***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Going into EPU today as baby's not moving as much as it has been again. Others seem to be if movements as well and I am not getting that. Losing track of whether or not it's my anxiety or baby, but not feelings right so has to be done.
Please keep your fingers crossed everyone! Xx
Aww SCL, you are doing the right thing, I would go there too if I had reduced movements ... I just couldn't take the risk especially when we have got so far, let us know how you get on

I had to get up for a couple of pees in the night, the first one was ok it was timed well with usain bolts semi final. This morning though my back is causing me so much pain I don't know where to put myself to be comfy, also had a bit of bump pain but that has worn off since sitting up so it must of just been babies pressing down on it as I have been sleeping

Hope work was ok for you Naomi

These August babies are either popping out or being booked for induction this weekend it seems x
Hope everything's ok SCL xx
Got my final growth scan and consultant appointment today.
Feel like baby is trying to escape out my bum lol .... so much pressure down there and the foof daggers are pretty sore too xx
Oo good luck Karen!

And hope all is ok SCL. Best to get these things checked.

Work was hectic yesterday but only four working days (across two weeks) left after this week! :-) xxx
Haha got to be done! It's what is keeping me sane haha. I've got about 4 different countdowns on my desk so crossing off each day and week as they're finished! Xxx
Haha I have been crossing off my calendar with Tuesday circled :)

I also have a how many sleeps app on my phone

I'm just so excited to meet these boys and be out of my misery that the section part is just a thing that is going to happen so I'm not worrying about it until I am there x
One of my dogs isn't leaving me alone today ... If I st on the couch he sits with me with his head on me, I go to get a drink and he stands in the doorway watching me ... He is being rather clingy ... I wonder if it's a sign x
I've heard that animals can sense things like labour and will act as protection etc! X
Ooh that could be interesting but I do want to watch bolt at 2:30 am so it would be bad timing lol x
Well baby today is estimated at 6lbs 9oz. Check up on Monday, pre op assessment next Friday then section confirmed for Monday after (29th) if all remains well. Was hoping she would bring it forward due to the swelling but BP and urine and blood sugars all fine so she's sticking with the 29th xx I cried like a baby during my scan cos baby wasn't lying favourable and she made me lie flat on my left side which is my worst position and it was excruciatingly painful but she got the measurements she needed so that was the main thing xx
Could hardly fit behind my steering wheel today and I've moved it as far up as it will go! Popped to Asda to mooch at the baby event and my local store doesn't have it on gggrrrrrrr! Will need to have a look online this evening, not that I need anything but I might find something that I 'need' :rofl:
Oh shame that they didn't bring you forward Karen and not good about the pain during the scan but glad they were happy with everything. Yay for us having good levels! We so deserve those goodies!!

Caroline my dog is being a bit like that too - she's always pretty clingy but she's being even more so the closer I get to the end of the pregnancy. In saying that, baby isn't even engaged yet so I'm way off I think.

Feeling so so tired today and got a dull ache low down. Hoping millie settles quickly as simon is working evenings at the moment and I just want to zonk out on the couch in front of gilmore girls! Xxx
That is a really good weight, you still only have 11 sleeps to go though :)
I'm avoiding baby sales and events as I will only buy things lol
I have just bought some granny pants and a couple of nighties for while my scar heals though x
Oh shame that they didn't bring you forward Karen and not good about the pain during the scan but glad they were happy with everything. Yay for us having good levels! We so deserve those goodies!!

Caroline my dog is being a bit like that too - she's always pretty clingy but she's being even more so the closer I get to the end of the pregnancy. In saying that, baby isn't even engaged yet so I'm way off I think.

Feeling so so tired today and got a dull ache low down. Hoping millie settles quickly as simon is working evenings at the moment and I just want to zonk out on the couch in front of gilmore girls! Xxx

My dogs are snugly too but one always likes her own space and the other likes to be near you but I have one attached to me and the one who likes her own space is a little clingy too ... It's very odd especially when it's this warm

Got to love Gilmore girls :), and I have a weird pressure sensation down below this afternoon ... I have been watching the Olympics again so I have seen us get a few more medals today :) x
Dog was clingy after I'd been out today. Think she thinks I should have stayed at home with her lol
Hi ladies. Baby started moving as soon as I got onto the bed, then was fine, although heart rate went up to 170 a couple of times then went back down. Midwife said this was good, but said base rate was alright. Kept looking at heart rate and started to convince myself it wasn't ok, but didn't say anything. She said base rate was about 145. Hoping it's ok. They did pick up about 8 tightenings in 20 minutes and been having them ever since plus pressure and pain in pelvis... Not sure what's going on but think it's just Braxton Hicks.
Scn, that sounds painful! My left side hurts more too. I always end up on right side. Shame it's not sooner for you, but not tooooo long to go before you have a baby boy there with you!
Strangely enough, my 1 yr old Siamese has been with me all day when she can be. Having dinner now, so she can't sit in me so she's sat under my feet and won't go away! They do sense things... The other ,one, my 6 yr old, is normal, but seemed to sense the pregnancy at first when the other didn't.
Feeling a bit better, but getting quite a lot of pain when tightening... Hoping for reduction in pain and heartburn tonight... Oh, and some sleep!
Oh fab I'm so glad that baby is ok :)
Fingers crossed its more than braxton hicks and it's baby getting ready
Animals are very clever aren't they :)
I always hope for less pain at night lol but it never happens and I am setting my alarm for 2 am to watch a couple of races and then going back to sleep :)
I really really would like a normal body temperature, I'm fed up of feeling really hot, sweaty and sticky x

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