***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

I'm getting period pains too, today has been an odd day, I'm currently convinced I won't make it to the 23rd so I need a good day tomorrow to make me feel like I will, my weird random lump is also quite painful, it's not a solid lump though x

Also I'm very impressed with your ability to stay team yellow x

I keep getting period pains and random inner pelvic pain. Everything is becoming more difficult! As my husband said when my nan asked how BB was doing, "It's becoming less and less portable every day!" Feel like I have two bowling balls inside me when I walk :-(
Having huge anxiety about movements again but trying to be sensible. I feel it move but differently than before. Softer movements and not as regularly. I only went in on Friday so they sort of said, just try and hold out and see how it goes, which I have done, but I think my anxiety is telling me that until I get the OK from Day Assesment Unit, my mind isn't going to let me rest. :-(
Mine does tend to have quiet days, but still so scary sometimes. Well, all the times actually! Worried I am going to be a mother who has to wake the child up to check it's still breathing. :-(
I keep getting period pains and random inner pelvic pain. Everything is becoming more difficult! As my husband said when my nan asked how BB was doing, "It's becoming less and less portable every day!" Feel like I have two bowling balls inside me when I walk :-(
Having huge anxiety about movements again but trying to be sensible. I feel it move but differently than before. Softer movements and not as regularly. I only went in on Friday so they sort of said, just try and hold out and see how it goes, which I have done, but I think my anxiety is telling me that until I get the OK from Day Assesment Unit, my mind isn't going to let me rest. :-(
Mine does tend to have quiet days, but still so scary sometimes. Well, all the times actually! Worried I am going to be a mother who has to wake the child up to check it's still breathing. :-(

Aww, I worry about movements too, I know they do move as I see it and feel it, I don't really get kicked often but they are in silly positions. I think mine are smoother slower movements due to lack of space.
If you are worried though get yourself checked
I also understand the lack of mobility

I also wish I could stop vomiting and the reflux would go away x
Will they induce there and then if you have it or at 38 weeks? X

No idea. They admitted that if it does show GD there are no consultant appointments for anyone to review it unless they ask for executive permission for someone to do an additional emergency appointment :oooo:

DH and I agree that we'll work on encouraging him to make his way out next week onwards anyway. I'm 37wks Wednesday coming so will be classed as term should things happen.

If they want to induce I'd hope it's sooner rather than later and I'd ask for them to start with basics first and hope to get labour established without drip hormones. Hoping him being engaged already makes it all the more favorable.

Had an almost contraction last night at dinner, certainly more than a BH that's for sure but it didn't continue.

Have been up every two hours for the last three/four nights now as well.
I read on a different thread about someone inserting evening primrose capsules and a week later baby was here, I don't know the full ins and outs of it but you could maybe do a quick research? I would consider it if I was delivering naturally.

I am also waking up constantly through the night :( it sucks.

I keep getting period cramps ... I have to sit for a minute to decide if it is a contraction or not

Fingers crossed you don't have GD, is it tomorrow you find out? X
Having another uncomfortable day today, odd period cramp pains in my back and front that aren't turning into tightenings, my lump under my bum is really tender too :( God knows what it is. Not quite as uncomfortable as yesterday though x
My period cramps have eased today. Think the last few weeks are like the two week wait in that time goes so slowly and you're second guessing every twinge and pain.

That's useless that there aren't any consultant appointments Lander. What's going on with your hospital?!

SCL mine has quiet days too and then days when it literally doesn't stop. Each time it has a quieter day I freak out! Xxx
You are right Naomi, we have got to this point so fast and now that we are starting to suffer it's going so slow :(

I was telling Chris last night about how fed up I'm starting to feel, not that he can do anything about it as he has to wait for things like I do and he can't take any pains away etc it's going to be a long 11 days.

Just watching the athletics and thinking how similar my abs are to Jessica Ennis haha

My mum took Liam to weight watchers last night and he kept asking the larger ladies if they had babies in their tummy ... Glad I wasn't there to see it lol x
So I did that thing we should never do and went to dr Google about my lump ... There is apparently a good chance it is a hernia ... Which to be fair would make sense with the pressure and weight going on ... They say they don't like to fix them in pregnancy and they are not an issue to vaginal delivery ... However they are an issue with sections - i think because of the location as its on my knicker line - now I am worrying as its Friday afternoon so I can't get into my GP, I do see the midwife Monday but then I'm just over a week from my section date, I feel as though it's not a problem for triage, it's definitely not A&E worthy and the walk in centre won't do anything x
SCL - I know what you mean about movements :) Mine has been so active the past few days but today he/she is slightly quieter but I still have felt a few rolling movements :) I just figure that at the end of the day they are little humans so must have lazy days too like us!

