***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

There is nothing wrong with losing weight :) ... I've lost weight yet theses 2 are still growing :) just mean baby weight will be easier to get off when it's not there :).
They are good at keeping an eye on you then, and it's only a couple of weeks to your next scan :) ... It still amazes me how fast we got to the 30+ weeks.
Husbands on a mission apparently for getting the house baby ready, managed to get us a plasterer for Sunday for our lounge, wants to buy all the last bits too ... Not that there is much lol
I also get to pick my pram up on Saturday which I'm excited about :).
Having a bad day today, felt ill all day :(
You been sick today? X
Yeh - I wanted to lose about two stone before getting pregnant but that didn't happen, so at least I will be on my way to achieving that once baby is here. Hoping through walks and through continuing to reduce sugar intake (although not quite as restrictive as this diet has been!) that I will lose it fairly easily and keep it off. I'm actually finding the GD diet in the main quite easy - if I just have the occasional treat afterwards I think I could stick to it long term as I'm not ever feeling hungry on it. Always done super restrictive diets in the past where I've cut out carbs completely etc etc which isn't good and so the weight has piled back on afterwards.

Yeh in some ways time is dragging but in other ways it seems like only a week or so ago that I went for the 20 week scan. When I think about the fact that I've got 7 weeks max left, it's a bit like oh my god!

Exciting about the pram :-) I'm getting the baby clothes down from the loft this weekend so I can work out what I need. Will do majority of buying once baby is here though and I know gender. We've got our buggy board with the seat now so going to have a go at fitting that to the pram in the next couple of weeks so that everything is set up ready :-) need to wash the car seat insert too as that's been in the attic since millie was in it.

Oh no sorry you had a bad day Caroline. Are you feeling any better today? I was sick a handful of times yesterday but not as bad as the day before. Think millie kept me distracted!

I was sick this morning but feel loads better since.

Just been for a massage and that was very relaxing :).

I really enjoyed washing baby clothes :)

You will lose 2 stone easily I think once you have had baby, glad the diet is easy to follow though :!

What seat thing did you get? And how much did you pay? I've been looking into them for Liam but don't know what to get

Sorry you are still being sick

Be careful washing your car seat, I did ours and it ended up with white marks on it from the soap, the marks came out with baby wipes though x
Glad you're feeling a bit better :-)

Oo lovely about the massage, just what the doctor ordered! I'm planning a lovely spa morning after baby is born - going to look around for a groupon deal I think.

Can't wait to get the baby clothes down. I know we had a fair few bits that were neutral. Going to wash the girls stuff too in case it's a girl :-)

Yeh hoping the 2 stone will come off fairly easily. I'd like to lose a little more if possible but going to try not to put too much pressure on myself. Never lost much weight after millie and just kept gaining it but this time I know I'm not having any more children so want to get back to a size I am happy with.

Mee-Go Sit N Ride Universal Buggy Ride On Board with Seat & Steering Wheel to fit All Pushchairs, Prams and Strollers https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01AGJUIR4/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_sGFKxb6ZA7EP1

That's the one I went for. Had a friend recommend it and I am hoping millie will sit in it ok. She's not one for sitting in a pushchair so there was no point in me getting a double buggy.

Bit pricey but as I'm not getting a new pram figured it would be worth it!

Eek thanks for the heads up on the car seat! Xxx
Shall have to do some research make sure it will fit onto my new pram :)

I think when I have had these I will be about 1.5 stone lighter, going to do my best to lose another stone and maintain, I'm also not having anymore after these lol ... I think 3 is enough :)

Good idea washing the girls clothes just incase at least if it is a girl you will be able to dress her, I'm excited to find out what you have :) wish I had the patience to of been team yellow x
Haha yes you will more than have your hands full with 3 under 3!!!

Eek yes I'm excited to find out now, starting to feel impatient but glad we held out! Won't be long now. I'm still really on the fence. Was thinking girl for a while but then a lot of people have said they think I'm having a boy so I don't know really!

It would be hard to guess too as I know mine are all boys but the only similarity in pregnancies is that I have a pure frontal bump and don't look pregnant from the back

I'm not a believer in the carrying low it must be a girl etc but it will be a nice surprise to find out though x
Sorry you ladies have been sick :-(
I've got a horrid cold that has gone onto my chest. Feel totally bluerghhh and so happy it's Friday!!

MrsB i have met a lady with twins through a local antenatal class and her waters broke just 2 days ago at 31 weeks!! She had an emergency section and all is well with the babies but they are in ventilators!! Seen a pic and they are gorgeous. Can't believe our babies are that size inside us! Amazing how scrunched up they are

Sorry you ladies have been sick :-(
I've got a horrid cold that has gone onto my chest. Feel totally bluerghhh and so happy it's Friday!!

MrsB i have met a lady with twins through a local antenatal class and her waters broke just 2 days ago at 31 weeks!! She had an emergency section and all is well with the babies but they are in ventilators!! Seen a pic and they are gorgeous. Can't believe our babies are that size inside us! Amazing how scrunched up they are


Aww bless her, we are literally ticking time bombs lol. My last scan was Tuesday and one weighed 4lb and the other 4lb1oz ... So I have a lot of weight to carry around lol. I'm glad they are ok they, I'm sure they won't be in hospital too long.

And yes a 30 min wash is fab :) x
I've been to TGIs celebrating as consultant is happy to have me see midwife for rest of pregnancy. Baby is a bit big but they are happy that it's genetic rather than anything else. Will still have another growth scan at 36 weeks just to check he's still following his own curve on the chart but otherwise all good. Have not gained any further weight either so have to assume he's growing as fast as I'm losing.

She was trying to tell me to make sure I eat and DH was like 'she's eating more than me!!' Lol

Just pleased that I may well be able to use the birth centre without issue. We got a staff privilege mini tour of it today. DH very impressed. Big changes since DsS born on the labour ward ten years ago!
Oh that's fab news, I have zero chance of using the birthing suite. I've just had Chinese at our friends house :) just wish I could fit more food in
Jealous of your TGIs though x
Funny thing is the last two months he's consistently measured about just under two weeks ahead.

At 29 weeks he was measuring 31, at 32+2 he measured 34 weeks and today at 33+2 he measured 35 weeks.

I've had August 26th in my head for a little while now.... I'd be 38+2 on that date so he'd measure..... 40 weeks...

We'll have to wait and see though!
Ooh it's exciting, I wonder how many September mummies will be August, I know I more than likely will be just not sure when ... I cannot wait for us all to start popping :) x
I know, I still haven't quite got my head around the fact that I'm having another baby!! Just been to pyjama drama followed by soft play with mills and saw a newborn at the next table and was like omg!! You forget how little they are. Feeling a mix of excitement and absolute terror at the moment haha!!

Feeling hugely proud of millie today because she did her first two poos ok the potty ever yesterday and then did another one this morning. So think we may have finally cracked it! Yippee! Xxx
It's awesome - we've been going for a few months now and her imagination has come on so much! She loves it :-) xxx
I feel mentally, emotionally and physically drained ... I also keep bursting into tears x
Aw Caroline :-( you're so nearly there now. Push through the next few weeks and then before you know it you'll have your baby boys in your arms. Take it as easy as possible xxx

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