***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Update: BB's head is down! Repeat, head is down! �� Feel so much happier and, despite wanting to stick it out until September if possible, I now think any time from now on would be fine! Can't wait to meet shim. Xxx
Sometimes it can be the position of baby that can cause inaccuracies in measurements.plus if baby has started to engage it will make a difference x
Update: BB's head is down! Repeat, head is down! �� Feel so much happier and, despite wanting to stick it out until September if possible, I now think any time from now on would be fine! Can't wait to meet shim. Xxx

Yay :) it took long enough lol x
Frustrating about the delivery lander :-( definitely complain.

Just had my 34+4 growth scan. Baby estimated at just under 5lb 5oz which is about right for this gestation. Abdominal circumference etc all about on track but head circumference is measuring at 37 weeks???? Which I don't understand as last scan at 30+4 head circumference was measuring a few days behind. So how is it now so much ahead? How precise is it? Panicking a bit in case it means something is wrong but sonographer didn't seem concerned. Don't have consultant appointment til next week but not sure whether to ring midwife or something in the meantime to talk about it?

It's always so worrying isn't it?
I think it's always an estimation, Naomi... My measurements have been all over the place! I am no expert, but if I were you, I would ring midwife and discuss any concerns you have. I am sure it will be fine and normal. They would totally tell you if it wa a problem, I am sure. I just had a mini panic when heart rate was 170 on Doppler at consultant appointment and they said they would check it again after doing my blood pressure. They then decided to check position on scan and looked at heart and said it was fine and possibly was high just because it was being manouvered by midwife just before having heart rate measures.
Still, you can't get it out of your head, can you and now worrying a bit. Trying to be calm and sensible, but so hard. 😭
Thanks ladies. Just as I start thinking I am going to have a less worry filled few days I always find something else happens!! May give midwife a ring or may just wait and speak to consultant about it next Wednesday. Hopefully all is fine.

And SCL that's fab news that bubs has turned!! What a relief. One less thing to worry about aye ;-)
Nope apparently I will get a date next Wednesday. Just want to know now so I can start counting down!! Xxx
Aww, it does make a difference being able to countdown x
Thanks ladies. Just as I start thinking I am going to have a less worry filled few days I always find something else happens!! May give midwife a ring or may just wait and speak to consultant about it next Wednesday. Hopefully all is fine.

And SCL that's fab news that bubs has turned!! What a relief. One less thing to worry about aye ;-)

Indeed! I totally get what you're saying. Worry for a day or so, then think, 'Everything will be fine now,' and then something else happens... Then repeat!
One thing I have learned in this pregnancy is that calling somebody is always good when worrying. I do it all the time. It just calms me down or if they tell me to go in to be seen then at least I am dealing with it. Hospital have been amazing. Such a lovely, (quite sexy!) consultant and lovely midwives. EPU were the only problem I have faced, but luckily, obviously, that's currently not anywhere I have to visit!
We'll make it and soon enough we'll meet these little monsters that are causing us all this anxiety!
Less than 5% is nothing :) especially when time is running out x
One of my uni friends has just text me her fiancé and the father of her 2 boys, she has been with him for 19 years ... He's just left her and shacked up with someone else:(

I feel really sad for her x
Oh god that's awful about your friend Caroline :-( makes you feel lucky to have the partner you've got aye!

One of my friends who I met in antenatal had a really explosive break up with her husband last year and he left her and their little boy. He'd been cheating for years it turned out, with multiple people and had also got a really nasty temper. I never would have guessed it though as he always seemed alright - just goes to show how little you know some people!

That must be so upsetting for your friend though after 19 years together. He'll learn though - the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Having kids puts a huge strain on relationships but you can't just run off with someone else at the first sign of trouble. Did she have any clue about the other woman?
Thanks ladies. Just as I start thinking I am going to have a less worry filled few days I always find something else happens!! May give midwife a ring or may just wait and speak to consultant about it next Wednesday. Hopefully all is fine.

