***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

I didn't manage to sleep until gone 3am :( I think Chris is determined that I'm going to see someone about it today.

On a brighter note only 10 more sleeps until babies :) x

10 more days! That really does make it real doesn't it! No longer counting in weeks!
Lander, bowel clear outs are avoid sign I heard. Fingers crossed!
Lots of toilet trips again last night, but finally went to sleep properly at 6 and slept until 8! Almost unheard of!
Keep an eye on your lump, Mrs B. Hoping they can sort you out tomorrow and put your mind at rest.
We have a day of sorting out to do :-( Boring, but hopefully not too intense. I can't cope with it! Xx
Aw Caroline it sounds really painful :-( have you gone to the hospital? I'd definitely see someone about it with you being in so much pain.

Wow 10 days though, that's nothing now!!! How exciting. Are you going to be the first of us do we think? Although Lander sounds like your body is preparing for it all to start!

Just packed millie off to Nana and bampi's house and carpet has been fitted. We've converted her toddler bed back into a cot and moved that into the baby's room and want to have a quick clean of the kitchen, then hoover the car so it's nice ish for when we take baby home, and got a few more bits to hunt down in the loft (bouncer etc). Then going to take the dog for a walk and then having my first takeaway of the pregnancy tonight - Chinese! So excited!! Going to rent a film from talktalk movies too. Anyone seen anything good recently they'd care to recommend?

I'm fed up of peeing through the night so much

These 10 days cannot come quick enough, I'm feeling worse by the day.

Any other signs lander? X

Aw Caroline it sounds really painful :-( have you gone to the hospital? I'd definitely see someone about it with you being in so much pain.

Wow 10 days though, that's nothing now!!! How exciting. Are you going to be the first of us do we think? Although Lander sounds like your body is preparing for it all to start!

Just packed millie off to Nana and bampi's house and carpet has been fitted. We've converted her toddler bed back into a cot and moved that into the baby's room and want to have a quick clean of the kitchen, then hoover the car so it's nice ish for when we take baby home, and got a few more bits to hunt down in the loft (bouncer etc). Then going to take the dog for a walk and then having my first takeaway of the pregnancy tonight - Chinese! So excited!! Going to rent a film from talktalk movies too. Anyone seen anything good recently they'd care to recommend?


Been to the general hospital everything but my pulse rate was ok, the lump is either a hernia of lypoma because shock horror ... I'm having twins ... Fed up of hearing that now. Everytime something isn't right that's what they blame it on. Got to tell the obstetrician on Tuesday as it can change where they cut me. Oh and all I can take is paracetamol because I'm pregnant.

I might be the first but the way lander is going I wouldn't like to bet on it lol.

How have you not had a takeaway all pregnancy? X

Ha well I didn't have one the first 12 weeks because I was worried about food poisoning or whatever, and then kept not getting around to having one after that and then when I had the GD diagnosis obviously it limited what I could eat so ruled out takeaways but going to try it tonight and just keep relatively sensible and see how my levels do. So excited about it, it's quite sad haha.

Argh that's so frustrating that everything just gets blamed on the having twins thing. And rubbish that you can't take anything for it. Just keep counting down the next 10 days. Will something have to happen to it after you've given birth?
I'm fed up of peeing through the night so much

These 10 days cannot come quick enough, I'm feeling worse by the day.

Any other signs lander? X

Well last night I went bed at 11pm and woke at 2.45am but couldn't get back to sleep until after a second toilet trip an hour later but then I pretty much slept until 7am which after the last few nights was lovely.

When baby really stretches out now it feels less obvious, he's moved down more I think. My walk is a bit different as well.

DH has told his ex that we think baby might be sooner rather than later in terms of DsS arrangements.

In laws already aware. Bags are now by the front door fully packed including gift for DsS. In general not 'from' baby as he's almost ten ( Brilliant Brother mug that matches our Husband and Wife mugs)

Checked with antenatal for gtt results this morning but not yet through. They said to check tomorrow via maternity day unit.

