***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

I know, I have just ran out of faith in the hospital and I feel completely clueless on what is going on with the pregnancy ... It's rubbish, I like things organised and planned ...as we speak the only thing that is planned is that they can't use suction and only senior obstetricians can use forceps if the babies are almost out .... That info is now useless.
Every scenario is running through my head so I can try and be prepared for anything, I'm also fed up of taking paracetamol as they don't do a thing. I'm petrified of my waters breaking ... Although saying that not sure they will with babies positions. And nobody gives me straight answers.

Sorry for the rant/meltdown/outburst ... I'm just tired, grumpy, in pain and fed up x
I'd be feeling like that a bit too after your experience. This is probably pot calling kettle black as I'm a worrier too, but there's no point in wasting energy worrying over hypotheticals. Hopefully babies will come at a point where it is all planned. But if they don't, I am sure the staff at the hospital will step up and everything will be ok. You've had a very long 24 hours and so you're bound to be tired and more near the edge. Best thing to do is to try and sleep and hopefully the pain will have eased when you wake up. If you've got a friend with a bath see if you can pop over tomorrow and use it as that might help too. And maybe book another pregnancy massage xxx
We have a plasterer coming first thing in the morning so Chris is taking me, Liam and the dogs to my mums. I can have a bath there :). i hope I sleep tonight my house is like a kiln x

What I did find odd though, and I don't know a lot about it, a girl was there she was 35 weeks and her waters had gone, so they admitted her but only for 48 hours to see if labour starts, they told her if it doesn't start they will send her home after the 48 hours. I thought that once waters had gone they had to keep you until baby arrives due to risk of infection.

I had my waters broke for me when I had Liam as I was in labour and they were slowing the process, midwife broke them, I went to delivery and had him, I seriously didn't know they could send you home waterless so to speak X
That can't be right??! I'm sure there's a deadline of something like 48 hours to have the baby naturally after your waters break?

And yay for a bath at your mums, that should do you good.

Feels like the baby is trying to push it's way out of my stomach this eve. Xxx
Haha have you gone lobsided?

She didn't sound so confident with what they told her to be fair. She kept questioning it but they fobbed her off. they did a lot of fobbing off last night lol x
Haha a bit - baby is really pushing hard, to the extent that my skin is hurting! Think it might be starting to get cramped in there and baby doesn't like it!!

I hope that girl was ok after... xxx
I've had no space for a while so I can sympathise with you on the skin hurting lol, she seemed relatively calm when they got her a bed, don't think she was impressed though.

Oh I didn't mention ... I was there for 12 hours the only time they offered me a drink as to take pain relief and they didn't offer me food once.

Going to try and get some sleep now I have cooled my bedroom down :) x
Oh I didn't mention ... I was there for 12 hours the only time they offered me a drink as to take pain relief and they didn't offer me food once.

I'd put in a formal complaint to the trust about that if I were you. Stop it happening to other people as well xx
I would but the trust as a whole are crap, I put a formal complaint in to the trust when my grandad died because they failed on many things that it cost his life ... I never received a response or acknowledgement that they had received it
I work for the same trust too so it was easy to find who I had to complain to x
That's awful Caroline :-( surely though that must have meant that they've not followed their own complaints policy? Is there someone higher you could complain to?
Nope, I got the name of the highest person, my boss got the name for me. I swear they are ridiculous x
Maybe someone outside of the trust then? Do they have to answer to somebody? I don't know how it works in the NHS but they should have to answer to someone if they haven't followed their policies and procedures xxx

Got my pram :) x

I'm in love :), just feels big compared to my last one, it's supposed to fit anywhere a wheelchair will fit X

Gorgeous pram! My friends got this one for her twins and it's very comfortable to push and manoeuvre, fits fine when I was pushing it round the shops xx
:) it feels lovely to push without babies in, now I just need my babies here to put in it :) as we all do, anybody else collected theirs yet? X

Yeah I've got mine and everything else in, just need to get building lol
I've almost got everything, need to build the 2nd cot and buy some bedding, also need to collect the 2nd Moses basket from my mums friend other than that I think we are ready. Need to put the last few bits in my hospital bag too.

Is anyone else that has an older child getting them a present from the babies? X


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