***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Thanks Naomi. Yes totally overwhelmed :-(
But thank goodness i know now. Can't believe it xx
Reasonable sleep. Lost little bit more plug just now. Waiting on handover before internal check. Depending on results either second 6hr pessary or ready for waters to be broken.

Think it's my cervix rather than baby lol it has been changing but not dilating more yet
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Congrats mummy2b1985!!

Hope everyone is doing ok and hanging on in there!!!!
We came home from hospital on Wednesday evening and just trying to get settled and let baby set his routine.
He's mostly formula fed now as he just would not take more than 2 sucks on the breast before taking himself off and I was exhausted finger feeding hand expressed colostrum almost constantly, the final straw came when he needed to be checked by the paediatrician due to high heart rate and high respiratory rate. I knew he was just very hungry and frustrated so gave him a bottle and he wolfed it down. I'm still offering the breast before formula but he'll only suck about 3 times then pulls off frustrated but we'll keep at it and see how we go.
Here's a wee pic of him today 5 days old.
Jacob David (after my dad) Thomas (after dh dad)


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Oh wow it's become very active on here,

Kholl I hope labour goes smoothly for you from now on

Catherine I can't believe they have only just realised the position of baby, a section would be the safest way and it would be a better experience than an emergency section once labour has started, hopefully it will all be sorted soon, sorry your birth hopes haven't gone to plan

Naomi that's the sort of luck I would have too, hope you have a fab day out :)

Lander, I bet you are frustrated with the lack of labour, hopefully it will be all done soon and you will have your little one in your arms x

Congrats mummy2b1985!!

Hope everyone is doing ok and hanging on in there!!!!
We came home from hospital on Wednesday evening and just trying to get settled and let baby set his routine.
He's mostly formula fed now as he just would not take more than 2 sucks on the breast before taking himself off and I was exhausted finger feeding hand expressed colostrum almost constantly, the final straw came when he needed to be checked by the paediatrician due to high heart rate and high respiratory rate. I knew he was just very hungry and frustrated so gave him a bottle and he wolfed it down. I'm still offering the breast before formula but he'll only suck about 3 times then pulls off frustrated but we'll keep at it and see how we go.
Here's a wee pic of him today 5 days old.
Jacob David (after my dad) Thomas (after dh dad)

Aww he's stunning, hopefully he will pick up on the breastfeeding but at least he's eating :) x

Back from sweep it was successful this time MW could feel baby's head and waters and said I was 1cm and doesn't think I'll need induction in Tuesday so fingers crossed x
Congrats mummy2b1985!!

Hope everyone is doing ok and hanging on in there!!!!
We came home from hospital on Wednesday evening and just trying to get settled and let baby set his routine.
He's mostly formula fed now as he just would not take more than 2 sucks on the breast before taking himself off and I was exhausted finger feeding hand expressed colostrum almost constantly, the final straw came when he needed to be checked by the paediatrician due to high heart rate and high respiratory rate. I knew he was just very hungry and frustrated so gave him a bottle and he wolfed it down. I'm still offering the breast before formula but he'll only suck about 3 times then pulls off frustrated but we'll keep at it and see how we go.
Here's a wee pic of him today 5 days old.
Jacob David (after my dad) Thomas (after dh dad)

Oh my goodness, scn. Can you actually believe it's all real? He is just perfect. Jacob :-) My boy, if I have a boy will have the middle name David as both of our dads are called David. Beautiful.
Well done on feeding. You have to do what is best for him and you're doing amazingly.
You must be so proud.
He's just gorgeous. Xxxx
MrsB. So sorry you have that infection! My best friend had that after her c-section and she said she went a bit mad and wishes she had taken it more slowly, so please be careful! I know it's easy to say with two tiny babies and a toddler, but you must look after yourself as I am sure you know.
Lander, keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Everyone else, keep going! Good luck.
I am just wandering around with nothing happening! I am desperate for it to happen now! I should be glad as no more complications, although midwife said that when I go for appointment with consultant on Wednesday (the day after my due date) he might give me an induction date because of my asthma and my repeated periods of reduced movements. I sort of get it, but would like to go into labour naturally if at all possible... I think my reduced movements were me being paranoid most of the time, but not worth the risk, I know.
I know people are not keen on induction. What are the reasons they give again?
I'm not very good at taking it easy but I have done since yesterday x
Aww he's stunning, hopefully he will pick up on the breastfeeding but at least he's eating :) x

