***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Lander exciting about the potential plug loss! Have you lost any more? Xxx

Not sure if a little bit more came and my pad absorbed it. Have had more discomfort from random tightenings but walking seems to set of low down pains and total tense bump.

Nothing really consistent quite yet though. But then again I'm not sure if sometimes what I'm finding merely uncomfy is something more... I have nothing to compare it to.

Debating taking DsS bag with us to dinner incase we need to send him home with grandparents... hmmm.

This could go on for a week though lol
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Congratulations Mrs b they are gorgeous!

Won't be long and others will be following suit!
Hey September ladies... Creeping over here from the August thread with Lulie! I'm due tomorrow with baby 3, no signs of anything whatsoever. Totally bummed as I only have family in town for 2 more weeks and I don't see having a baby by then at this point.

Hope everyone here is well, it's the home stretch... And it's so hard!!!
Mrs....your boys are gorgeous congratulations :love:

SCI....This is my 4th spell of having to go to fetal accessment...he moved twice on monitor and only then that was after 30 minutes and a freezing cold glass of pure orange juice. My boy used to move a bit in morning and a fair but at night now in total it's like 3 or 4 movements total I think my placenta is just taking the brunt and am feeling very little it is so frustrating. Hope your feeling your little one loads today xx

My OH is on his way I will see him in 40 minutes so excited and relieved my wee man is now free to come when he pleases but hope he leaves it a week or two, so we can spend a nice few days together doing some stuff before we become parents weeeee ��

Hope all you girls are good xx

:-( You poor thing. Hopefully they keep an eye on you and set your mind at rest.
I've been in again today but because my midwife said I should after too much juddering and 'violent' jerky movements. They said I probably had wasted my time and all was fine, but I am starting to lose the plot...
Going out with some NCT mum's tonight to the cinema. Have the worst social skills ever, so really scared, plus I'm running on no sleep from last night...
Hoping going to bed a little later will help me sleep better maybe.
Hope everyone else is well! X
Hi Lulie :-)
Ah sorry you've gone over - I can remember how frustrating that felt from last time around! You never know though, perhaps things will get moving for you over the weekend. Is this your first?

Sansk glad your OH is on his way home :-)

Karen was thinking of sudocrem although the nurse said to avoid putting anything on it and just wash it with warm water so wasn't sure whether sudocrem would be a good idea? Its so sore though so I'm tempted to give myself a bit of relief!

Not long for you now Karen. How are you feeling about it? Very excited to see a pic of your very long awaited baby!

Sudocrem will be absolutely fine if you want to put some on Naomi (I'm a nurse too lol) just trust your own judgement xx
Feeling ok at the moment, I'm sure I'll feel nervous and emotional come Sunday though! Think I'm losing some plug today, not a lot but there's been a definite change lol

Welcome August mummies ..... Still time for you both to still have your bundles of joy before September, have my fingers crossed for you both xx
Ah thanks Karen, going to put some on this eve then to try and ease the pain a bit! As if any of us need more discomfort at this point, typical! !

Exciting about the plug loss Karen. Wouldn't it be funny if it happened naturally over the weekend and you didn't end up needing the csec?!

SCL hope you have a lovely time with the NCT mums - natural to be nervous for stuff like that but I'm sure you'll have a great time. It's fab having a group of mums to hang out with - I have a group from parent and toddlers and we are out for dinner tomorrow night, it's always a good laugh plus it's nice to have people to meet up with for play dates etc.

Aw Lander I hate all the second guessing at the end where you're wondering when it's going to happen and if certain pains are it etc etc. Hopefully things will kick off soon!

Hi Kholl. Won't you be induced before the two weeks are up? So frustrating though when you've got family round for a limited time. I went over with my first and my parents were leaving for a travelling holiday to Nepal a few days after my due date. Ended up having baby a while after they'd gone and I was so disappointed to not have them around. But even worse for you having two children already as imagine it is an issue of who will have them while you're at the hospital and recovering etc. Things can happen quickly though and even if you're not feeling much yet that doesn't mean to say that it won't happen in the next few days xxx
Thanks for the welcome mamas :)

