***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Yep will be finished before I know it now. Can't wait to be off and hoping I will be able to do a few nice things with millie if I'm not too rough by that point. Me and Simon are both off this coming Wednesday so taking her to bristol zoo for the day - 45 min car journey either side and a bit of walking so hoping I am up to it!! Will be taking my hospital bag with me just in case haha!! We are meeting my sister there so she will be able to give us a hand with millie, and worst comes to worst they can always leave me in the cafe for a bit!

Yeh going to not stress now about the ice cream. One oops moment after many weeks of being good and no one is perfect haha.

Is the swelling painful Karen? Hopefully it will go down nice and quick after baby is out. Not good about the black toes haha - agree with Caroline, get your hubby on them! I need to take the paint off my toe nails as it's so chipped now it looks awful.

I bet you can't wait to have your boys home now Caroline. It's going to be here before you know it! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get chance :-)

The zoo sounds fab :)
You have just reminded me I need to take my nail polish off for Tuesday ... Finger nails are chipped anyway but will have to get Chris to do my toes which is a worrying thought lol.
I will let you all know as soon as I can but the hospital is shocking for signal

I think we need to start popping babies out now x
I think so too!! These last couple of months are going so slowly!!! Really feel for the August mummies still waiting.

Haha well just update us when you get chance. Imagine you will have your hands pretty full ;-)
They are going very slowly, some of the poor August mums are over by 10 days, I feel for them.
My mum came round with pram earlier so we fitted the buggy board and let Liam go on it, he wasn't impressed when we put it away lol, he just wanted to get on it and off it, then on it again etc etc :) x
It's very painful Naomi :-(
Bless DH, he rubs my feet and legs every night when he's not nightshift. Don't know why I never thought to get him to scrub them doh!!!!
A day at the zoo sounds great, hope the weather is good for you xx
I couldn't imagine having to go overdue, I don't think I could bear this for potentially another 3 or 4 weeks!
I'm the same as you Karen I couldn't cope with another 3-5 weeks.

You should deffo get your husband to scrub your feet as you won't get the opportunity again :) x
Good plan, I have my in laws coming round tomorrow, my MiL feels the need to clean my house even though it doesn't need it lol ... So I've saved a few jobs for her like hanging curtains lol x
Hi girls xx

Mrs...a friend of mines used the one cot but had a partision in the middle to kind of separate them she put one at the top end and the other at bottom end it worked well might be an idea xx

Oh I can't believe the first of our babies will be coming as early as next week it is crazy how time flies....got the little man's room finally decorated now I got to arrange everything back in ekkk I hope he likes dinosaurs lol the time is going in way to fast for me trying not to think about the birth don't want to get myself in a tissy I started practising some hypnobirthing breathing. The OH is coming Thursday so I am really excited to spend a bit of time together before the little man makes an appearance and will be relieved when he gets here..xx
Ooh that's a good idea :) and I can assure you if he doesn't like dinosaurs straight away, the time will come as Liam is a little obsessed with them :) x
Slightly better sleep last night as it was cooler but I was still uncomfy and was up every two hours again and actually felt a bit sick. Brought a bowl up to the bedroom incase I got worse. Still feel a bit sick now and defo have 'dull period ache' all around down there now this morning.

Had a lot of sharp pains in my cervix last night. Even after I took off the jeans with the dodgy under bump waistband.

It'd be hard work dealing with this for another four weeks if I went overdue :'(
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Slightly better sleep last night as it was cooler but I was still uncomfy and was up every two hours again and actually felt a bit sick. Brought a bowl up to the bedroom incase I got worse. Still feel a bit sick now and defo have 'dull period ache' all around down there now this morning.

Had a lot of sharp pains in my cervix last night. Even after I took off the jeans with the dodgy under bump waistband.

It'd be hard work dealing with this for another four weeks if I went overdue :'(

Glad you slept better... It's so irritating waking up so often isn't it!? :wall2: Baby obviously will do that but I feel like it will be actually for a 'good' reason so won't be as bad!
I keep nearly being sick, but managing not to actually be sick. It's the feeling that's horrible :(
I keep getting Braxton Hicks and they are really quite painful, plus period pains and pelvis pains... Tried to knee OH in bum yesterday as he was being cheeky and boy did I pay for it!
Sounds like your body is preparing, so hopefully you won't go overdue!
Everyone says the last bit is the worst of pregnancy.
Midwife said yesterday that baby's head is 'almost engaged.'
Yikes! Has your midwife looked to see if baby is engaged as that could be causing the pain, maybe?
Aww lander, I hope the sick feeling wears off soon, I don't think you will go over
I have had the dull period pains for over a week now, most aches are getting are getting a hell of a lot worse each day :(

I remember when Liam engaged it wasn't particularly nice if that's any help?

It's nice that all of the babies are getting ready to evacuate x

Had a morning of sorting so baby room is now decluttered :) and the curtains are up, I have rearranged my hospital bags, I now have 3 as I wanted one to take to theatre/recovery, although there is space in the main bag so I might empty the 2nd bag into it. And now my ikea lounge furniture has arrived so that will be put together later. Chris has started switching the car seats around in our cars too. We are so so close to being baby ready :) just need them now so they can fill our home some more x

Slightly better sleep last night as it was cooler but I was still uncomfy and was up every two hours again and actually felt a bit sick. Brought a bowl up to the bedroom incase I got worse. Still feel a bit sick now and defo have 'dull period ache' all around down there now this morning.

Had a lot of sharp pains in my cervix last night. Even after I took off the jeans with the dodgy under bump waistband.

It'd be hard work dealing with this for another four weeks if I went overdue :'(

Glad you slept better... It's so irritating waking up so often isn't it!? :wall2: Baby obviously will do that but I feel like it will be actually for a 'good' reason so won't be as bad!
I keep nearly being sick, but managing not to actually be sick. It's the feeling that's horrible :(
I keep getting Braxton Hicks and they are really quite painful, plus period pains and pelvis pains... Tried to knee OH in bum yesterday as he was being cheeky and boy did I pay for it!
Sounds like your body is preparing, so hopefully you won't go overdue!
Everyone says the last bit is the worst of pregnancy.
Midwife said yesterday that baby's head is 'almost engaged.'
Yikes! Has your midwife looked to see if baby is engaged as that could be causing the pain, maybe?

Yup he was 2/5ths engaged a week and a half ago so I think he's further in now lol. He's heavy enough to be using his weight to help iykwim!
Maybe it's a sign that he wants to be an escape artist :) x

He's just impatient like I was as a child lol
Sounds like it's all coming together nicely MrsB xx
Your body is definitely getting ready Lander

And yes Karen we are almost there just need to sort the dining room out as it got filled with things from the lounge when we emptied it to decorate x

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