***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Just popped on to say good luck to all the other ladies due this month. I saw my consultant this week and he seems to think I wont go the whole 40 weeks and baby could potentially be here any day now. Had mild and irregular contractions all night last night but no progression and no sign of baby making an exit yet, so we're just sat tight. All of a sudden it feels very real and I'm remembering the whole labour process from my first baby, needless to say the nerves are setting in now!!
I'm still waiting! Thanks for all the good wishes. There has been two emergencies this morning I'm next on the list but no idea when I'm going down. I've now been put in a side room and left I said please don't forget about me an hour ago! I've been in the emergency situation myself so I'm not moaning but I'm so hungry now!! Can't wait to meet this baby ❤️
MrsM gorgeous boy congratulations x

Lander and mummy best of luck today, hopefully you won't have to wait to much longer mummy x

naomi....my numbers are staying within range since 36 weeks they pretty much been settled, enjoy your day out x
Have now had 24hrs of propess. Cervix improving but not further dilated, still 1cm though uncomfy tightenings are kinda regular.

Need to wait 6hrs now to have the short dose pessary which goes in for 6hrs.

However have just finally lost a load of mucus plug so fingers crossed things still going in right direction.
Ah Lander how frustrating!! Hope the 6hr one works.

Sansk that's great that your levels have been good :-)

Caroline how are your gorgeous boys today?

Cardiff shopping went well but my back is suffering for it this evening. Got terrible period type pain too this eve and baby is very active!

Off to meet a friend tomorrow and it's a 30 min drive away so hoping nothing happens while I'm out! Millie has been lush the last couple of days and I am loving my time with her. Excited for her to meet her new brother or sister though too! Xxx
Huge congrats!!! Glad he's finally here and love the name!!! Xxx
Aww it won't be long now Naomi and then Millie can meet him or her :)

My boys are fab thanks, me on the other hand has a uterus infection :( I was incredibly ill during the night, uncontrollable shivers, pains and fevers etc. Then the GP wanted me to be admitted to hospital with sepsis, luckily the hospital saw wise and said I didn't have sepsis but I am now in antibiotics.

That's brave driving 30mins away Naomi

Lander I really hope the next stage does something x

Oh no!!! Sounds nasty Caroline but glad it wasn't sepsis!!! Eesh last thing you need. Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

Haha hopefully nothing will happen while I'm out or it will make for an interesting drive home with millie!
Oh no!!! Sounds nasty Caroline but glad it wasn't sepsis!!! Eesh last thing you need. Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

Haha hopefully nothing will happen while I'm out or it will make for an interesting drive home with millie!

It would be a very interesting drive home lol, how quick was your labour with Millie?

I'm very pleased it's not sepsis, I can live with an infection as long as I'm at home :) x
Welcome Alfie!

My god this day has been awful. I woke to contractions that were strong and regular and got excited. Then went to my 41-week appointment, midwife did a sweep and said I'm 3cm and 80% effaced. Then contractions really picked up but I had to do an NST. On the NST they picked up a heart arrhythmia and said the baby either needed to be induced asap or I needed another ultrasound. I opted for the ultrasound and it took FOREVER, then finally after 3 hours of sheer panic they said baby is totally fine. I was still contracting intensely but opted to go home for awhile to labor there. Finally got home after being gone almost 7 hours and within a couple hours labor totally fucking STOPPED. Just stopped! I'm exhausted and so bummed.
Oh Kholl that sounds hideous :-( hope it picks up when u settle into your nest at home a bit more xx

I had a shit day too. Went in due to reduced movement and the monitoring was not good so they sent me for a scan. Baby looked ok but found to be frank breech!! Arghh. I had booked a home birth as well.
Had more monitoring and the next two were fine but the consultant wanted to do a c section today. They cant turn the baby as i had a bicornuate uterus :-(
As it was such a shock and so different to my plan of a home birth I asked for more time as I now think the reduced movement is down to lack of space with the position of the baby. Not 100% though so got more monitoring at 10am today.

So upset!! Was told baby was engaged too! Even midwifes in hospital yesterday before the scan thought baby was head down. Totally gutted!!! Xx
Oh no Kholl how frustrating!!! At least baby is ok though and hopefully the contractions will start up again soon.

And haha Caroline yeh although I'm thinking it would be just my luck to go from a 44 hour labour to a 44 minute one haha!

Hope everyone has a nice day today. And hoping lander has her baby now! Xxx
Oh no Catherine I'm so sorry sweetheart. Having a c section after you've set your heart on a natural birth, especially a birth from home,is a huge shock to the system and can be very upsetting. That's a quick turn around that they were wanting too. I hope the monitoring goes ok today and just hold onto the fact that however your baby gets here won't matter in the long term, as soon as you're holding your baby you'll just be so glad to have them here xxx

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