***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Yay for finishing work and welcoming babies!

Looks like I'll 100% be a September mama with you all. 40+5 and a whole lotta nothing going on here! I can't lie I am sooooo depressed. Each day feels like I'm getting farther away from meeting this baby instead of closer cause it's just so disheartening having day after day after day past my due date of no signs whatsoever. Can't believe I'm about to enter the world of NSTs and induction talk. I want this baby out so badly.

Aw Kholl I really hope you don't have to wait too long. You were obviously destined to have an early September baby instead! Xxx
Was it a good feeling walking out of work Naomi?

I have just become really excited for mummy2be and Lander

Lander your baby will be the easiest thing to handle ever, practically an adult lol x

It felt awesome! Although feel a bit weird handing the reins over to someone else. But am so looking forward to waking up tomorrow and knowing I don't have to be anywhere and don't have to sit in a god awful office chair haha. Xxx
Congrats MrsB and Scn!! I read and lurk but don't post mostly as I can't keep up!! I've got 7 days til D day, panicking I've not got enough stuff!!
Lander, 10lb!! Ive been on track for a bruiser too, had a growth scan last week and baby is 8lb 4oz currently.
Congrats MrsB and Scn!! I read and lurk but don't post mostly as I can't keep up!! I've got 7 days til D day, panicking I've not got enough stuff!!
Lander, 10lb!! Ive been on track for a bruiser too, had a growth scan last week and baby is 8lb 4oz currently.

I personally don't think he'll actually be quite that big but it remains to be seen!

The 10lb estimate comes from a mathematical formula based on his abdominal circumference and femur length. Nothing can actually estimate the fat/muscle/bone eight etc lol

His tummy is above 95th centile which is causing the issues.

He's fine otherwise :)
Lander wow exciting hope the sweep works and your holding your little boy in your arms soon

Naomi awesome your a trooper enjoy your time off xx

Mrs and scn how is the baby cuddling coming on :love:

Ruby ha I am the same I find it hard keeping up lol xx

No date for me yet I wont get it until Tuesday now and it will be more than likely around my due date....
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Was it a good feeling walking out of work Naomi?

I have just become really excited for mummy2be and Lander

Lander your baby will be the easiest thing to handle ever, practically an adult lol x

It felt awesome! Although feel a bit weird handing the reins over to someone else. But am so looking forward to waking up tomorrow and knowing I don't have to be anywhere and don't have to sit in a god awful office chair haha. Xxx

I can imagine the lack of comfort from an office chair ... Your time is now all yours and Millie's until you get your bundle :) x
Baby snuggles are fab ... Highly amused by random people, went shopping today to get my SiLs birthday present and we get a lot of stops and stares, but people randomly following you whispering 'look at those baby twins'

Getting much more comfortable too, still have the odd pains :(

Tummy is deflating at a good pace however I'm worried my overhang is there to stay

I need to see more babies so come on ladies :) x
Well I'm now only a hour away from becoming a September mummy so I thought I might post in here.

Excited to find out what the midwife and doc says at my hospital appointment tomorrow, I think 10 days overdue is the limit here so with any luck we should have our boy this weekend. Eep! :)
Tomorrow is September so I am happy I've made it to my due month, baby can come now whenever he or she is ready!
Oh I'm guilty of the "look! Twins!" thing :lol: just too cute, I think it makes you feel like you not just gawping at Random babies like a weirdo!
Lol about the random followers Caroline! How are you finding getting out and about?

Sansk hope you get a date on Tuesday that's not too far off. How have your levels been?

RRS don't think you ever really feel ready! I feel even less prepared this time than I did first time but I figure anything we don't have we can get afterwards :-)

Hi Lulie! Ah hope baby is here soon for you.

Here's to all of our September babies - less than two hours to go til our birth month! Xxx
Haha to be fair I do it too, I have just never been on the receiving end of it :)

Getting out and about is great, can't do too much as I start getting painful twinges across my scar, I will struggle when Chris returns to work until I can drive again x
Whoop to September! I'm due the 26th so could even be an October mummy if I go over! X
Hi Mictho :-)

Hope all you overdue august mummies aren't feeling too disheartened.

I had a terrible nights sleep but at least there's no work today! Sat watching the tinkerbell movie with millie for the four hundredth time haha. Xxx
Good luck today Lander! Hopefully by the end of the day you'll have your baby :-) xxx
Seems like it's been a very long journey so far but we are finally in September yey!! This is the month most of us get to meet our babies how wonderful. keep strong ladies
Happy due month everyone!

Am ready for this baby now, went shopping yesterday for a few bits and am exhausted. Got a lazy day of catch up to and naps planned today!
Good luck, Lander! Look forward to hearing some news soon.
Can't believe it's 1st September. I went into work this morning on their first day back after holidays and they were shocked to see me! Had some forms to give in etc.
How are you scn and MrsB? Lovely boys doing ok?
Naomi... You've finished! Now, relax!
My pains have stopped, well the Braxton H. tightenings have become less uncomfortable. I just want my baby now! So envious of everyone who has their babies!
On the antenatal bay waiting for stint on monitor and internal then go with propess. Baby could come tomorrow tbh.

Apparently I was already 1cm dilated yesterday so hoping sweep yesterday has helped further.

Still getting odd uncomfy tightenings so all good as far as I can tell xx

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