospital and I'm high risk, plus it's going to be a section I'm 99.9% sure lol

Are you just away for the weekend?

I'm being good today, I slept til 11 as I didn't sleep well last night due to being uncomfortable and in pain (not labour style pains unfortunately) all I have done is washed some pots from the abundance of drinks I have in the night, receive my parcel with my bottle drainer and new steriliser in. Bought the bottle prep machine down to the kitchen to set up and was about to wash bottles (just incase needed next week) then my mum invited me round for lunch and picked me up and I have done nothing since :)

Question to everyone and I'm sorry if it's TMI, I've started discharging a bright white mucus is that normal? X

Nice to catch up with how people are.
Just been to midwife and BB is now transverse and swapping between breech and transverse.
She said 2 weeks and it's decision time. She also said I am above normal size wise and no signs of gestational diabetes, so at my consultant appointment I am going to have to have a scan for size. I get freaked out at the tiniest thing!
If I have to have a c section, I am sure it will be fine, but you get ideas in your head and then they all go to pots! Fx BB moves in time and that the measurements are just because of position of baby.
Arg. Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of pain! Haha. Love it really and as long as I get to meet my baby, I'll be happy whatever way it arrives.
Still worry about movements too as we don't seem to have a pattern. Feel it every day, but go through periods in the day with no movements and panic every time. Luckily have finished work until end of maternity leave, so know I am lucky there, but wish I could just relax and know that baby is ok.
Anyone else worrying about movements? I have been into DAU 5 times now, maybe 6! Xxx
Hope everyone is ok.
Don't get freaked out about the measurements, wait until you have your scan it's more accurate. I'm measuring 39 weeks (way above 90th centile) by the midwives but I've had 3 growth scans so far and baby is following the 50th centile!
I think we all worry to some degree about movements, I find it's very dependant on what I'm doing. Sometimes I don't feel him but I can see my bump moving!
Glad to hear you've had a calmer day MrsB!
As for mucus I have definitely had more discharge since joining tri3. It sounds normal to me but maybe ask your mw if there's lots?
I'm away from sat for 10 days! So back on minday 8th august. We are prepared it will be a different type of holiday. Not as much walking as we normally do. Just looking forward to a break together.

I always freak aboit movement. Barely feel mine sometimes. Mine has never really been very active. Hoping this means it'll be a placid baby. Haha.

Also measurements are such a funny thing. My mw looked at ne yesterday and said I looked small and may not be able to have a home birth. Thrn she plotted my measurements and I was on the top of the centiles!! I take it all with a pinch if salt

Aww Siamesecatlady, I had my hopes up for natural delivery but these 2 had other ideas so I have mentally prepared myself for a section and that is how I shall be delivering ... I had an anaesthetic appointment and she went through all of the options etc which reassured me a great deal. She said that a planned section is better than an emergency one as a spinal block is better than an epidural. And recovery time isn't too bad, should be up on feet by the end of the day or the day after depending when it is done.

Also we all worry about silly little things, I'm shocking for it lol, but it's natural as we want to protect our babies with our entire beings :) you are doing right though to get checked on movements.

Measurements also aren't accurate they are there for a very good reason etc but they are never spot on but if baby is poking out or lay funny it can alter the measurements slightly.

10 days is a good getaway Aragon.

I'm at the mw on Monday then extra growth scan Tuesday and consultant, if I'm still discharging I will ask the mw X
Don't get freaked out about the measurements, wait until you have your scan it's more accurate. I'm measuring 39 weeks (way above 90th centile) by the midwives but I've had 3 growth scans so far and baby is following the 50th centile!
I think we all worry to some degree about movements, I find it's very dependant on what I'm doing. Sometimes I don't feel him but I can see my bump moving!

Thanks, scn. That's really helpful. MW said don't worry, but talked lots about Caesarian which did make me worry as it's something I would like to avoid if possible! Oh well. It's not within my control. Yes, sometimes I don't feel anything but see tummy moving, but sometimes I don't feel or see a thing then suddenly will feel or see him/her. Wish I had a pattern to follow. Do you have a pattern?

Just get so over worried, it's silly. Just so desperate for this baby, I can't help feeling that something bad will happen. I feel ungrateful, but I love my baby so much😭😭😭
Hopefully only six weeks to go...
Aww Siamesecatlady, I had my hopes up for natural delivery but these 2 had other ideas so I have mentally prepared myself for a section and that is how I shall be delivering ... I had an anaesthetic appointment and she went through all of the options etc which reassured me a great deal. She said that a planned section is better than an emergency one as a spinal block is better than an epidural. And recovery time isn't too bad, should be up on feet by the end of the day or the day after depending when it is done.

Also we all worry about silly little things, I'm shocking for it lol, but it's natural as we want to protect our babies with our entire beings :) you are doing right though to get checked on movements.

