***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Wow congratulations Kholl!! Beautiful name and well done on no drugs! You're brave :-D

Scn jacob is gorgeous!! You must be so proud!!

Lander hope your cervix is playing ball??? Not long hopefully!!

The monitoring yesterday was good. However they want daily monitoring as movements have definitively reduced. SCL I'm in your position as I'm convinved their reduced due to oack of space as the baby is frank breech!!! But I'm not taking risks and since I'm having a c sec anyway due to the position I'm booked in for c sec on 8th. Eeeeek!!!!


Ooh only 4 days to go then :) x
Oh lander, at least they are doing something, I bet you are shattered as its got to have been a long few days for you, hopefully not long now until you have your little lander x
If all good on delivery suite etc. Should go for elective section mid afternoon. Have been consented. Bloods done. Now nil by mouth.
Best of luck lander :-)

How's your infection doing Caroline? Xxx
Good luck Lander!

Since this morning I've had a continuous 'burning' sensation in my lower back. No other signs i.e loss of mucus plug, contractions or anything. I'm wondering if it's things just starting to prepare?
If all good on delivery suite etc. Should go for elective section mid afternoon. Have been consented. Bloods done. Now nil by mouth.

Good luck, it's quite a lovely experience though, cannot wait to hear your good news x
Good luck Lander!

Since this morning I've had a continuous 'burning' sensation in my lower back. No other signs i.e loss of mucus plug, contractions or anything. I'm wondering if it's things just starting to prepare?

My logic was to always keep an eye out for extra symptoms just in case it was things getting ready :) it could be your body doing something though x
Best of luck lander :-)

How's your infection doing Caroline? Xxx

It's going slowly from what I can guess ... Still can't regulate my body temperature but luckily I don't get cold enough to get the uncontrollable shivers, and I still ache all over like the flu :(, fingers crossed by the end of today I will be feeling better as I've currently only had a day and a half worth of antibiotics

How are you doing Naomi? Any signs? X
Hopefully they will fully kick in this eve then, usually takes a couple of days for stuff to properly get into your system doesn't it.

No real signs no - getting more tired and achy by the day but no plug loss and not even had any braxton hicks recently! Been sat on my ball for the last hour but that doesn't seem to have done much. Got a nice week ahead with something little planned every day, but still hoping that I won't get to induction point and that it'll happen naturally before then. But at least worst comes to worst I know I will be going in a week tomorrow. Xxx
Fingers crossed, at least you have a countdown just incase needed :) and a week will fly by x
Here's our sweet Summer! Absolutely smitten.


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Thanks Caroline :-) still doesn't feel real at the moment!

Kholl she's beautiful :-) I love the name too - Summer is in our top 5 girls names too :-) xxx
Going to have elective section tomorrow morning as not worth risking the 3rd prostin, if we're going to end in an emergency section. He's going to have grown more over the four days I've been here and he was already risking hitting the section criteria anyway.

Going to get a good night's sleep and have a a fresh surgical team in the morning.

Baby is fine. Kicking like a frigging ninja.
Aw best of luck for the morning lander. Nearly there now. Hope you get a good night's sleep xxx
Congratulations knoll. She's a wee beauty :love:
Oh fab news lander :) it will be much nicer for a planned one than an emergency, I look forward to the good news tomorrow.

I can't believe my little monkeys are 2 weeks old on Tuesday x

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