Naomi I will be more vigilantly monitored after 41 weeks but not induced unless baby is in distress or there is an emergency. As desperate as I am to have this sweet baby on the outside, i would not induce unless absolutely a last resort. So that leaves me waiting!
Have had more slightly painful tightenings throughout dinner and since coming home so I know it's not from how I was sat on a rather uncomfy chair.
Ah, MrsB! I was so glad to see that you had commented! Congratulations! They are absolutely perfect! So gorgeous!
How is feeding going? Bet you can't believe they are finally here and that you can finally cuddle them! Xxxxx

Thankyou, feeding isn't too bad one is easier than the other, I can't stop cuddling them they are just little heartbreakers x
Sounds like it wasn't too bad then, my friends twin girls still share a cot at 1 year old as they hate being apart and don't sleep well alone .... so cute xx
Only 4 more sleeps for me xx

Don't worry about anything, if they are anything like the staff I had it will be a really good experience x
That's so sweet that they're sharing Caroline. Best of friends already :-)
What's Liam made of it all? Xxx

Liam has been excited and helpful mostly but every now and then a little needy, they settle each other down its really sweet x
Ah a bit of needyness is to be expected with all the change! Millie has been very needy the last month or so and so I'm wondering how she's going to be once baby is actually here! Xxx
Thanks for the welcome mamas :)

Naomi I will be more vigilantly monitored after 41 weeks but not induced unless baby is in distress or there is an emergency. As desperate as I am to have this sweet baby on the outside, i would not induce unless absolutely a last resort. So that leaves me waiting!

Hopefully baby will decide to make their move soon! Xx
Ah a bit of needyness is to be expected with all the change! Millie has been very needy the last month or so and so I'm wondering how she's going to be once baby is actually here! Xxx

Aww, we have been lucky as everyone is fussing him first before babies x
Aw that's good :-) I'm sure he'll turn out to be a fab big brother :-) xxx
Thanks, Naomi. I actually managed it but didn't say much!
Quite good it was the cinema (for me anyway).
You ladies are worried about jealousy of your children: valid!
We're worried about our cats! They sleep with us and not sure how they will cope. My baby one is a little attached to me and the neediness has only got worse since I talked about it last time! She sits at my feet like a dog!
We might have a little jealousy!
Thanks, Naomi. I actually managed it but didn't say much!
Quite good it was the cinema (for me anyway).
You ladies are worried about jealousy of your children: valid!
We're worried about our cats! They sleep with us and not sure how they will cope. My baby one is a little attached to me and the neediness has only got worse since I talked about it last time! She sits at my feet like a dog!
We might have a little jealousy!

Aw that's really sweet x
Thanks, Naomi. I actually managed it but didn't say much!
Quite good it was the cinema (for me anyway).
You ladies are worried about jealousy of your children: valid!
We're worried about our cats! They sleep with us and not sure how they will cope. My baby one is a little attached to me and the neediness has only got worse since I talked about it last time! She sits at my feet like a dog!
We might have a little jealousy!

I'm the same! My male is super clingy, has always been a mummy's boy but it's got worse during pregnancy whereas my female is a daddy's girl!
My male just swirls round my feet constantly wanting me to either sit down so that he can sit on me or he wants me to pick him up and carry him around like a baby.
I'll maybe need some tips from MrsB on how to handle two babies at once cos I've got a feeling it may get worse once the baby arrives :lol:

Got my pre op assessment today .... it's getting real :shock:
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Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Feeling pretty good overall but getting a little bit impatient now, hopefully we won't be waiting too much longer! This is our first yes so perhaps to be expected!

Hope you are all well, whatever happens it won't be too much longer till these little bubs start makin an appearance!
Thanks, Naomi. I actually managed it but didn't say much!
Quite good it was the cinema (for me anyway).
You ladies are worried about jealousy of your children: valid!
We're worried about our cats! They sleep with us and not sure how they will cope. My baby one is a little attached to me and the neediness has only got worse since I talked about it last time! She sits at my feet like a dog!
We might have a little jealousy!

I'm the same! My male is super clingy, has always been a mummy's boy but it's got worse during pregnancy whereas my female is a daddy's girl!
My male just swirls round my feet constantly wanting me to either sit down so that he can sit on me or he wants me to pick him up and carry him around like a baby.
I'll maybe need some tips from MrsB on how to handle two babies at once cos I've got a feeling it may get worse once the baby arrives :lol:

Got my pre op assessment today .... it's getting real :shock:

Aww, it gets very real when you have your pre op :), you only have the weekend to get through :)

Buy yourself some water tablets though as I have started retaining water since Tuesday x

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