Think we're all set though aside from nursery furniture which is due Monday morning.
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Ha well I didn't have one the first 12 weeks because I was worried about food poisoning or whatever, and then kept not getting around to having one after that and then when I had the GD diagnosis obviously it limited what I could eat so ruled out takeaways but going to try it tonight and just keep relatively sensible and see how my levels do. So excited about it, it's quite sad haha.

Argh that's so frustrating that everything just gets blamed on the having twins thing. And rubbish that you can't take anything for it. Just keep counting down the next 10 days. Will something have to happen to it after you've given birth?

Well Chinese isn't the unhealthiest of takeaways to have :) and it's not sad, I always get excited for Chinese, I don't have it often as Chris doesn't like it.

Not sure if anything will happen after birth, if needed they may fix it during, I don't know if it will go naturally or anything though. This pregnancy is getting worse as the days go on so I am glad it's only 10 days away now. I was ill when I had Liam with non pregnancy related vertigo and all I dreamt of was for this pregnancy to be lovely throughout with no issues and just glow. I am so so grateful it's twins as it makes this crap worthwhile lol x

I'm fed up of peeing through the night so much

These 10 days cannot come quick enough, I'm feeling worse by the day.

Any other signs lander? X

Well last night I went bed at 11pm and woke at 2.45am but couldn't get back to sleep until after a second toilet trip an hour later but then I pretty much slept until 7am which after the last few nights was lovely.

When baby really stretches out now it feels less obvious, he's moved down more I think. My walk is a bit different as well.

DH has told his ex that we think baby might be sooner rather than later in terms of DsS arrangements.

In laws already aware. Bags are now by the front door fully packed including gift for DsS. In general not 'from' baby as he's almost ten ( Brilliant Brother mug that matches our Husband and Wife mugs)

Checked with antenatal for gtt results this morning but not yet through. They said to check tomorrow via maternity day unit.

Think we're all set though aside from nursery furniture which is due Monday morning.

That's not a bad sleep :) is your husbands ex fairly local for dropping him off or will she collect him from you?

Still keeping fingers crossed your results are normal :)

Is nursery furniture definitely coming on Monday? X

Aw Caroline it sounds really painful :-( have you gone to the hospital? I'd definitely see someone about it with you being in so much pain.

Wow 10 days though, that's nothing now!!! How exciting. Are you going to be the first of us do we think? Although Lander sounds like your body is preparing for it all to start!

Just packed millie off to Nana and bampi's house and carpet has been fitted. We've converted her toddler bed back into a cot and moved that into the baby's room and want to have a quick clean of the kitchen, then hoover the car so it's nice ish for when we take baby home, and got a few more bits to hunt down in the loft (bouncer etc). Then going to take the dog for a walk and then having my first takeaway of the pregnancy tonight - Chinese! So excited!! Going to rent a film from talktalk movies too. Anyone seen anything good recently they'd care to recommend?


We watched the new jungle book movie the other night and it was brilliant, even DH really enjoyed it. Sing street is a wee hidden gem as well that we watched last week xx
Enjoy your Chinese xx have you decided what you're going for?
I'm fed up of peeing through the night so much

These 10 days cannot come quick enough, I'm feeling worse by the day.

Any other signs lander? X

Well last night I went bed at 11pm and woke at 2.45am but couldn't get back to sleep until after a second toilet trip an hour later but then I pretty much slept until 7am which after the last few nights was lovely.

When baby really stretches out now it feels less obvious, he's moved down more I think. My walk is a bit different as well.

DH has told his ex that we think baby might be sooner rather than later in terms of DsS arrangements.

In laws already aware. Bags are now by the front door fully packed including gift for DsS. In general not 'from' baby as he's almost ten ( Brilliant Brother mug that matches our Husband and Wife mugs)

Checked with antenatal for gtt results this morning but not yet through. They said to check tomorrow via maternity day unit.

