***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Best of luck lander!

How exciting, September is finally here! :)
Hope the propess works quickly for you lander. Bit nervous of mine on the 12th!

Just got back from the park. Weather is lush today but the heat was making me feel a bit sick! Off swimming after lunch and hoping millie will be tired then tonight and go straight down to bed!

SCL I know what you mean - I'm envious and want baby here now, although at the same time don't want to wish the last bit of time away where it's just me and millie. Simon is off tomorrow and over the weekend so we will hopefully have some nice family time.

Hope everyone is doing ok xxx
Good luck Lander, I am patiently awaiting your good news :)

How is your first day off Naomi? Sounds like you are keeping busy :)

I am having a very busy day that feels like I'm getting nothing done as midwife came and then the health visitor.

I cannot believe it's September already, I should of been having my boys this month, glad they are here now but September was the plan :) X

Oh also Robert has gained a good amount of weight now so we are on the up with him :) x

I'm loving my first day off thanks Caroline! It's such a relief, and I am loving having some quality time with millie. Taking her shopping to Cardiff tomorrow to buy her present for the baby. She wants to buy baby a soft giraffe apparently so hoping we find one in John lewis lol!

That's great news that Robert is putting on weight :-) Ah I'm not looking forward to all the midwife and HV visits. I used to find it such a pain having to hang around and wait for them to come last time around.

Ooh John Lewis would be the place for a soft giraffe I would of thought :)

They really are a pain, it's the 2 weeks that Chris is off we have spent half of it waiting around x

I can relate to the pain of waiting! My mom got here 2.5 weeks ago to be with the older kids while I'm in the hospital having this baby. Now she leaves in 2 days and... No baby. It's devastating!
Hi guys. My Oliver is 5 days old. He's perfect. I can't wait to see all your newbs x


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Oliver is beautiful!

MrsB they will induce if the baby is in distress or something is going wrong. Otherwise I will just have a lot of monitoring (NSTs and extra appointments). I am loathe to induce just because the timing is inconvenient or I'm sick of waiting. So that leaves me with lots of monitoring and waiting God knows how long for this baby.
Oliver is beautiful!

MrsB they will induce if the baby is in distress or something is going wrong. Otherwise I will just have a lot of monitoring (NSTs and extra appointments). I am loathe to induce just because the timing is inconvenient or I'm sick of waiting. So that leaves me with lots of monitoring and waiting God knows how long for this baby.

Will you have to go and stay in hospital then? I always thought there was a maximum amount of time they would leave a baby unborn x
Oliver is gorgeous MrsMCC :-)

Braving the rain today and heading into Cardiff. Had another restless nights sleep but guess that's to be expected this close to the end! Started my ball bouncing last night but didn't manage to do it for long.

Anyone else up to anything nice today?

Good luck for today mummy2b. And hope the induction is working Lander Xxx
In hospital now getting booked in! So exciting just hope I don't have to wait too long. Will update when I can.
Congrats MrsMcc what a beauty!
Lander hope everything is going ok and mummy2b good luck hope everything goes well.

This is so exciting, it's like baby watch!!
Congrats mrsmcc, Oliver is adorable.

Baby watch is definitely in full swing lol.

Day two of my maternity leave, feel a bit lost but still very much enjoying it. Got friends and family staying over the next couple of weeks before my due date :)

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