Thanks MrsB. How are your boys doing?
Hope your infection clears quickly for you, my scar is just a bit sore come the evening time but all the pre pregnancy troubles are still here for me so I'm still feeling a bit miserable from them. So disappointed there's hasn't been an improvement in them since the birth :-(

Oh my goodness, scn. Can you actually believe it's all real? He is just perfect. Jacob :-) My boy, if I have a boy will have the middle name David as both of our dads are called David. Beautiful.
Well done on feeding. You have to do what is best for him and you're doing amazingly.
You must be so proud.
He's just gorgeous. Xxxx

Thanks SCL.
I still can't believe he's actually here and all mine lol, he's such a good wee baby and I'm so in love with him :love:

As long as he's feeding and healthy then I don't mind how he gets his milk, if he's happy then I'm happy :-)
Evening ladies.

Catherine how are you feeling now? Have they booked you in for the c section? Hope everything is ok.

Lander hope you're having baby snuggles right now! Been a long ole few days for you!

Caroline hope you're feeling a bit better.

Karen it is so lovely seeing your little man!! He is completely gorgeous :-) really sorry to hear you're still having the aches and pains though - have they said anything about when you can expect them to go? Perhaps book in to see a chiropractor or something? Have you had your crunchy nut cornflakes yet?! Feeding wise hopefully he will start taking the boob more but if not then it's not the end of the world. As long as he's getting fed that's the main thing!

SCL I think a lot of people would rather it happen naturally. I would really, but because of the GD they don't want me going full term. I think sometimes it can cause issues with breastfeeding so I'm hoping that's not the case for me!

Mictho dab news that the sweep was successful. Hopefully the induction won't be necessary on Tuesday! Xxx
I can't believe that you haven't returned back to normal with your other issues :(

Hoping you have your baby now lander

Any more updates on the actions of today? X

She's here! She's here! Summer Bayley, 9lbs even, no drugs - she's awesome!!!

Will write more later
Wow congratulations Kholl!! Beautiful name and well done on no drugs! You're brave :-D

Scn jacob is gorgeous!! You must be so proud!!

Lander hope your cervix is playing ball??? Not long hopefully!!

The monitoring yesterday was good. However they want daily monitoring as movements have definitively reduced. SCL I'm in your position as I'm convinved their reduced due to oack of space as the baby is frank breech!!! But I'm not taking risks and since I'm having a c sec anyway due to the position I'm booked in for c sec on 8th. Eeeeek!!!!

Still can't believe I've gone from hypnobirth at home to c section. Gutted. But baby will be safe and that's the important thing. Naomi are you being induced 12th?? Won't be long between us hopefully!! Xx
No as i have a bicornuate uterus. :-(
And all along mw has told me head is down and engaged. Even when i went in for monitoring before i had a scan the mws in hospital said head was down!! Everyone was baffled!! And too late to do anything. Wish it had been picked up earlier xx
Have had propess and two prostins and no further change to cervix, just lots of pelvic/cervix pain and almost constantly tight bump. As well as him measuring big he often keeps up a rather high heart rate which makes us worry about him tolerating labour as well.

So I had a dose of pethedine before bed last night (first pain relief since starting things three days ago) to get a decent night's sleep before I'll be checked again this morning to see if cervix has changed at all.

Basically we've discussed having a section this morning rather than a third prostin and/or him getting stuck or distressed as suggestion is that despite him being pretty much fully engaged he's still not been able to help with dilating my cervix either.

DH has gone home to sleep for the night so he can be more useful later today.

Baby doesn't like the monitor or my contractions when I had them. Hates pressure on him.

Thank you for thinking of me Lxx
Aw huge congratulations Kholl!!! So pleased your girl is finally here, worth the wait I'm sure!!! Is your mum still here to meet her?

Catherine wow the 8th that's just a few days away!!! Yep my induction is the 12th so won't be long between us!!! Very frustrating that it wasn't picked up sooner - don't get how they thought baby was head down - what was it they were feeling?! At least you've got a date now though and a few days to get things sorted. Do you feel pretty much ready?
Lander hope things get sorted this morning either way xxx

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