***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

It might not work for you SCL but when I drink fresh milk or eat ice pops they make babies move a fair bit, also plenty of sugary stuff .... Not saying do it non stop but give it a go :)

Naomi, be careful with your hips, mine are pretty much goners now I am literally only going to do what I need to from now on. And just think this time tomorrow you only have 3 shifts left :).

I do love new furniture but I feel so old when I get excited for the strangest of things lol x
Eek yep hopefully before I know it it will be the 31st and my last day. Hoping strangely not to go into labour before and panicked about the prospect of going into labour in work as it would be a nightmare trying to get back home!

And yeh going to need to start taking it a bit easier I think because the hips are getting noticeably worse every day...
Haha and i guess thats being a grown up - the things that excite us are pretty dull these days haha! Xxx
Aww I think if you go into labour at work going home would be the last thing on your mind lol
Do you not have a bank holiday on the 31st either? Is it just an England one?
Does Millie have nursery? Or childcare that you could take advantage of for the odd day, just to rest?

I kind of want to go into labour now ... I know I only have the rest of today and tomorrow to get through but I just want it over, I hate all these aches and pains and having to rely on Chris for pretty much everything x
We have bank holiday on the Monday? So I'm just working Tuesday and Wednesday :-)

Millie will be in nursery on Wednesdays when I'm on mat leave so will have a break on the Wednesday of my week off. Other than that, going to have to think of some close to home, minimum effort things to do with her for the rest of that week!

Not long now Caroline. You could literally count the hours down now xxx
If I'd gone into labour at work is only have to go across the road and upstairs. Instead we're about 20mins drive away lol.

Right. Now last social event is done We're good any time. Seem to have episodes of tightenings and being uncomfy every six hours or so right now.
I think they put such a lot of emphasis on reduced movements that as a first time parent it can be quite overwhelming. There is so much conflicting statements about how many kicks it should be, how often it should be, how they should develop a pattern.
At the end of the day, they are just little humans themselves. Some days they are bound to be more tired than the day before and have a "quiet" day but then you read people saying, "babies don't have quiet days"... which makes you worry even more.

During the night, I hardly feel the baby moving at all - it moves during the day but sometimes it's only a few movements then other hours it's non stop for a good few hours.

I wouldn't say it's necessarily a pattern of any kind. I just think if I feel a few good movements throughout the day then everything is going okay.

The movement think can be such an anxious time! And I think because there is SO much emphasis on it! (Which is a good thing too I suppose)
So a week on weds and it's all over for you :) and I meant the Monday, I was just having a complete baby brain moment :)

Is there a lot nearby to you that you can do with Millie?

At least you will get a day of rest ... Make sure you do rest though as your hips will appreciate it

I would countdown the hours but I don't find out until tomorrow afternoon if I'm on the morning or afternoon list ... I imagine I will be on the afternoon list because I want to be on the morning list lol x
Haha I guess plan for it being afternoon and then you can only be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed!

And haha yep a week on Wednesday will be my last day :-) got my leaving lunch on the Tuesday of that week too which should be nice and will break the day up a bit.

Hope it turns into something Lander! Xxx
And yep there's a few soft plays, a small farm and a beach plus a trampoline park all within about 10 mins from our house. Might not do the beach with her at the moment though as will involve a lot of me chasing after her haha!

And yes all ive got planned for that Wednesday is lying in front of the TV! Xxx
If I'd gone into labour at work is only have to go across the road and upstairs. Instead we're about 20mins drive away lol.

Right. Now last social event is done We're good any time. Seem to have episodes of tightenings and being uncomfy every six hours or so right now.

That's handy if you are in work lol, and these tightenings sound fun :) x
Watching more Gilmore girls Naomi?
The farm sounds nice :) I'm sure she will enjoy that x
Watching more Gilmore girls Naomi?
The farm sounds nice :) I'm sure she will enjoy that x

Haha yes probably! I may even get through it all before baby arrives! Nice easy watching :-)
And yeh she loves the farm so that will be a must for that last week as long as weather is dry.

What are your plans for tomorrow? Where is Liam going Tuesday while you're at hospital? Xxx
I have my pre op at 3:30, so maybe a lie in while I have chance :), but no actual plans so maybe watch some rubbish on tv.
And Liam will be at nursery, we haven't told him that we are having them on Tuesday we are trying to keep everything normal for him and surprise him afterwards plus I hate the thought that if we tell him and then take him to nursery he will feel pushed out, so my mum will collect him and bring him to meet them ... And it will of just happened :).
Then the plan is he will go to his grandmas on weds as normal but will be coming to collect me and his brothers when we can come home ... He is also having a couple of weeks off nursery while Chris is off as nursery isn't near to home. He will be going nowhere apart from having family time with us :)

Do you have a plan for Millie? X
Hi all,

Haven't been on for a while (due 14th sept) just catching up with everyone, no long to go for some of you. I'm on mat leave now well annual hols saw the midwife a week and half ago and baby was 3/5 I was quite shocked considering its my second as I thought they engaged last minute. Hoping I can last till September. I've had a couple of days where it's quieter but then the next day it seems to make up for itself unfortunately in my ribs. Wanting it to be September now but in other ways also quite happy to wait, I keep thinking of the sleep deprivation that's to come !
Sleep deprivation is worth it when you have that cute baby to get up for :) i
I always thought second babies onwards got engaged at last minute too x
Sleep deprivation is worth it when you have that cute baby to get up for :) i
I always thought second babies onwards got engaged at last minute too x

Think it was the 4 nights of no sleep prior to giving birth last time that puts me off ha ha.
Yeah me too I'm sure I've read it can be last minute. My family have bets on it arriving next weekend. I'm crossing my legs.
I only had 3 nights of no sleep prior last time so I can kind of relate, I'm hoping to have sleep the night before this time :) can't guarantee it though x
Up every two hours again all night. Bit of heartburn thrown in for good measure and a struggle to drop off again every time.

And DH said I looked tired before bed lol (think that's just cos I'd taken my make up off but hey lol)
Aww that sucks, aren't husbands kind lol. I only had to get up 3 times I was impressed :) x

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