***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Sounds promising Lander!

How is everyone else doing today?

It poured down at the summer fete lol but luckily they managed to keep a fair amount in doors. Suffering with my hips again this eve - seems to get a lot worse in the evenings? Maybe because I've been on the move during the day.

Aww try a hot water bottle ... I just ache all the time now but my big pains tend to come during the evening and night x
Yeh just boiling the kettle now. I've got like a period type pain low down too. Ah the joys of the last few weeks of pregnancy!
I know the feeling ... My ankles have slightly swollen today they are a little uncomfortable now x
Sounds promising Lander!

How is everyone else doing today?

It poured down at the summer fete lol but luckily they managed to keep a fair amount in doors. Suffering with my hips again this eve - seems to get a lot worse in the evenings? Maybe because I've been on the move during the day.


Naomi... My hip issues are worst at night too. Just sat at a table for dinner and then played a card game with parents, tried to get up and hips were not having any of it!
BB now head butting pelvis as I lie in bed too. Little monkey!
Slightly better sleep last night as it was cooler but I was still uncomfy and was up every two hours again and actually felt a bit sick. Brought a bowl up to the bedroom incase I got worse. Still feel a bit sick now and defo have 'dull period ache' all around down there now this morning.

Had a lot of sharp pains in my cervix last night. Even after I took off the jeans with the dodgy under bump waistband.

It'd be hard work dealing with this for another four weeks if I went overdue :'(

Glad you slept better... It's so irritating waking up so often isn't it!? :wall2: Baby obviously will do that but I feel like it will be actually for a 'good' reason so won't be as bad!
I keep nearly being sick, but managing not to actually be sick. It's the feeling that's horrible :(
I keep getting Braxton Hicks and they are really quite painful, plus period pains and pelvis pains... Tried to knee OH in bum yesterday as he was being cheeky and boy did I pay for it!
Sounds like your body is preparing, so hopefully you won't go overdue!
Everyone says the last bit is the worst of pregnancy.
Midwife said yesterday that baby's head is 'almost engaged.'
Yikes! Has your midwife looked to see if baby is engaged as that could be causing the pain, maybe?

Yup he was 2/5ths engaged a week and a half ago so I think he's further in now lol. He's heavy enough to be using his weight to help iykwim!

Arg! Nearly there...
They are little monkeys, aren't they?
Sounds promising Lander!

How is everyone else doing today?

It poured down at the summer fete lol but luckily they managed to keep a fair amount in doors. Suffering with my hips again this eve - seems to get a lot worse in the evenings? Maybe because I've been on the move during the day.


Naomi... My hip issues are worst at night too. Just sat at a table for dinner and then played a card game with parents, tried to get up and hips were not having any of it!
BB now head butting pelvis as I lie in bed too. Little monkey!

Argh it's not fun is it?! It doesn't seem so bad during the day and is just a mild ache but then 5pm comes and BAM they're so sore!
I'm hoping it doesn't mean that it's going to happen too soon as I need to get the last two weeks of work done first - would be a bit of a nightmare if I went now as really need to get some things finished!
Slightly better sleep having taken the waterproof sheet of the bed and switching to knickers with a pad instead. I actually know I had dreams last night so certainly better sleep if not more of it.

DH told me just now that he's now dreamt three times that I'm going into labour tomorrow (Monday 22nd) so we'll see. He also said something about him being able to get a great pretzel.... think he's been watching to many cookery TV shows with me lol
Glad you slept better :-) simon was on nights last night so I slept a bit better without his snoring too!

Oo perhaps tomorrow is the day then! ;-) xxx
So between you and your husband it's either 22nd or 26th lol.
Glad you slept better, I slept fine until half 1, needed to pee, managed to get a little sleep til 4 but needed another then couldn't sleep, then went down for paracetamol as I was in too much pain with hips and back and let the dogs up but spent the rest of tag night listening to Chris and dogs snoring :(
Also my legs don't work in the night when they are sore and I walk like a drunk, I ended up banging my bump on the shower screen :( x
My DH was nightshift last night too so I got a better sleep without the snoring as well, he's nightshift tonight as well so that'll hopefully be two fairly good sleeps for me lol
Ouch MrsB, without being patronising ...... you're doing amazing carrying those two big boys around and only two more sleeps for you to go, it's so exciting knowing your boys will be here on Tuesday!
8 more sleeps for me woohoo!
Interestingly DH snored less last night... the sheet change for him too?

I'd not put that much faith in his dreams. He dreamt several times that we were going to have a girl :shake:
Haha Karen I used to miss simon when he was on nights but at the moment I quite like it - can stretch out more and no snoring!!

