***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Very soppy Naomi :) chris grates on my nerves sometimes too but I know he would bend over backwards for me if I asked him to.

I don't have many plans, my nan is pinching Liam tomorrow for a couple of hours for a choppy lunch ... Depending how I feel I may also go. I have been rearranging my hospital bag as babies will be about 6lb each I think so I have bought some newborn up to 7lb 8oz grows and a coming home outfit each for them. Ordered them online so they should arrive tomorrow, I will get them washed and then take the bigger ones out of the bag and swap. :) hopefully going to ikea at the weekend for our lounge furniture too as the carpet comes Wednesday. Then if I can control the urges I will let my husband build it ... I find it frustrating that he's getting all the fun jobs because I'm pregnant lol, so there is a small chance I may try to build some furniture next week. Got the midwife and scan next week too ... I can't believe it's all coming to an end X
I have had the worst nights sleep in a long time ...
Chris went to the cinema and got back at 12ish I was already asleep then but got disturbed, it took until 1 to drift back off, woke at 2ish needing a wee but it took me 10 mins - literally- to get up, I was in absolute agony, my back, my sides, my groins, under my bump, on top of my bump ... You name it my mid rif was painful ... Enough to make me cry.
It feels slightly like trapped wind would but not quite the same if that makes sense? So I managed to get up and go for a pee and back to bed, but couldn't lie down so had to prop myself up on pillows. It's caused nothing but agony every time I have moved or shifted slightly, I haven't lay flat since so I haven't got stuck again but the pains are all still there and I think I'm surviving off about 2-3 hours worth of cat naps in between trying to get comfortable :(

How is everyone feeling today? X
I'm the same, just sit there propped up trying to sleep but willing the morning to come so that I can get up ...... absolutely shattered.com lol
Now have awful carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands which is agony during the night and when I get up in the morning, eases a bit over the day but it never goes away :-(
I'm starting to worry how I'll cope if this PGP doesn't go away or at least get significantly better after birth, it's going to be a nightmare trying to cope with this and section pain at the same time :shock:
Morning lovely.

Oh god sounds horrendous :-( :-( I'm suffering a bit with my hips but luckily not on that scale yet. Could be trapped wind - your intestines and stuff will be so squashed by this point. Maybe try some peppermint tea or pop to the docs to see if there's something they can recommend?
Just focus on the fact that you've got such little time to go now, and then all this pain and discomfort will become a distant memory because you'll have your gorgeous boys there with you.

Hope Liam enjoys his lunch out (and you too if you end up going!). Perhaps give the furniture making a miss though!! Xxx
I'm the same, just sit there propped up trying to sleep but willing the morning to come so that I can get up ...... absolutely shattered.com lol
Now have awful carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands which is agony during the night and when I get up in the morning, eases a bit over the day but it never goes away :-(
I'm starting to worry how I'll cope if this PGP doesn't go away or at least get significantly better after birth, it's going to be a nightmare trying to cope with this and section pain at the same time :shock:

Oh no about the carpal tunnel - I had that last time around. If you can get hold of hand/wrist splints I found they helped a bit. My carpal tunnel eased by the time I'd left the hospital last time around as did my sciatica so hopefully will be the same for you and your PGP xxx
I think I might phone the physio today, I've been putting it off thinking it's only a couple of weeks to go but that's a long time to be in pain if there's anything more she can do to help ease things a bit and I suppose it could be longer if things don't settle quickly after the birth x
Morning lovely.

Oh god sounds horrendous :-( :-( I'm suffering a bit with my hips but luckily not on that scale yet. Could be trapped wind - your intestines and stuff will be so squashed by this point. Maybe try some peppermint tea or pop to the docs to see if there's something they can recommend?
Just focus on the fact that you've got such little time to go now, and then all this pain and discomfort will become a distant memory because you'll have your gorgeous boys there with you.

Hope Liam enjoys his lunch out (and you too if you end up going!). Perhaps give the furniture making a miss though!! Xxx

Babies have moved a little so they could of blocked something somewhere, I think I will give furniture building a miss as Chris will kill me lol, he won't even let me go to okra now, we are either ordering online or he's going on his own.

Unfortunately I can't get to the Drs as I can no longer drive, and it's no where near :( I may have mint tea not sure if it's peppermint or not though x

I think I might phone the physio today, I've been putting it off thinking it's only a couple of weeks to go but that's a long time to be in pain if there's anything more she can do to help ease things a bit and I suppose it could be longer if things don't settle quickly after the birth x

I was hoping these aches and pains would go within a week of babies

On the bright side at least a spinal block will give some relief for a few hours x

Thankfully saw midwife! BP good at 110/60, urine clear and baby is 2/5th engaged. Heartbeat good too and baby moving well.

Now scan at 12.20, see if he's sticking to his curve and how big he is :oooo:
Delivery delivered :)

I purposely have no matching outfits for my boys ... However I couldn't resist for their coming home outfits :) x


Baby estimated weight right now is 7lb 15oz so I have repeat GTT tomorrow morning to rule out Gestational Diabetes AGAIN. If ok then continue as normal. Sounds like he's same size as my brother at this point tbh. We're not overly worried. Will work on encouraging him to come sooner rather than later!
Seriously .... Another gtt test? What's the point? You are practically at the end of your pregnancy nothing you do to change your diet will make a difference

Sorry I sometimes find that they suggest stupid things and it makes me rant x
Gestational diabetes isn't just about growing a big baby though, there are lots of complications that could happen including stillbirth, not meaning to frighten you Lander, but it needs diagnosing if you have it so that you can do something about it no matter how late on you are in pregnancy.

Mrs B those outfits are adorable :love:
Gestational diabetes isn't just about growing a big baby though, there are lots of complications that could happen including stillbirth, not meaning to frighten you Lander, but it needs diagnosing if you have it so that you can do something about it no matter how late on you are in pregnancy.

Mrs B those outfits are adorable :love:

Totally agree. Want to know if I have it or not so I know what is likely to happen going forwards. Did start training as a midwife but discontinued and have been on and off the forum since my first pregnancy scare in 2008, I am aware of the risks of GDM xxx
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Will they induce there and then if you have it or at 38 weeks? X
One of my boys is trying to escape ... Keeps kicking down into my bits which is really painful. I had to grab chris' leg and breathe and squirm through the pain he thought I was having contractions bless him x

Ah Lander hope it's not GD for you but as Karen says best to know what you're dealing with. Looks like you were right about having this baby early! Hope you know more soon.

Caroline love the going home outfits!!! I'm going to be sticking with sleep suits I think as don't know what gender mine is, although if we are in for a few days I may send simon off to get a going home outfit once he or she is born!

Did you get a physio appointment after Karen?

Mine has been pushing low too this eve Caroline. Also pushing outwards with its hands and making my tummy feel like it's going to rip open!!

Keep getting slight period type pain too - anyone else getting that? Xxx

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