***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Ah I had horrendous wind after my c section last time so the tablets are a good idea - I'm going to get some just in case the induction doesn't work.

Hope MrsMCC is doing ok.

Lander when are they wanting to scan you? That's good that you're so far engaged. Mine is still free.

And Karen one more sleep, I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear about his safe arrival. Hopefully a name will fall into place once you see him! We didn't name millie until about 24 hours after she was born.

My mum and dad have taken millie for the afternoon and night and Simon is working so I have hoovered and am now cwtched up under a duvet watching gilmore girls and it is LUSH. Can't remember the last time I had the house to myself. Going to have a bubble bath in a bit :-)

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
No idea lol. They've just requested it on the system and not sure if admin are in until at least Tuesday. He could be here by then. Mum's had 30th in her head all along she told me today ands now she's asked her pendulum when he'll arrive it said 'born tomorrow' twice lol
Sounds like a lovely afternoon Naomi, enjoy your alone time xx
My day has been spent showing DH how to fold/unfold the pram, put car seat on and fitting car seat to base in the car!! Emptied the washing basket and got that all done cos no doubt it'll be full again by the time I'm discharged! DH will change the bed before coming to collect me from hospital so that it'll be nice and fresh for me, we've got lovely new bedding to go on. Snuzpod straps around the bed ready to connect when we come home, bags all ready, just iPad, phone and chargers to go in and I think that's about as much prep as I can do. Hopefully after a busy day I'll get a half decent sleep tonight, need to be up at 5.30am ready to leave the house at 6.30am in the morning.
Got a roast beef ready and just need to do the roasties/veg and Yorkshire puddings then some angel delight for pudding ..... my last GD meal!! Only 2 more finger pricks left hopefully!
Oo perhaps the 30th will be the day then :-)

Ah Karen hallelujah for the last of the finger prick tests!!!! Bet you can practically taste the Turkish delight and bowl of crunchy nut!! Well done for getting this far GD diet wise, one more meal now and then you can reward yourself for how good you've been!! This time tomorrow Baby SCN will be here!
Hi guys quick update. I had him at 11.06 am after breaking my waters and being 3cm to fully in 24 minutes haha
He's beautiful. Staying the night as his blood sugar dropped so unfortunately we have to use breastfeeding and top ups until it regulates x x I'm so in love
Congratulations MrsMcc! Wow, 3cm to fully in 24 minutes, that's good going!!

Huge congratulations!! And wow that's fast!!! Did you tear?
Really pleased he's here safely :-) hopefully his sugars will be fine soon xxx
Good luck tomorrow Karen :) can't wait to hear your news :)

The 30th sounds good lander :)

Mrsmcc I'm impressed and congratulations ... You didn't waste any time :)

Naomi I'm sure it will be your turn soon :) and your day sounds lovely x

Thanks Caroline. Two more days of work and then it can happen any time!! Have a feeling it's not going to happen naturally though so think I will be going to my induction in a couple of weeks. Hey ho though, at least I've got a date!

Hope your gorgeous boys are doing well! Loved the photos - that is one lovely family you've got there! Xxx
Ekkkk lot's of reading to catch up on be back later to read...

scn best of luck tomorrow so exciting you get to meet your wee man xx

Mrs your boys are a vision xx
Thankyou ladies, I feel incredibly lucky :) apart from the fact I would like to be asleep right now and I have a feed to do at 1am, we are on a strict 3 hour feed schedule as Robert lost a few too many ounces :( big to be fair he only really started to eat 2 days ago. Midwife coming back on Tuesday to see if he has gained weight. So we are on 8 feeds per baby in a 24 hour period :(
Chris is snoring again but I will whack him harder than ever if he doesn't wake tonight lol

2 shifts will fly by Naomi :) x

Good luck today Karen!

Wow Mrs B, that's a lot of feeds, hope you managed to drop back off.

I'm in a lovely regular sleeping pattern of waking up around 4:30-5am for a loo break and then struggle to get back off :( this morning is also accompanied by lots of rolling, kicking and movement, lovely though :) Staying with the in laws aswell so the dream of popping down for a brew will have to wait until at least the sun rises.

How is everyone sleeping? I'm a natural back sleeper so trying to stay on my sides all night is difficult, especially my left! Xx
I normally side sleep but it's more half forwards like the recovery position so staying right up on my hips to avoid squishing bump has not been that comfy.

Part of being awake every 2-3 hours though baby's normally awake and moving at these points. Had hiccups at 4am last night.

Really hoping he does go today or tomorrow as I am getting a bit paranoid at them wanting to intervene due to his size. He's on his own curve and following it but they get paranoid every time they check it with the paper tape measure.
Good luck today Karen!

Wow Mrs B, that's a lot of feeds, hope you managed to drop back off.

I'm in a lovely regular sleeping pattern of waking up around 4:30-5am for a loo break and then struggle to get back off :( this morning is also accompanied by lots of rolling, kicking and movement, lovely though :) Staying with the in laws aswell so the dream of popping down for a brew will have to wait until at least the sun rises.

How is everyone sleeping? I'm a natural back sleeper so trying to stay on my sides all night is difficult, especially my left! Xx

I had 2 hour bursts of sleep :( it's ok though he WILL gain weight, I'm a tummy sleeper and haven't yet managed to get back to it as my tummy is still tender and my boobs are still sore

Thinking of Karen today on the best day of her life :) x

I normally side sleep but it's more half forwards like the recovery position so staying right up on my hips to avoid squishing bump has not been that comfy.

Part of being awake every 2-3 hours though baby's normally awake and moving at these points. Had hiccups at 4am last night.

Really hoping he does go today or tomorrow as I am getting a bit paranoid at them wanting to intervene due to his size. He's on his own curve and following it but they get paranoid every time they check it with the paper tape measure.

Hopefully they will use a bit of common sense and see that he is ok x

I'm struggling to sleep too - I can only get comfortable on my right side but I know you're meant to sleep predominately on your left side. Just so much more comfy on my right though!

Can't wait to hear Karen's announcement :-)

Not long til september now ladies!
Hope he gains weight soon Caroline - I'm sure he will and hopefully then you'll get a bit more sleep! Xxx

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