Think we're all set though aside from nursery furniture which is due Monday morning.

That's not a bad sleep :) is your husbands ex fairly local for dropping him off or will she collect him from you?

Still keeping fingers crossed your results are normal :)

Is nursery furniture definitely coming on Monday? X

She's local to our old flat and not overly far from the hospital. She doesn't drive though. We'd likely leave DsS with my in-Law's (ie his grandparents) and make arrangements from there.

They booked the furniture delivery in for Monday and I've had the time slot through as well so hopefully yes lol.

And.... just had phone call from my brother, sil is expecting #2 in Feb! So they'll only be about six months apart :)
Oh that's fab news :)

I'm glad you have a delivery slot too.

We have sorted our Liam arrangements out, but we have a set date so it wasn't difficult to do x

I know there will be lots of us coping with pregnancy in the late stages, while looking after another baby/toddler/small child. My little boy is 3 years and 3 months, and I am 35 weeks now. Today I had a lovely day with my little boy. I decided I couldn't face going to a park, when I need the loo every 10 minutes, and I just want to be able to sit down whenever I need to. Here's what we did today:
- Built a den out of 2 chairs and a sheet and throwing in all his soft toys
- Put him in the bath with containers and colander and mouldable foam (that took up almost an hour, while I was able to sit down!)
- Made play dough and then played with it
- Read books
- Watched some nature documentaries and a bit of Wallace and Gromit
- Threw a ball back and forth while I sat on a blanket in the garden

I felt nice to give him so much attention and stimulation, especially as he is very aware that a baby is coming soon. And to do things that didn't tax me physically too much. The bath play was especially successful.

Tomorrow he has a favourite friend coming round so that's tomorrow sorted too.

I'd love to hear other tips and challenges from mums with little ones. Our biggest challenge is that the nights are still not great. Lord knows how that's going to play out once the new baby's here!
That sounds like you have had a lovely day, unfortunately I can't even get up and down off the floor so I have been relying on my husband and family to help entertain my little guy, I feel like a rubbish mum for it too but the end is in sight for me. He knows I'm growing babies and that I'm suffering and keeps telling me to eat and drink to feel better, he also knows when his brothers are here I can play again. We do a lot of reading and colouring, but he is also self entertaining so will sit with his toy tools, duplo or jigsaws for ages, sometimes we watch a film, he also likes singing nursery rhymes ... A lot x
Actually slept a little last night from 12 - 3 then 4:30 - 8:30 :)

Starting to really struggle in the night and morning though. If I want to roll over I either have to get out of bed and get back in or get on all fours then lie back down. And in a morning the very top of my inner thighs hurts so much I cannot walk I have to shuffle to the bathroom holding onto whatever is there ... I'm fine 5 mins after though ... It's odd.

Anybody else having strange struggles?

How was your Chinese Naomi? And what film did you watch in the end? X

Well done! That's a good sleep!
I seem to be having some good sleeps too. Turning is hard but not as hard as for you :-( I know it's a cliche but you must actually feel like the proverbial beached whale!
I have some weird period pains this morning again. Hoping they go as I get going as looking after my niece for about four hours this morning. Should be ok but I hope they aren't expecting a trip to the park or something! Too much for me, I think. We walked to a Chinese restaurant last night and it nearly killed me! It included a hill and that did not agree with me! Then in the restaurant it was so tight around the tables that I couldn't get through with the bump, so I had to keep going to the loo (up three flights of stairs!) and asking this man to get up so that I could get through :-( Embarrassing but he was lovely.
Got another, 'Surely you must have twins in there,' comment. Didn't use my 'No I'm actually only 5 weeks with quints,' comment but I don't think my face was impressed!
My strange problem at the moment is that if I sleep on my right side, which I tend to favour, my hip absolutely kills when I wake up. Not my left side, only right. It's like hip cramp but not and doesn't go away until, say an hour after I wake up.
Being kicked to high heavens this morning, all in one place at the top left. Pretty sure it's a leg so that's a good sign if it's still at the top!
Hope you all had good nights. Yes, what film did you watch, Naomi?
Beached whale would be a good description lol.

