***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Yeh sharing is caring and all that ;-)

We've got one although I am so tempted to get a ceiling fan as keep hearing about how great they are...!

Oh no hun try not to let it stress you out. About the twin size or about the iron levels or generally about everything? Sleep deprivation doesnt help - see if you can nap a bit today and just monitor movements like you've been doing. If they go quiet then pop in for an additional bit of monitoring. Xxx
I'm going to get a ceiling fan :)B&Q have a decent one for £25
I have an appointment with the anaesthetic Drs today, do really need a snooze though especially after last night x
Aragon enjoy my OH is dutch :) so my wee man will have to be fluent in dutch too x

Naomi hope your feeling better soon x

Mrs hope the fan helps you sleep x

I had a fan on most of night just a cheapie one sitting on bedside locker silly I didn't think of it yesterday while I sweated like a pig aha this heat is horrible, had MW app yesterday thought I would have to go to fetal assessment again yesterday but the wee shit started moving lastnight I guess the heat has him tired out too :) I had aqua natal this morning it was lovely
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scn where are you hiding I hope all is well x
I'm here! Just had a manic few days and I'm now exhausted, plan on a relaxing day tomorrow xx
We've got a ceiling fan in our bedroom and its smashing ..... can't recommend one enough, we've bought the £25 one from B&Q for baby's room just need to get it fitted.
New washing machine here and fitted ..... can't wait to do a washing tomorrow!!!

Hope you feel better soon Naomi x

Try not to stress MrsB everything will work out fine x
I take it the machine wasn't fixable then?

I sent Chris to Argos he got me a stand up fan for now, will get a ceiling one when we decorate, he wanted one that I could move around the house while I'm pregnant bless him.

You feeling better Naomi?

I'm booked in for a massage on Friday, looking forward to it x
We bought a fan for the bedroom on Sunday so I've coped so far. Have another at my desk at work lol. Went for a float at the pill down the road last night, lovely cool water!

Feet really swollen right now though so have them in a bowl of cold water and Epsom salts. COLD water. Think outside temp is doing a bit here. Hoping for a slightly cooler night!!
We are supposed to have a cooler night too about 17 degrees x
Didn't try to get it fixed in the end just went for a new one xx
Fair enough, it's exciting to have new gadgets anyway :) x
Evening ladies.
sickness seems to have eased a bit thank god, although I passed out this afternoon. Feeling a bit better now it's cooler though.
Not going into work now til next Monday so will have time to get myself feeling better.

Anyone got any nice plans for the rest of the week?

Oh glad your not being sick now, I don't have many plans really, thinking of arranging to collect the pram, going to build the 2nd cot, and make sure the nursery is literally waiting for babies. Chris decided that we need to be completely baby ready by the next scan just in case twin 2 hasn't grown enough. We have a house warming party to attend on Saturday ... I really cba going but it's Chris' brother so I kind of have to ... It's just not fun sitting there uncomfortable like a whale and not drinking with my usual drinking friends, especially when I would rather be sat doing something more comfortable at home. Plus it's an hours drive in the car, Chris won't be able to drink either as he will have to drive and people will want to keep touching my tummy or asking stupid questions ... Talking of driving, I no longer fit behind my steering wheel lol.

What are your plans this week Naomi? X
I'm not keen on socialising at the moment either Caroline. Hope the house party goes ok!

I'm taking millie to the park tomorrow to meet a few other mums. Then in the afternoon want to have a bit of a tidy of the house. Then Friday meeting a friend that I haven't seen in over a year - millie will be coming too so hoping she behaves so we can catch up! Saturday I take millie to a pyjama drama class in the morning, going for a family walk round the local nature reserve in the pm and then we are doing a bbq in the eve because simon is off this weekend. And then doing a house swap Sunday eve with another couple who also have young children - simon goes to there's and the wife comes to ours.

Finding it a bit hard socialising with the GD diet though! And like you having to push myself to do it because really I just want to slob in my pyjamas on the evenings!
Just typed a reply and the Internet switched itself off and it vanished :(

Your week sounds fab .... And very busy

I can't wait until my boys are here as I would love to take Liam to the park but can't physically do anything when I get there ... Feeling guilty and like a bad mum, keep making him promises of all the things we can when his brothers are here and he seems happy with the promises but I just feel mean.

Love my new fan apart fro m I just woke up sweaty and realised Chris had turned it off at some point.

My MiL seems adamant that twin 2 is going to catch up on his growth ... I'm not convinced but she thinks she knows everything there is to know and is usually full of non helpful and unwanted advice lol.

I'm pretty sure when we go to this house party my SiL will fill me with good advice though, she is a GP and tends to share her knowledge with me when she thinks my mind needs putting to rest. And at least I know it's reasonable advice.

Chris wasn't happy yesterday ... He had picked up very quickly that I was stressed out from the scan day etc, and being him, he was trying to cheer me up, but then he went on some rant about the obstetrician we saw who we hadn't seen before, I was almost certain he was going to make a complaint against her ... He said he was getting frustrated with her not listening to me and what my wishes were in regards to the section etc ... It amused me as he is usually very quiet about things like that, he usually keeps his thoughts to himself.

bit jealous of 2 friends (not close ones) one gave birth yesterday and the other friend, her waters broke .... Why is it not us yet?

