Those 8 sleeps will fly by Karen and it's all good because it's less than 10 so you are in single digits
Hope you are ok SCL - I'm not a smoker but I also believe children shouldn't be in those places as what if something bad happened? They won't understand. Is baby moving? And back to back I seriously hope baby turns for you, Liam was back to back and it was painful.
I am very stressed. I just can't tell what is going on

Placenta is anterior now which hasn't been. Did move on monitor but not as much as normal and it was picking up stuff that I couldn't feel too.
Also, slightly disappointed as doctor kept shaking don't look, don't look as your baby has its legs wide open and you'll be able to see what you're having! We are taking that as it's a boy, which is amazing, but we didn't want to know. Might be wrong, but it seems a bit obvious.
Do you feel your babies move all the time? I know I ask the same questions all the time, but k can never tell what is normal. All looked OK on the scan and BB has estimated weight of 7lbs. The doctor was really nice, but wasn't particularly reassuring. She said that the scan looked reassuring, but I need 'Your baby looks very healthy and is fine!'
Also, she was wobbling my belly to get baby to move. We saw it move on the screen and she asked if I had felt it. I didn't feel it and she said, right, anytime you don't have movement, come in. Seriously, you have to come in.

I suppose it's good as they didn't say you need to be delivered (so they can't be too worried) and said we don't need you in tomorrow as you've had a scan today. I just feel so depressed now. Nearly on the verge of tears and think DH thinks I am just worrying about nothing, but it gets rammed down your throat that it's your instinct that counts and I just can't believe that I will get my rainbow baby, what we've wanted for years.
Sorry for the depression. Just don't know if I can cope with the worry fort he rest of the pregnancy. 😭😭😭😭😭