***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Aww Naomi I spent most of my time on my left as it was easier to get out of bed :) and more comfortable

He is being weighed again tomorrow, all we need is a gain of anything :).

This is what my morning looked like after night feeds lol x

Its sooooo close to September!! Can't believe it!!!
MrsB you are doing such an amazing job with those boys. Hats off to you. One will be hard enough I think.
JLuv I'm due 21st so about the same stage as you. Hope you feeling ok!
Naomi - I've got this week left at work too. Hope your shifts go quickly. I can't wait to finish now! Just got one more long drive to do (1 hour each way) and the rest is local.
Lander - your baby will be here soon no doubt. Mum's always know best. Hope he does it without any interference
Hi JLuv :-)

Caroline that is an insane amount of bottles!!!

Catherine yay for it being your last week too!! I'm not going to miss all the droving. Got loads to do in the two days I'm in so a bit apprehensive but also got lunch out with them all tomorrow which should be nice :-)
Wonder how Karen got on today. Itching to hear from her, been refreshing this page all day! Xxx
Hi ladies, thanks for the good luck messages xx
Went first on the list this morning and my boy was born at 9.51am weighing 7lbs 11ozs and he's just perfect :love:

He's struggling to latch on but we're hand expressing colostrum for him and his blood sugars are perfect. Got one more blood sugar or him to pass and he won't need any more done!
Here he is


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And another


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Ah he's so perfect! Congratulations, Karen. You must be over the moon.
Now... Name decision! That's going to be tricky! Xxx
Oh my god Karen he's gorgeous!!! I am so so happy for you - been a long ole journey but you've got your baby at last :-) and he's perfect. And amazing that his sugars have all been good! That's fantastic news. Huge congratulations to you and your OH xxxx
He's gorgeous congratulations. Keep preserving with the feeding my first didn't latch for the first 24hrs but once he did there was no turning back and I fed him for 15 months! You will get there. X
Thanks ladies,
Passed his final blood sugar so that's him all done with the heel pricks.
I'm sure he'll feed well once he's mastered the art of latching, he gets on and has a couple of sucks then pulls off again! I'm not too worried about it just yet lol
It took millie a little while to get the hang of it, and she was always more of a snack feeder.
excellent news that the heel prick tests are all done now. I'm not looking forward to them! Xxx
Grrrr. Now been told have excess fluid build up under bump... ��������
Bit scared I have polyhydramnios... Measuring 40cm on Sunday morning and 39 weeks tomorrow. Midwife casually mentioned it and have had scan (a week ago on Sunday) so should be fine right?!
I can't cope with anymore anxiety!

So glad your handsome boy has passed all of his tests, scn. Onwards and upwards. He'll soon start bleeding you dry of milk! As you say, it takes time, I think.
Enjoy your first night as a real life true mummy!
Hi ladies, thanks for the good luck messages xx
Went first on the list this morning and my boy was born at 9.51am weighing 7lbs 11ozs and he's just perfect :love:

He's struggling to latch on but we're hand expressing colostrum for him and his blood sugars are perfect. Got one more blood sugar or him to pass and he won't need any more done!
Here he is

He is just stunning, well done Karen :) does he have a name now?
I can't help with latching advice as I have never tried it, I can however tell you it is odd to have cabbage in your bra :)

I cannot believe September babies are officially on their way :) 3 down some more to go ... Now come on lander you need to be having words with your little one :) x
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Grrrr. Now been told have excess fluid build up under bump... ��������
Bit scared I have polyhydramnios... Measuring 40cm on Sunday morning and 39 weeks tomorrow. Midwife casually mentioned it and have had scan (a week ago on Sunday) so should be fine right?!
I can't cope with anymore anxiety!

So glad your handsome boy has passed all of his tests, scn. Onwards and upwards. He'll soon start bleeding you dry of milk! As you say, it takes time, I think.
Enjoy your first night as a real life true mummy!

Never heard of it, but if it is of concern they would do something wouldn't they? You are not having a fun time are you :( x
Oh DH and I have had lots of words with him.

I've walked so much last four days I'm having a rest today!!

Have been so sure he'd be an August baby he's only got today and tomorrow to get a move on.

He's getting bigger still though aso well. Still had plenty of almost painful tightenings that had me sucking my breath in etc but nothing full on or regular.

Have been referred for another growth scan so god knows when that'll be booked for. I'm 39wks tomorrow lol
That seems kind of pointless when you are practically full term lol but needs must I suppose ... Come on baby Lander x
Congratulations scn!

I have two more days at work, today and tomorrow, the last couple of weeks have been a hard slog working on my feet all day!!
Awww scn he is a little dream :love:

I have a growth scan today hoping I at least get a date xx

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