The house swap thing is that so you can have a boys night and a girls night without having to go out?

Do you not need growth scans if they think you will be having a big baby? And do you have to go for a check up for your GD? I can imagine that not being easy for socialising but at least it isn't a permanent issue :) x
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Gosh Naomi, where do you get the energy to do all those things lol I'm exhausted now after being busy Mon, Tues and Wed, if I had to do anything that involved leaving the house today I think I would have had a crying fit! I'm waiting in for the cot delivery anyway so all good.
Got a washing on in my new machine and I'm so frigging happy (how sad am I lol), you wouldn't even know it is on as it's so quiet.

Does anyone use a rapid 30 minute cycle for their washing (temp 30), I never used it on our clothes with my old machine but I was using it for baby's new things to give them a quick wash and now wondering if it would be OK for our stuff? Would be great to get a load done in 30 minutes!
I use that wash for most things, I use the more intense ones for bedding or really dirty clothes

The cot arriving is exciting x
Do you? That's good to know, might make the switch lol
It saves loads of time and when you have loads to wash which you possibly do from lack of machine lol it makes it worthwhile, if I get behind and the weather is good I can do the majority of my washing in one day :)
Strangely I do actually love my washer, but my older one was awful so probably makes me appreciate it more x
Just typed a reply and the Internet switched itself off and it vanished :(

Your week sounds fab .... And very busy

I can't wait until my boys are here as I would love to take Liam to the park but can't physically do anything when I get there ... Feeling guilty and like a bad mum, keep making him promises of all the things we can when his brothers are here and he seems happy with the promises but I just feel mean.

Love my new fan apart fro m I just woke up sweaty and realised Chris had turned it off at some point.

My MiL seems adamant that twin 2 is going to catch up on his growth ... I'm not convinced but she thinks she knows everything there is to know and is usually full of non helpful and unwanted advice lol.

I'm pretty sure when we go to this house party my SiL will fill me with good advice though, she is a GP and tends to share her knowledge with me when she thinks my mind needs putting to rest. And at least I know it's reasonable advice.

Chris wasn't happy yesterday ... He had picked up very quickly that I was stressed out from the scan day etc, and being him, he was trying to cheer me up, but then he went on some rant about the obstetrician we saw who we hadn't seen before, I was almost certain he was going to make a complaint against her ... He said he was getting frustrated with her not listening to me and what my wishes were in regards to the section etc ... It amused me as he is usually very quiet about things like that, he usually keeps his thoughts to himself.

bit jealous of 2 friends (not close ones) one gave birth yesterday and the other friend, her waters broke .... Why is it not us yet?

The house swap thing is that so you can have a boys night and a girls night without having to go out?

Do you not need growth scans if they think you will be having a big baby? And do you have to go for a check up for your GD? I can imagine that not being easy for socialising but at least it isn't a permanent issue :) x

Argh I've had that happen a few times - it drives me mad! It's always when I've written a really long response too, never when it's just a few words haha.

Aw try not to feel guilty about Liam. You'll have plenty of trips to the park with the double pram in tow soon enough!

Hope your SIL has some good advice for you. That's sweet about Chris too - he sounds quite like my husband - generally stays relatively calm and keeps emotions to himself but is fiercely protective of me and millie and bump when it comes to it.

Yep the house swap is so we can have catch ups without requiring babysitters. Works really well and I get on great with Nik and Simon and Joe have hit it off too, and they live 10 minutes walk away.

Yep had a growth scan at 30 weeks and was measuring pretty much spot on so they think the measurements previously were incorrect. Got another growth scan at 34 weeks, and have meetings about the GD every 2-3 weeks. So everything is being monitored well. I'm losing weight on the diet, although probably not a bad thing as long as baby is still getting what it needs!

Gosh Naomi, where do you get the energy to do all those things lol I'm exhausted now after being busy Mon, Tues and Wed, if I had to do anything that involved leaving the house today I think I would have had a crying fit! I'm waiting in for the cot delivery anyway so all good.
Got a washing on in my new machine and I'm so frigging happy (how sad am I lol), you wouldn't even know it is on as it's so quiet.

Does anyone use a rapid 30 minute cycle for their washing (temp 30), I never used it on our clothes with my old machine but I was using it for baby's new things to give them a quick wash and now wondering if it would be OK for our stuff? Would be great to get a load done in 30 minutes!

I pretty much always use the speed wash for millies clothes. I usually have to presoak and scrub stuff in the sink because she's such a mucky pup so the 30 min option does the job to finish things off.

And haha energy is rapidly depleting now! Can definitely feel myself getting tired more quickly but millie goes stir crazy in the house and is generally easier to manage if we are out and about so I force myself! Xxx
I always use 30 min wash. Anything really bad gets soak and stain remover first if needed.

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