Measurements also aren't accurate they are there for a very good reason etc but they are never spot on but if baby is poking out or lay funny it can alter the measurements slightly.

10 days is a good getaway Aragon.

I'm at the mw on Monday then extra growth scan Tuesday and consultant, if I'm still discharging I will ask the mw X

Thanks, MrsB.
Yes, I think I just would need a bit of time to get used to the idea of c section, if it happens. Going to try more spinning babies exercises and try to get it moving and hope that we don't have an issue with size.

I just get to the point that I want it to move all the time and my brain tells me it should be even though I know it's now having REM sleep so will stop for short periods.

You'll be great with the c section. Sounds like you're coping amazingly well with your double 'load' and you've been through a lot with it all! Sounds like it's exactly the right choice for you. If it is for me, I will cope with it. As I say, as long as we have our babies at the end.... Xxxx
I don't really have a lot of choice as they are currently both footling breech.
I just figured if I make the decision and ask for it I have time to mentally prepare ... Absolutely dreading it but it means I will have a date to countdown to and know what is going on etc

At the end of the day we all want our babies here as safe as possible x
I don't really have a lot of choice as they are currently both footling breech.
I just figured if I make the decision and ask for it I have time to mentally prepare ... Absolutely dreading it but it means I will have a date to countdown to and know what is going on etc

At the end of the day we all want our babies here as safe as possible x

Yes. I understand you wouldn't choose it. I will mentally prepare if it comes to it. Xx
Also when you have your baby in your arms I bet you don't care how they got there ... I feel as though I'm going to miss out on the whole labour thing though x
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Yes. I won't care afterwards, I know! I think I am worried about the missing out on labour and, although I know it's stupid, I have my heart set on September baby! So stupid, as it won't make a difference, but psychologically pregnancy is making me even worse than normal anxiety wise! An August baby will be just as beautiful and amazing, i know! Need to give myself a good talking to.... ��
Haha you sound just like me, my husband really wanted a September baby so we planned for it so didn't start trying until it would be a September one ... That worked out so we was over the moon, then it backfired as it was twins so it was more than likely going to be August, but to be honest I'm being blessed with twins so I cannot complain x
Haha. You can complain to me anytime! I understand! Having twins must be amazing, but incredibly tough on your body, but as you make clear every time I see you post, you love them to bits and feel lucky to have them. It's the same with all of us. We love our babies so much but it's not easy being pregnant!
I really am excited about them but I really don't remember my pregnancy with my son being so painful and uncomfortable. But I am now a bit full of babies lol. I just want to spring out of bed when I need a wee and sleep on my tummy ... It's not a lot to ask :) x
Nice to catch up with how people are.
Just been to midwife and BB is now transverse and swapping between breech and transverse.
She said 2 weeks and it's decision time. She also said I am above normal size wise and no signs of gestational diabetes, so at my consultant appointment I am going to have to have a scan for size. I get freaked out at the tiniest thing!
If I have to have a c section, I am sure it will be fine, but you get ideas in your head and then they all go to pots! Fx BB moves in time and that the measurements are just because of position of baby.
Arg. Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of pain! Haha. Love it really and as long as I get to meet my baby, I'll be happy whatever way it arrives.
Still worry about movements too as we don't seem to have a pattern. Feel it every day, but go through periods in the day with no movements and panic every time. Luckily have finished work until end of maternity leave, so know I am lucky there, but wish I could just relax and know that baby is ok.
Anyone else worrying about movements? I have been into DAU 5 times now, maybe 6! Xxx
Hope everyone is ok.

Siamesescatlady sorry you are having a rough patch at the moment I definitely stress over movements to and it's the worst feeling ever. But soon as I get to hospital boom he's moving like crazy. I should have just bought a Doppler :wall2:
My baby was breech for awhile and turned into position at 35w and then all of a sudden during my 36 w ultrasound he flipped and was transverse. Now he was turned head down on Monday and I'm hoping he stays put but evidently he can turn at last minute even though he is over 7lbs.
I wish you well and hope you get the birth you want.
Toni1 fingers crossed he stays put ... maybe he is showing signs of his personality and you are going to have a wild child who will climb on everything :) x
Morning ladies. Sorry was MIA yesterday - have had two really bad nights in a row with millie and feeling like utter death at the moment. Feeling very tearful and over tired today!

Know what you all mean about movement as I start to panic when I haven't felt baby in a while. I don't always feel it so much during work as think I'm distracted by other things.

I am hoping if I have to have a c section that it isnt another emergency one. Don't rate emergency ones as I was so panicked last time plus the epidural didn't numb my one side very well so I felt a lot more than planned. Want to give natural a try but then want the decision to do a c section if necessary to be made early and not in a rush.


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