***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Nope next week for the 2 day weeks unfortunately. Wish it was this week as I'm sick of it already and it's only monday lunch time haha! Back is killing me too today. And dreading the heat this week being stuck in a stuffy office.

Lander thats fab news about you being clear for GD. Just a big baba then :-) happy bouncing!!

Hope you find a suitable buggy board then Caroline! Ours was pricey but think millie is going to love it.

Had the most amazing day yesterday. My best friend threw me a surprise baby shower - was totally not expecting it and cried like a baby when I walked into her living room and saw my friends all sat there! My mum was there too, but best of all was the fact that my sister had travelled back from Portugal as a surprise!!! I haven't seen her since March as she's been working abroad in various locations, and have been missing her like crazy so it was the best surprise ever. My best friend and Simon were the only ones who knew so my mum burst into happy tears too!! The baby shower itself was lovely - my friend had gone to so much effort and had done a GD friendly buffet with specially made cup cakes, plus lots of games and pretty decorations. I've got loads of keepsakes. Had a few little pressies off people too which was very nice. Didn't have a baby shower last time around and as this is my last pregnancy is quite nice in a way that I had one this time to experience what it's like! I'm so lucky - got the most lovely friends. Felt bad as I'd been a total cow to simon that morning too haha.

Aww that is really sweet of them, how long will your sister be here for?

I hope you have air con in your office x
Sounds lovely Naomi xx

I've not been feeling too good the past couple of days, can hardly walk now with the swelling in my legs, ankles and feet ...... it's so sore to move about :-( Back sore and period type pains under bump as well. Everything requires too much effort to do now :-(
On a brighter note though, hopefully by this time in two weeks he'll have been born :-)
No air con in the office so it's horrendous! Just got fans circulating hot air. Bleurgh!

Karen not long at all for you now. Sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable though - sounds horrible. I guess just try and keep as cool as possible and relax as much as you can. And cross each day off on the calendar as it goes! Xxx
Karen, apart from the swelling ... Thankfully it hasn't happened and hopefully it stays that way... I feel exactly the same, I can barely walk, everything hurts and I get the period aches in my back and under bump.

And like you I'm on countdown until babies are out and in my arms and I can start feeling normal again ... The 29th will be here before you know it x
Feeling sorry for myself today! Can't even comfort eat :cry:
Karen, apart from the swelling ... Thankfully it hasn't happened and hopefully it stays that way... I feel exactly the same, I can barely walk, everything hurts and I get the period aches in my back and under bump.

And like you I'm on countdown until babies are out and in my arms and I can start feeling normal again ... The 29th will be here before you know it x

How much are your two combined weight-wise? If mines about 8lb are yours not much more?
Feeling sorry for myself today! Can't even comfort eat :cry:

That has to suck ... I have a thing for ice pops at the moment they seem to keep me happy ... Also milk, I cannot get enough milk x
Karen, apart from the swelling ... Thankfully it hasn't happened and hopefully it stays that way... I feel exactly the same, I can barely walk, everything hurts and I get the period aches in my back and under bump.

And like you I'm on countdown until babies are out and in my arms and I can start feeling normal again ... The 29th will be here before you know it x

How much are your two combined weight-wise? If mines about 8lb are yours not much more?

2 weeks ago they were 5lb each so my guesstimate is about 5.5lbs each now so currently on 11lbs ish, I have my last growth scan tomorrow so we shall see :) it's no wonder I feel huge lol x
Karen, apart from the swelling ... Thankfully it hasn't happened and hopefully it stays that way... I feel exactly the same, I can barely walk, everything hurts and I get the period aches in my back and under bump.

And like you I'm on countdown until babies are out and in my arms and I can start feeling normal again ... The 29th will be here before you know it x

How much are your two combined weight-wise? If mines about 8lb are yours not much more?

2 weeks ago they were 5lb each so my guesstimate is about 5.5lbs each now so currently on 11lbs ish, I have my last growth scan tomorrow so we shall see :) it's no wonder I feel huge lol x

Can't complain about twins making well over 5lb each xx
No, I have in my head that they will be 5.5lb - 6lb each next when I have them x
Ah, scn. Sorry you're feeling rubbish today.
The swelling must be depressing.
Do baths help? X
Not being able to comfort eat sucks Karen. Just think of those goodies in your hospital bag though!! Xxx
Ooh I haven't packed goodies in mine ... Although we have a subway and a costa coffee in our hospital:) x
Having period pains this evening, my nose also feels slightly blocked, and apparently my bowels need emptying- sorry for the TMI x
Mrs... that sounds like something is happening, talking about the stuffy nose I have had that since the first trimester can't wait until I can breathe normally again xx

Naomi....the surprise shower that's lovely

scn...sounds awful hope you get some relief soon

sounds like we are all slowly turning into wreaks lol not long now girls xx
We possibly are turning into wrecks

Had a few strong braxton hicks, not regulated but went on for a few mins each, still got the period pains though and a really weird pressure sensation in my bum ... Again I am sorry for the TMI

I bet you can't wait to breathe, a stuffy nose for 9 months cannot be nice

How are you feeling? Other than the stuffy nose? X
Defintely sounds like the beginning, me am good just it is getting more difficult to carry this heavy bump around listen to me saying that when you have two in there, my bump has always been low so feeling it more now. My little guy is playing with me alot lately he is either being lazy with the movements or placenta is blocking them so constantly aware xx
I would be constantly worried, I have carried low the entire time this pregnancy I just put it down to weight of contents :)
I hope it's not the start it would mean emergency section, maybe it's just my body preparing itself naturally like it would? Not long until the end now though is there :) x
Just have a talk to them both and tell them to hang on a little longer lol my lil boy can come anytime after 25th that is when the OH is here then I can relax and not worry about him missing it lol xx

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