And SCL that's fab news that bubs has turned!! What a relief. One less thing to worry about aye ;-)

Indeed! I totally get what you're saying. Worry for a day or so, then think, 'Everything will be fine now,' and then something else happens... Then repeat!
One thing I have learned in this pregnancy is that calling somebody is always good when worrying. I do it all the time. It just calms me down or if they tell me to go in to be seen then at least I am dealing with it. Hospital have been amazing. Such a lovely, (quite sexy!) consultant and lovely midwives. EPU were the only problem I have faced, but luckily, obviously, that's currently not anywhere I have to visit!
We'll make it and soon enough we'll meet these little monsters that are causing us all this anxiety!

Oo always helps when the medical staff are easy on the eye ;-) hahaha! And yeh I thought second time around I'd be less stressed about things and know what to expect more but I swear each pregnancy comes with its own difficulties and worries etc. Fun times!! But like you say, not long at all now. I seriously can't wait to start reading everyone's birth announcements! Xxx
Oh god that's awful about your friend Caroline :-( makes you feel lucky to have the partner you've got aye!

One of my friends who I met in antenatal had a really explosive break up with her husband last year and he left her and their little boy. He'd been cheating for years it turned out, with multiple people and had also got a really nasty temper. I never would have guessed it though as he always seemed alright - just goes to show how little you know some people!

That must be so upsetting for your friend though after 19 years together. He'll learn though - the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Having kids puts a huge strain on relationships but you can't just run off with someone else at the first sign of trouble. Did she have any clue about the other woman?

It does make you appreciate what you have doesn't it.

They had a brief split around the end of April as it distracted her from her exam revision, but that split only lasted about 3 days, she had no idea about the other woman. He isn't a good example to his kids though is he?

I hope your friend is ok now, sounds like she is miles better off without him x
I don't understand this kind of man. It's far too easy for them to just wash their hands of people they make babies with and the little people that they actually helped to make!
19 years? Just awful.
My friend has just had her little baby girl. Slightly different, but as soon as her boyfriend found out she was pregnant, he just left. She tried to get him involved by sending him and his parents scan pictures and they all ignored them and left her to it.
Well, all I can say to them is, their losses. They have beautiful children and will be the people their children can rely on. Children aren't stupid and will realise who is there for them and who isn't. Doesn't help at the time, but my friend is starting to see that her baby needs love and she has plenty of that. Xx
I can't even call males that do that men, she is devastate her eldest is 12 I think so he will have more understanding and the youngest is 4. I could understand if he had spoken to her about it and said he wasn't happy lets separate and I will have the kids such days etc but to leave and already have a woman in my opinion is just cruel and nasty.

You would think your friends ex in laws would have been interested in their grandchild though, that's just awful.

I feel really lucky and spoilt, I have a husband who adores the hell out of me, all he ever does if he goes somewhere without me is gush about me and our son and now my large bump lol. My MiL annoys me at times - but whose doesn't? But on the whole she's a very good MiL, she would do anything to help if she could. FiL adores me too - apparently it's because I'm lovely and have always made sure to include him in things - he's deaf.

And if my husband decided he wasn't interested anymore ... Not likely to happen but hypothetically ... I know for a fact they would still want to see their grandkids.

Some men just aren't worth the air they breath and are literally just sperm donors - rant over lol x
Definitely just sperm donors some men. I don't understand how anyone (male or female) could walk away from their child. I know sometimes relationships end and that it can be best for all involved, but it's sad when one parent also writes off the child/ren at the same time.I miss millie when she goes away for one night let alone going for ages without seeing her - can't even imagine it!

And I think it's cowardly to not have the conversation when you start to feel unhappy and feel the need to look elsewhere. Even if you fall out of love with your partner, you loved them once and you owe them a proper explanation and some warning at least.

I'm pretty lucky with mine too. He can annoy the hell out of me but any arguments we have are over the most minor things, and when it comes down to it we both love each other so much and are lucky to have each other :-) and he's such a good dad - I love watching him with millie.
Ah soppy stuff!!

Anyone got any nice stuff planned for the next few days? I've got work tomorrow morning then taking millie to a friends for a play date. Then Friday working in the morning and then taking millie fruit picking in the afternoon. Then Saturday thinking of taking her to a kids showing a the cinema. Then she's over my parents house in the afternoon until lunch time Sunday so I will be cleaning the house, watching our carpet be fitted (woop!) and then having a Chinese and dvd night with simon. Can't wait!

Last full week in work next week and then two two day weeks and then I'm done! The end is in sight!!! Xxx

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