And agreed - Caroline you are such a trooper as I'm struggling with just the one! I'm so excited for the first of the september (/august!) babies to arrive xxx

Just made cakes with millie - I was very good and didn't luck the icing spoon or anything ;-) got my parents coming over in a bit to entertain her for a while so going to put my feet up :-) after doing two loads of washing haha.
Yup. You think you're fine, Naomi then suddenly owwwww!
Sat in hospital again as barely any movement this morning and couldn't relax.
Waiting to see doctor - monitoring was ok, but because I keep getting it, doctor is going to 'do a plan.' Just a long wait to see the doctor. Baby is back to back now as well apparently! Excellent! Have to come in tomorrow and have a scan on Tuesday. Feeling so anxious now. Don't think I can wait another potentially 4 weeks, just over.
Scrap my whole 'I want it in September' malarkey. I would happily go into labour now!
Don't mean to be judgemental but stuck with a couple with two little boys, keep going out for cigarettes, the smell of which keeps floating in to my nostrils and makes me gag :-( Then they take it in then to shout at their two little boys who are just being really quite good in a highly dull situation.
She stinks the most of smoke and is really just a bit gross (sorry...)
I struggle with the smoking thing in pregnancy. I know some cannot give it up and they're addicted and it's a stress thing; I just feel for their poor, poor babies.
Sorry if anyone smokes on here. Just how I feel with two little boys being so good and being shouted at and polluted with tobacco smoke!
Just want my baby now... How many times can I say that before people get fed up/bored?!
Hi all, just thought I would come and join in I'm due September 9th :-) realllllly ready for her to arrive now!
Those 8 sleeps will fly by Karen and it's all good because it's less than 10 so you are in single digits :)

Hope you are ok SCL - I'm not a smoker but I also believe children shouldn't be in those places as what if something bad happened? They won't understand. Is baby moving? And back to back I seriously hope baby turns for you, Liam was back to back and it was painful.

My husband has always snored and surprisingly it tend to only annoy me when I'm pregnant .... Or not well and can't sleep

Just been to a christening and I have to say solid wooden pews are not comfortable lol

Tuesday cannot get here quick enough so I can completely relate to the get the baby out of me now feeling.

We went and bought a new dining table today ... As sad as it is I am very excited as its our first one that is new and paid for and not a hand me down :)

I'm also looking forward to having some clothes that fit lol x
Those 8 sleeps will fly by Karen and it's all good because it's less than 10 so you are in single digits :)

Hope you are ok SCL - I'm not a smoker but I also believe children shouldn't be in those places as what if something bad happened? They won't understand. Is baby moving? And back to back I seriously hope baby turns for you, Liam was back to back and it was painful.

I am very stressed. I just can't tell what is going on :-(
Placenta is anterior now which hasn't been. Did move on monitor but not as much as normal and it was picking up stuff that I couldn't feel too.
Also, slightly disappointed as doctor kept shaking don't look, don't look as your baby has its legs wide open and you'll be able to see what you're having! We are taking that as it's a boy, which is amazing, but we didn't want to know. Might be wrong, but it seems a bit obvious.
Do you feel your babies move all the time? I know I ask the same questions all the time, but k can never tell what is normal. All looked OK on the scan and BB has estimated weight of 7lbs. The doctor was really nice, but wasn't particularly reassuring. She said that the scan looked reassuring, but I need 'Your baby looks very healthy and is fine!'
Also, she was wobbling my belly to get baby to move. We saw it move on the screen and she asked if I had felt it. I didn't feel it and she said, right, anytime you don't have movement, come in. Seriously, you have to come in.
I suppose it's good as they didn't say you need to be delivered (so they can't be too worried) and said we don't need you in tomorrow as you've had a scan today. I just feel so depressed now. Nearly on the verge of tears and think DH thinks I am just worrying about nothing, but it gets rammed down your throat that it's your instinct that counts and I just can't believe that I will get my rainbow baby, what we've wanted for years.
Sorry for the depression. Just don't know if I can cope with the worry fort he rest of the pregnancy. 😭😭😭😭😭
Ignore the dr, yes it might be a boy but is also may be a girl ... Some Drs think that everyone knows what they are looking at on ultrasound .... So go with that train of thought.

You will feel less movements with an anterior placenta ... I have never heard of the placenta moving though

I agree with the dr for going in at any time you feel no movements so please do

And maybe your husband is putting on a brave face to not worry you further? And men like to be macho lol

Also there are a lot of Drs that lack in people skills

I had an anterior placenta with Liam and I felt a lot less movements than I have this pregnancy, I felt the obvious foot poking out of the side etc, but in the last few weeks we ended up getting checked a few times ... They really won't mind you getting checked out for lack of movement as that is what they are there for ...you are better being safe than sorry x
Hi Flower. How are you getting on?you've got your blood sugar test tomorrow right?

SCL sorry you're having such a stressful time of it hun. I was the same with millie because of my previous losses and thought I'd be better this time having a successful pregnancy under my belt but have been a bit nervy this time too. It's hard when it's kind of all on you - you feel responsible for making sure baby stays safe inside you and the movement thing is all a bit of a minefield.

You are so close to the end now though and hopefully baby will move plenty for you now for the last couple of weeks to give you a less stressful time.

Caroline I'm the kind of person who gets excited about new furniture so no judgment here!! Can't believe you're only a couple of sleeps away now!!

Hips are agony this eve. Wondering how I'm going to cope with bristol zoo Wednesday! Can't wait to get Monday and Tuesday done of work as I will only have one two day week left then, yippee!
Also SCL I got told to look away from my scan when I was pregnant with millie and she was a girl! So doesn't necessarily mean anything xxx

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