***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Congrats Naomi! Lovely name, was it inspired by a certain Roald Dahl book?!

Still overdue, think I'm resigning myself to ending up in a c sec aswell. I'm not completely against it I just don't want my baby to be in distress and to arrive safe.

Am also team yellow but reckon I've got a boy, everyone has said it throughout, My bump is still high and you can't tell from the back that I'm pregnant!

They say every pregnancy is different but both of my pregnancies I carried at the front, and you couldn't tell I was pregnant from the back (even with the twins) I was pure bump each time ... I have 3 boys to show for that :) x

Congratulations naomi, glad little James arrived safe and sound.

There is definitely a boy theme for us September mums!
Congratulations Naomi! How lovely for you to have a boy, love the name James, would have had it myself but it's my brother in laws name. Can't wait to see a pic of him xx sorry you didn't get the birth you were hoping for but as long as you and James are well and safe that's the main thing.
So many boys for September mummies, did any of you do the Chinese gender prediction?
Congratulations Naomi! How lovely for you to have a boy, love the name James, would have had it myself but it's my brother in laws name. Can't wait to see a pic of him xx sorry you didn't get the birth you were hoping for but as long as you and James are well and safe that's the main thing.
So many boys for September mummies, did any of you do the Chinese gender prediction?

Yes, it says I'm having a boy!
SCL and Naomi congratulations on your little boys, hope all is well and your both recovering nicely.

So many little bundles of blue:love:
DeeAtk goodluck on friday xx

used the Chinese perdictor and it was spot on�� then I also used the gem on a string also pointed to a boy so that's what he better be lol no shocks

Have my inducton tomorrow....need to be there for 2 not sure it's hitting me yet head in the clouds here aha xx
So more babies by the end of the week :)

I love the name James but my surname is Baines and it just doesn't sound right x

I have a friend whose last name is ayres, and they really liked the name Ryan and were disappointed they couldn't have it, it took me a while to work out why. Lol
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I have a friend whose last name is ayres, and they really liked the name Ryan and were disappointed they couldn't have it, it took me a while to work out why. Lol

Took me a while as well :lol:
Naomi! Ahhh. Similar stories, you and I in a way! Congratulation an another lovely boy!
Will write more at another point.
Just to say our baby boy is called Rowan David Burton and he is still as beautiful as ever.
Will catch up with everything.
Congrats SCL and Naomi. Can't believe all the boys ! Haven't been on for a couple of days been kept busy but all is well
Naomi! Ahhh. Similar stories, you and I in a way! Congratulation an another lovely boy!
Will write more at another point.
Just to say our baby boy is called Rowan David Burton and he is still as beautiful as ever.
Will catch up with everything.

Beautiful name, hope you are both well xx
How's everyone getting on? 3rd sweep attempt today at 41+1 and cervix is still closed! I have been booked in on Monday at 9am for scans and checks then up to the ward for the tablet. All being well they will let me home while it works it's magic. MW felt my belly and said "my god you do have a big baby in there" :shock:
Not really sure how to feel, telling myself lots of people have been induced and it's normal and fine. Feeling bad that my OH is having to mess work about so he can be with me, so full of mixed emotions. Think I might just go for a nap! x
How's everyone getting on? 3rd sweep attempt today at 41+1 and cervix is still closed! I have been booked in on Monday at 9am for scans and checks then up to the ward for the tablet. All being well they will let me home while it works it's magic. MW felt my belly and said "my god you do have a big baby in there" :shock:
Not really sure how to feel, telling myself lots of people have been induced and it's normal and fine. Feeling bad that my OH is having to mess work about so he can be with me, so full of mixed emotions. Think I might just go for a nap! x

What's with everyone's cervix staying closed?

I'm sure your oh's work will understand as babies are so unpredictable, are you excited for Monday then? X
I know! It's not like it's been taken by surprise, it's had 9 months to think about it :lol:

Yea I'm excited, nervous too but reading everyone else's induction experiences on here has helped. We are going out for tea tomorrow, bit of a last treat for us as a couple and I've said if he or she thinks we are making plans as a duo s/he might want to get in on the act!! x
Haha it's worth a try :), I did something similar with my eldest but he didn't want to budge lol. Do you think it's a he or a she? We are having a lot of boys lol x
I think we have a boy. I've always imagined having a boy when I've thought about kids for some reason, and all but a handful of people have said boy all the way through.
September must be a blue month! x
It is a very blue month :)
At least you know you are less than a week from finding out x

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