***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Kholl congratulations what a little sweetheart x

Scn beautiful name, Jacob is one of our shortlist names x

Lander all the best in the morning x

Just a little pressure here that's about all haven't even been getting any BH every day OH asks is baby coming and I say no not today lol took a long walk hoping that helps some what.
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Congrats Kholl!! She's gorgeous, glad to hear a 9lber can be done naturally as I'm heading towards that!!
Lander, hope you get a good nights rest and things go smoothly in the morning.
I'm not getting any twinges, BH, no show..baby is still kicking away so all is fine and I'm seeing MW weds which is my due date. She's been offering sweeps for the last 2 visits, I've resisted so far. Doubt I'll have one on weds but we'll see.
Kholl. I love her name and she's scrummy. Congratulations! I would have Summer as a name in an instant, but OH has his ideas about girls' names even though I don't think we'll be needing them!
Getting closer everyone. Hoping for you that you go naturally soon Naomi.
Take it easy MrsB.

I am thinking I will end up being induced later this week. Asthma is going haywire again and thinking might have another chest infection... Number 5 of pregnancy! If I make it until Wednesday (which I think I will at this rate) the midwife thinks consultant will suggest induction. Tempted to just say, yes please and do it ASAP.
Got opinions about induction (realise I am lucky to sort of have the 'choice,') and I think it happens so often, sure it will be fine.
More babies soon, hopefully!
Plus, why is my ticker saying I have 7 days to go?!
Can't believe I am on the day before D day!
Oh yes, Lander! Good luck. I am sure it will go nice and smoothly and soon you will have your little one here! How exciting. Xx
Good luck today Lander!

And lol maybe your ticker knows something you don't SCL?!

That's insane that your boys are two weeks old tomorrow Caroline - where has that time gone??

RRS and sansk no BH here either. Get more crampy and heavy feelings in the evening but then they go by morning. Got my last consultant appointment and scan Wednesday afternoon and hoping they will say baby is engaged at least but have a feeling it still isn't.

Off to soft play this afternoon and hoping it's not too manic. Weather is pants here so don't fancy doing anything outdoorsy. Millie has gotten out of bed in a proper huff today so need to get her out the house I think.

Feels weird not being in work today. Keep having to resist the urge to check my work emails! Xxx
Aha... Naomi! I hadn't thought of that! ��������������
I have the same thing as you. In the evenings, tummy tight, pain etc. and then morning it's all gone!
Trying to think of positives of no baby yet...
The only one I can think of is that I can watch the Cold Feet new series tonight!
Haha. Clutching at straws. Off for a little walk for as long as asthma/stomach will allow. Posting birthday card for niece who is 15 on Wednesday. She wants Bb to come then. Have a feeling she'll be disappointed! Xxx
Oo I'm going to be watching that too! Very excited about it :-) :-)

Ah its so frustrating with the evening pains isn't it! I can't work out if it's a good sign or just a sign that my body is knackered by the end of the day!
Aww SCL your ticker is teasing you

Soft play sounds fun Naomi

Good luck Lander - even though I'm sure you are holding your baby now :)

Time is flying, getting a little down about my tummy though x
Aw Caroline don't let it get you down. It's been housing two beautiful boys so its bound to take a while! I've bought some tummy band things for after this time around and hoping that will help my tummy recover as I had a pouch that never went last time around.
Have you started your wrapping yet or are you still sore? Xxx
The overhang bit is still sore, and I'm worried if I bind it as an overhang it will stay there x
Congrats knoll,
And good luck to those of you who are due around now! I've still got 2.5 weeks, just enjoying not working and having some alone time before everything changes!
Ethan Robert Finesilver born today 05/09/2016 at 11.26am, by planned section, 9lb 10oz!! Mummy and baby both doing fine Lxx
Unless baby has other ideas :) x

Ha, funny you should say that, went to the midwife today she asked me to book in again next Monday and as I left she was like "see you then unless baby arrives!" she thinks my body is definitely getting ready, braxton hicks every night for the past week.
I'm excited, but so nervous now!
Wow Lander that's quite a size! Huge congratulations and glad he's finally here xxx
Unless baby has other ideas :) x

Ha, funny you should say that, went to the midwife today she asked me to book in again next Monday and as I left she was like "see you then unless baby arrives!" she thinks my body is definitely getting ready, braxton hicks every night for the past week.
I'm excited, but so nervous now!

Haha, don't be nervous :) it means you will have your baby soon :) x

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