Lol about the Pamela Anderson look Caroline!! How did the boys sleep last night? Hope they are doing ok?
Karen eek it's so close now!
Had a long but lovely day yesterday. Took millie to the beach for a play date with friends of ours (I caught the sun a bit on my chest, oops!) and then had a meal out with some of the parent and toddler mums in the evening which was a real laugh. Feeling shattered today though as was back late and millie woke early this morning. There's a summer fete on in town today but currently sat watching finding nemo as it's pissing it down with rain. Hoping the rain stops soon so we can go out.
Feel like I've barely seen simon this week because he's been working so much. He's home this eve though so going to buy a couple of steaks on my way back later for a nice dinner in as long as millie settles tonight!
How's everyone doing today? Anyone got any signs yet? Nothing much to report here, baby still not engaged so going to start bouncing on my ball on Wednesday after my last day in work! Xxx
Sounds like a lovely day! Bet you are tired with still working as well!
My lovely oh decided to stay out last night despite saying he was coming home... 3 hours later, I rang him and hormones got the better of me! He was not in my good books. He's got to have freedom, but if you're not coming home yet, tell me! I am too pregnant to cope with this!
Feeling very low today. Feels like bubba has dropped loads!
Midwife sent me into DAU again as I was having loads and loads of movement which was juddery and was making my stomach shudder!
I thought it was fine as had it lots, but she still told me to go in. 3 hours wait later and all was fine again and midwives at hospital said I shouldn't have been told to come in! Stayed for about 10 minutes! Oh well, better safe than sorry. Was too hot yesterday. Baby doesn't like heat like me. Went to the theatre to see a young people's production of Grease but it was so hot in there, I was nearly on my knees. A lovely usher brought me a glass of really cold water which I thought was so lovely and definitely helped!
Hoping will be cooler today. Haha.
Hope you're all ok. 5 more days of August! Looks like most of us are going to have September littlies after all!
Showed my mum your little boys, MrsB. She said they are just 'perfectly formed!' How are you doing?
Not long, scn! You must be beyond excited! I do envy you a little knowing when your little one is coming! I know you have the section to get through, but I have heard so many positive stories about c sections, it will be amazing for you.
Still feeling like we're having a boy and we have decided on a name we like... Not definite, but we had struggled to think of any names for boys and now, at least we have one which we love.
You never know until you see them though, do you?!
Do you have anymore photos of your boys, MrsB? Feeling the need for some more babiness!