Hi ladies, thanks for the good luck messages xx
Went first on the list this morning and my boy was born at 9.51am weighing 7lbs 11ozs and he's just perfect
He's struggling to latch on but we're hand expressing colostrum for him and his blood sugars are perfect. Got one more blood sugar or him to pass and he won't need any more done!
Here he is
That seems kind of pointless when you are practically full term lol but needs must I suppose ... Come on baby Lander x
Grrrr. Now been told have excess fluid build up under bump... ��������
Bit scared I have polyhydramnios... Measuring 40cm on Sunday morning and 39 weeks tomorrow. Midwife casually mentioned it and have had scan (a week ago on Sunday) so should be fine right?!
I can't cope with anymore anxiety!
So glad your handsome boy has passed all of his tests, scn. Onwards and upwards. He'll soon start bleeding you dry of milk! As you say, it takes time, I think.
Enjoy your first night as a real life true mummy!
Never heard of it, but if it is of concern they would do something wouldn't they? You are not having a fun time are you x
Well by scan measurements he's 10lb or 4.5kg which is 0.5kg off their c section immediately criteria here so we're waiting to speak to a consultant to put plan in place (seeing as no one's actually discussed my birth plan with me previously anyway!).
I hope to discuss induction starting as naturally as possible, sooner rather than later.
Baby himself is fine though. Good movements etc
Good news though, swab from triage on Sunday is clear for thrush.
Well by scan measurements he's 10lb or 4.5kg which is 0.5kg off their c section immediately criteria here so we're waiting to speak to a consultant to put plan in place (seeing as no one's actually discussed my birth plan with me previously anyway!).
I hope to discuss induction starting as naturally as possible, sooner rather than later.
Baby himself is fine though. Good movements etc
Good news though, swab from triage on Sunday is clear for thrush.
Well by scan measurements he's 10lb or 4.5kg which is 0.5kg off their c section immediately criteria here so we're waiting to speak to a consultant to put plan in place (seeing as no one's actually discussed my birth plan with me previously anyway!).
I hope to discuss induction starting as naturally as possible, sooner rather than later.
Baby himself is fine though. Good movements etc
Good news though, swab from triage on Sunday is clear for thrush.
So... consultant happily did internal. Favorable enough for sweep which she did and I'm going back tomorrow morning to be induced as neither consultant or DH and I want to risk him gaining even more weight into next week.
I've just been to the hospital for all my pre op bloods and checks. Everything is fine and we are all set to meet baby on Friday. Can't believe it's only two more sleeps I'm so excited. Hope everyone is doing well.