***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Hope everything is ok with MrsB and she's just been too busy with her boys.
My movements are different now as well, I had a trace on Monday and everything was fine. I think baby is just quite low down now so most movements of the bum and feet are back behind my anterior placenta and I'm feeling a lot more pain and pressure and random sore pains in my bum and vag so I think that's him moving down there.
Good luck at your appointment today Naomi and enjoy your day at the zoo xx
Welcome Jodie ... sometimes you just have to accept what you can't control/change, just relax and enjoy what time you have left .... if enjoy is the right word when we're this far along lol
Ended up back in fetal assessment today after my consultation scan feel a bit more at ease now but still crappy i am lucky if i am getting 3 or 4 movements a day now, my wee man is head down and curved over to my left side least he's not back to back weight estimated atm is 6.6lbs...I have an app again in a week's time they will hopefully give me a date then.

Hope all you girls are well and I hope Mrs is snuggling her little boys xx

Hi sansk. I have had worries about movements, but my baby has perked up. At a similar stage to you, I had similar things, but think mine must just be one who has quiet days and then really busy days. I don't know in terms of medical terms, but I feel that as I am getting more and more Braxton Hicks, the baby is quieter when I am getting a phase of them. I tend to get about 8 in a row, tummy really tight, with baby not moving very much, then when they are over, it's like my baby heaves a sigh of relief and starts moving again. That's just my feeling. I swear my baby sleeps for longer than 40 minutes too! Then I panic and it starts again.
I have been into hospital 6/7 times now I think, worried about reduced movements. It's one of the scariest things that can happen isn't it? I really feel for you. Do you have an anterior placenta? Are they telling you to go back in again to monitor you again? One of my preg. Group friends had to go in four days in a row to get checked out because there were not many movements on the monitor. Maybe you should go back again and again to put your mind at rest.
How many movements did your monitoring pick up?
Hopefully your DAU midwives are as lovely as mine. They know me now and always say that they don't mind seeing me every day if necessary. It makes me feel a lot better.
How are you doing today?
Hope everything is ok with MrsB and she's just been too busy with her boys.
My movements are different now as well, I had a trace on Monday and everything was fine. I think baby is just quite low down now so most movements of the bum and feet are back behind my anterior placenta and I'm feeling a lot more pain and pressure and random sore pains in my bum and vag so I think that's him moving down there.
Good luck at your appointment today Naomi and enjoy your day at the zoo xx
Welcome Jodie ... sometimes you just have to accept what you can't control/change, just relax and enjoy what time you have left .... if enjoy is the right word when we're this far along lol

My movements have changed. They say that's more normal don't they? It's when number of movements changes that they are more concerned. My lo's head is seriously playing in my 'lower' area! As we speak, my iPad is resting on bump and being kicked off repeatedly whilst he/she pushes downwards with head... Yikes.
Hope all is ok with your movements. I think not feeling baby move/waiting for it to move when quiet is one of the most scary/nerve wracking things I have ever experienced.
I do wish my OH understood a bit more about going in when not happy with movements. I think as the mums, it's a constant thing for us as it's always with us. My Oh has been amazing, but worries about me panicking too much.
Anyway, hope you're ok. Xxx
Also, scn, I know you're a bit of an expert... Have you heard of the placenta moving at our late stage? Mine had been posterior but when I had my scan on Sunday, they said it was now anterior. LotS of people have said they didnMt think it should move at this late stage, so slightly concerned. Xx
My Movements have changed too but head was3/5 engaged two weeks ago so I think I'm getting more arm and foot movements especially under my ribs. Feel like I need a wee constantly did to the pressure. I'm cooked today though (37 weeks) just hoping I can last out a couple of weeks more. I'm finding some days are quieter than others with movement but I remember having that with my first. It's such a worrying time but I guess it never stops.

Has anyone had a water birth before and would you recommend ? I can't decide what to do as my first birth wasn't plain sailing.
38wks midwife appt. Different lady from last time. Still thinks head is 2/5ths engaged though I think it feels more. He was bordering on being back to back on my left so I'll keep an eye on that and he's still measuring 12 days ahead. BP and urine both fine.
Also, scn, I know you're a bit of an expert... Have you heard of the placenta moving at our late stage? Mine had been posterior but when I had my scan on Sunday, they said it was now anterior. LotS of people have said they didnMt think it should move at this late stage, so slightly concerned. Xx

Not sure about being an expert lol but I've read that yes the placenta can change position
1. As the uterus grows and stretches it moves with the uterus
2. Can act almost plant like ...... a plant will change position to seek out the sunlight ..... it is thought that the placenta can also move to seek out the best blood supply and that attachment points can degrade and reform, so like a plant it can move itself, it really is fascinating stuff!

I wouldn't worry about it, the main thing is that it's not placenta previa so won't cause any birth problems although would explain why you're maybe not feeling your baby like you were.

The movements really has got to be one of the most stressful parts about pregnancy as it's completely on our shoulders to make the judgement call but luckily nowadays there is so much emphasis on getting checked if there is any change that the midwives are really supportive and actively encourage getting checked for the slightest change.
My baby definitely has a pattern of being active for a few days and then quiet for a few days, I hate the quiet days!
Hi ladies, I'm on my home, had absolutely no signal in the hospital. Yesterday went well, was first on the list, staff were lovely and friendly and they made the experience enjoyable. They even pulled the screen down as they pulled each baby out. Thomas and Robert were born at 10:11 and 10:12, weighing 6lb 1oz and 5lb 12oz and are perfect :) very small but perfect.

So what have I missed out on since yesterday? X


A www MrsB ...... congratulations, they are so adorable and perfect, great weights. Glad it was a good experience for you.
How are you feeling?
A www MrsB ...... congratulations, they are so adorable and perfect, great weights. Glad it was a good experience for you.
How are you feeling?

I'm struggling with the discomfort in the tummy, but I'm only allowed paracetamol that don't do much lol, might be a rebel and take some ibuprofen too :), but I know it's only a few days worth of pain and they are so completely worth it :) x

I bet they are :love:
Why are you only allowed paracetamol? That's rubbish after having major surgery :-(
Eeek Caroline I've been waiting eagerly for your update!!!! What gorgeous little boys!!!! So so so happy for you, you've done amazingly and they're finally here!!! Huge congratulations to you and your husband, and Liam too of course. Xxx
Gorgeous boys MrsB!! Absolutely adorable!!
Also brings it home to me that I have an actual little person inside me!! Eeeek.
Enjoy every second xxx
Thanks Karen - consultant went fine and they were happy with my levels. Urine clear too so that's a relief :-)
the zoo was fab although I'm really suffering this eve with my back! Xxx
Congratulations Mrs B! The boys are beautiful! Very handsome, lovely names!
Thanks Karen - consultant went fine and they were happy with my levels. Urine clear too so that's a relief :-)
the zoo was fab although I'm really suffering this eve with my back! Xxx

Glad all was well, did you have a scan today?
Get a wee hot water bottle on it and relax xx
Nope next scan isn't until the 7th so a few days before induction.

Not sure if this is pregnancy related or something else, but I've developed a rash under my one armpit the last couple of days. Started out as what looked like 3 red spots which have turned into a pimple type rash. Only under the one armpit so iM a bit confused about what it could be? Not itchy but sore. Haven't changed deodorants or anything like that. Xxx

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