I picked up the pram and car seat today! It's all coming together now!

My due date is the 12th of September so only 4 and a bit weeks away. I finished work on Wednesday and I was so happy to get finished and just use this time to prepare things.

I keep getting told that I am very 'neat' for nearly 36 weeks pregnant and I'm still quite mobile although I feel like the baby has dropped a bit so I do have a slight waddle but no other complaints apart from that dreaded heartburn and last night I was up about 5 times to the toilet.
I read on a different thread about someone inserting evening primrose capsules and a week later baby was here, I don't know the full ins and outs of it but you could maybe do a quick research? I would consider it if I was delivering naturally.

I am also waking up constantly through the night :( it sucks.

I keep getting period cramps ... I have to sit for a minute to decide if it is a contraction or not

Fingers crossed you don't have GD, is it tomorrow you find out? X

Yes EPO was regularly discussed on this forum a few years back for starting labour. Think it's better internally after 38 weeks. Can be taken orally before that though I think.

Don't think I'll hear results until Monday but will try them tomorrow as well.
Oh yeah I completely forgot that it was Friday lol, I've lost track of days

What is your plan for bringing labour on then? X

Thanks ladies. That makes me feel a little better!
The and thing is you can't compare it to anything or measure it against anything! I don't really have a pattern with movements, so good to hear others have quiet days too. I seem to be fine and then it suddenly comes over me that BB hasn't moved enough. Well, I have felt a little better today and seems to be moving again more. I think I am having Braxton Hicks today. For the first time, I felt pain and my stomach actually 'contract.' My friend was here and said it absolutely looked like one. Bump goes tight when baby in a weird position and that makes it hard too!
Oh well. Hope all you others are ok.
Mrs B, could you ring 111 and get some advice? Even if they can't do anything, they might help you feel a bit better about it... Hope it's all ok. x
DeeAtk, I think you're right. They must have quieter days. It makes me question the information that Kicks Count sends out because they say babies' movements should stay the same from 32 weeks and mine has changed a LOT and had it checked out lots of times and it's always ok. I understand what Kicks Count are saying and I would never risk my baby's health but never sure as to whether they have managed to make me more anxious or whether it's just me! The things like 'If the baby has a really busy period then a quiet period, there could be something wrong, too'... That happens all the time to me! I think they do a great job and would always get myself checked out or tell others too, but the problem is, there's no exact science to it is there?
Oh well!
My period type pains are on and off today and haven't had any pelvic pain today, which is good. Glad yours have too, Naomi.
Crazy that no consultant appointments this close to your baby being born, Lander! Fingers crossed all starts happening and you can get seen properly.
I think I had a record toilet night: 7 times! ������ Haha. Dan is getting the brunt of it as well and is prepping for baby as he wakes up every time I go too! Poor thing.
Had a nice day today with two friends and one of their babies. Was really lovely, but by the time they were about to go and we had been on a walk, I was having the Braxton Hicks and was ready for them to leave! I was so tired! Dan was home early today so he got some chocolate, naughty(!), and we had that together watching the Olympics, then I dropped off for 2 and a half hours!
Could still quite happily go to bed now at 7!!
Three and a half weeks to go now for me.... I hope! Xx
I think it's ok for the odd quiet period as long as you are sensible about it :)

I spoke to my SiL she is a GP, she basically said I can get away with telling the obstetrician on Tuesday but if it gets worse or I can't pee, poo or release wind then I need to go to a dr straight away

I've been watching the olympics too :)

Three and a half weeks isn't long :) x

I should think there must be some cancellations where other ladies have gone into labour and given birth etc so we'll wait and see add they only want to see me if the blood test does show potential GDM.

Have been bopping away to music I've been editing on my mp3 player for about three hours this evening. Then my bowels decided to have a bit of a clear out :oooo:

We shall see. DH keeps being less careful driving over bumps and potholes to try and get baby further engaged. Annoyingly I think it helps lol
A good bowel clear out is a good sign I think :) ... Your husband seems very determined too

I sat awake crying as quietly as I can, I'm in so much pain with the lump that's developed, my husband is fast asleep and I don't want to wake him up

Here's hoping your tests come back normal x


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