***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Congrats Rhelen and bobby! Really can't believe how many boys have been born, I was convinced Polly was about!
Sansk Bowie is lovely

Lil miss lee congrats jaxon is a lovely chunk :)

RRS I'm so glad polly is home :)

Sorry I have been quiet ladies ... the cold we thought Robert had caught turned out to be bronchiolitis :( so we have had 2 nights in hospital and an NG tube to feed him, waiting to be discharged now x

Thank you! Sorry tube had a hospital stay, I know all about NG tubes now :-( hope he's better, discharge takes forever doesn't it?!
Congratulations new September mums, I'm still waiting, so officially I'm an October mum now. Sooo impatient!
Sansk Bowie is lovely

Lil miss lee congrats jaxon is a lovely chunk :)

RRS I'm so glad polly is home :)

Sorry I have been quiet ladies ... the cold we thought Robert had caught turned out to be bronchiolitis :( so we have had 2 nights in hospital and an NG tube to feed him, waiting to be discharged now x

Sorry to hear you have had a rough time, I take it he's doing better now?
Aww MrsB, hope he's on the mend now, bless him xx

Congrats on your boys rhelen and Bobby ..... so many boys!!!

Hopefully won't be long now for you redhead xx
Congrats Bobby and rhelan :), hope your tears heal well, go to the body shop when you get chance and ask for tea tree oil for the bath ... It works wonders

We got discharged this morning and returned home to Thomas with a cough and cold :( don't think he has bronchiolitis like Robert but the pair of them are coughing and spluttering and having vomitting competitions lol.

Redhead, I'm sure your baby will be here soon X
Sansk Bowie is lovely

Lil miss lee congrats jaxon is a lovely chunk :)

RRS I'm so glad polly is home :)

Sorry I have been quiet ladies ... the cold we thought Robert had caught turned out to be bronchiolitis :( so we have had 2 nights in hospital and an NG tube to feed him, waiting to be discharged now x

Thank you! Sorry tube had a hospital stay, I know all about NG tubes now :-( hope he's better, discharge takes forever doesn't it?!

I don't think they like to discharge people lol, it was ridiculous x
Congrats Bobby! Congrats Rhelen!

I used arnica oil and tablets for my 2nd degree tear. We were dtding 4w pp :lol: good as new.

I'm couple days out from due date. At the very latest he will be here 15th..

So yesterday I went home with Robert and today I am back in with Thomas ... I may as well move in to the children's ward at this rate x

Oh MrsB I am so sorry! It's so terribly distressing when your kids are sick, and when it's your little baby it can feel downright traumatizing. Are they still nursing/feeding ok? I hope everyone is 100% better soon!

I love fall/holiday time but I sure hate it has to bring with it so many viruses. I feel like my kids are sick 80% of the time between October and April. It's awful. And so scary with a newborn in the house!
Oh MrsB I am so sorry! It's so terribly distressing when your kids are sick, and when it's your little baby it can feel downright traumatizing. Are they still nursing/feeding ok? I hope everyone is 100% better soon!

I love fall/holiday time but I sure hate it has to bring with it so many viruses. I feel like my kids are sick 80% of the time between October and April. It's awful. And so scary with a newborn in the house!

Robert is now on the mend so his appetite has returned but he was being fed through an NG tube, Thomas is currently being fed through an NG tube and on oxygen.
Apparently it's the start of the season for all these viruses and there is nothing we can do to prevent it really. I'm hoping Thomas recovers as quick as Robert did, I just want us all to be at home together x

Yeah once you have older siblings in the house all you can do is make them wash hands (and I have my daughter change her clothes as soon as she comes home from school) and hope baby gets your antibodies from breast milk. My daughter didn't get sick until she was 10 months old but my son had viruses a lot from almost day 1. I'm so sorry your baby boys are sick and hope they're home and well very soon.

Next time I'm having a Spring baby!!
Yeah once you have older siblings in the house all you can do is make them wash hands (and I have my daughter change her clothes as soon as she comes home from school) and hope baby gets your antibodies from breast milk. My daughter didn't get sick until she was 10 months old but my son had viruses a lot from almost day 1. I'm so sorry your baby boys are sick and hope they're home and well very soon.

Next time I'm having a Spring baby!!

The Drs said they are prone to bronchiolitis as they are small, so hopefully as they grow they will fight it off next time - although I sure hope there isn't a next time :)

My eldest is a February baby and he wasn't ill until he was about 9months old and that wasn't a cold, he had a mystery infection that made him unconscious x

My Lil jaxon is absolutely loaded with the cold and he's only 5 days. Sneezing snuffily snotty & a wee runny eye. Feel so helpless. Should I b worried??
Rhelen and Bobby congratulations on your little ones:love:

Redhead your next xx

My Bowie has a cold too he sounds awful I hate hearing the wee soul struggle to breathe doesn't seem to bother him too much thou...its horrible seeing them sick.l am just using snuffle babe and saline drops x
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My Lil jaxon is absolutely loaded with the cold and he's only 5 days. Sneezing snuffily snotty & a wee runny eye. Feel so helpless. Should I b worried??

You can use nasal drops from birth, see if they help x

Thomas is still in hospital, if he can stay off the oxygen tonight we should be able to go home tomorrow x


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