I hate having to ask people to let me past, at the hospital a nurse took one look at me and said oh gosh you can't have long left, rather than being rude I just said 10days.

I don't walk anywhere anymore so I'm impressed that you did and up a hill. I'm lucky if I even get dressed lol. Had to start cutting my knickers so they fit better, Chris said he's going to buy me a load of new ones :)

What you going to do with your niece then? How old is she? X

Morning lovely ladies!!!

I am feeling so refreshed today after a good night's sleep - makes such a difference my parents having millie for the night. We got loads done yesterday - everything on my list for once! And then had a lush evening in. The Chinese was the best thing I've tasted for ages haha - and my level was still 1.5 below my maximum allowed so I was really chuffed! We had duck pancakes followed by chicken chow mein and prawn crackers. Did a bit of salad with it as well to make myself feel a bit less guilty haha. Was soooo good though!

We watched Deadpool - we were going to watch it ages ago but didn't end up happening and Simon has been itching to see it. I've been such a crabby bitch lately that I thought it was only fair that I let him pick!! But actually as far as super hero films go I quite enjoyed it. Quite gory but really funny too!

Off to buy some vacuum bags this morning so I can put a load of millies old clothes in the attic as they've just been sitting in bin bags in the spare room for ages haha. Then driving to mum and dads and meeting one of my mum's friends who has a daughter and grandaughter the same ages as me and millie - it's like a blind date haha - think both mums are wanting us to be friends!! ;-)

The nursery us looking lush now the carpet is in. It's made such a huge difference. Waiting to get decorations and curtains until baby arrives so we can theme it a bit better. Got the carrycot down for the pram yesterday so going to have a go at putting that back on the pram and adding on the buggy board too this week.

This week is my last full week in work then just got two two day weeks left. Guess what though? They haven't found anyone to replace me yet!!! They are starting to freak out because my contract is paid through a local authority and so they have to have a seamless transition. No idea what's going to happen!

Glad you both had good night's sleeps! I am getting the opposite comment at the moment, where people say I seem small bump wise and question whether baby is growing ok (rude!!). One girl in work said I don't seem to have grown since 20 weeks (I popped early and then slowed down) and that they should be keeping an eye in case my placenta was failing as that happened to a cousin of hers. I know people probably mean well but why do they have to put a dampener on everything?

Hi Maru. You're at a similar point to me then too. I've got a little girl who is 2 yrs 4 months and I'm still managing to get out and about once a day or so with her but am struggling with energy levels the rest of the day and finding that we tend to spend a lot of time playing in the house or watching tv. I miss being able to chase her around and things but still managing to do bits and pieces with her. It's easier when the weather is nice as she loves playing in the garden especially with anything to do with water.
Sounds like you had a fab evening Naomi :),

Do you recommend deadpool then? Chris had really wanted to see Star Trek which I did too but can't sit down long enough lol so he went on his own and won't tell me about it lol.

I am being good now and wearing my compression socks for the rest of this pregnancy, I was supposed to wear them from about 9 weeks but they annoyed me after 3 days. My calf has the minutest ache in it since yesterday, there is no swelling or redness and the pain isn't too bad so socks it is unless it gets worse then I will get it checked out, it's possibly because I'm moving a lot less than normal which can't be helped :( x

Morning ladies :-)
Sounds like you had a great day yesterday Naomi xx
I had a not too bad sleep last night too! Went to sleep around 12.30 then up at 6 for the loo and went back to bed and didn't wake until 10!!!! Albeit sleeping sitting up so now my bum and back are killing but feel more refreshed this morning that I have done for a while xx

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