Hi ladies. Baby started moving as soon as I got onto the bed, then was fine, although heart rate went up to 170 a couple of times then went back down. Midwife said this was good, but said base rate was alright. Kept looking at heart rate and started to convince myself it wasn't ok, but didn't say anything. She said base rate was about 145. Hoping it's ok. They did pick up about 8 tightenings in 20 minutes and been having them ever since plus pressure and pain in pelvis... Not sure what's going on but think it's just Braxton Hicks.
Scn, that sounds painful! My left side hurts more too. I always end up on right side. Shame it's not sooner for you, but not tooooo long to go before you have a baby boy there with you!
Strangely enough, my 1 yr old Siamese has been with me all day when she can be. Having dinner now, so she can't sit in me so she's sat under my feet and won't go away! They do sense things... The other ,one, my 6 yr old, is normal, but seemed to sense the pregnancy at first when the other didn't.
Feeling a bit better, but getting quite a lot of pain when tightening... Hoping for reduction in pain and heartburn tonight... Oh, and some sleep!