***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Had my appointment with consultant today and we are booked in for a section on the 2nd September so relieved and happy to have a date in the diary to aim towards! Slightly scared st the thought I will be the mother of two in just over two weeks eekk. Got to have a growth scan next week and he's slightly dipped on his measurements. Everyone keeps saying how tiny my bump is hope he's okay!! Hope everyone is feeling alright, not long now ladies
Had my appointment with consultant today and we are booked in for a section on the 2nd September so relieved and happy to have a date in the diary to aim towards! Slightly scared st the thought I will be the mother of two in just over two weeks eekk. Got to have a growth scan next week and he's slightly dipped on his measurements. Everyone keeps saying how tiny my bump is hope he's okay!! Hope everyone is feeling alright, not long now ladies

It feels good to have a date doesn't it :)

When is your actual due date? Ooh you only have just over 3 weeks :)

One of mine has dipped with his growth but they weren't overly concerned as he is still a good weight, I have my 36 week scan next week, so hopefully he is still a good weight, I'm reassured that he's okay as he is a little fidget.

As long as you feel plenty of movement don't be overly concerned :)

What's your reason for a section?. X
Time for a moan lol ... Very uncomfortable today, struggling to breathe as they have both decided that my rib cage is a great place to shove their heads. Underneath my bump is sore in a few ways ... Having to go commando as much as I can as my skin is very tender where my knickers go. Keep getting odd pains similar to period cramps but not labour ... Maybe a bit of BH? I have my usual lower back pain and my hips are painful today :(

How is everyone else feeling? X
Miffed. No midwife appts at GP tomorrow. Tried the drop in today and there was no clinic as the building was being cleaned. Now I'm on last chance at the other drop in on Thursday before I go for my growth scan. If that's a bust I'll have to ask to see someone at the hospital. I had my 34wk appt early so I'm now nearly three weeks without being checked and I want to have sign off for use of the birth centre.

And they're re ordering my nursery furniture as the original seems to have gone missing.

Feel tired and frustrated.
I think they need their heads banging together at both your GP and the shop you ordered your furniture from. How long will your furniture take? I'm sure I remember you ordering it ages ago, they should give you some discount for messing up x

It feels good to have a date doesn't it :)

When is your actual due date? Ooh you only have just over 3 weeks :)

One of mine has dipped with his growth but they weren't overly concerned as he is still a good weight, I have my 36 week scan next week, so hopefully he is still a good weight, I'm reassured that he's okay as he is a little fidget.

As long as you feel plenty of movement don't be overly concerned :)

What's your reason for a section?. X[/QUOTE]

A lot of people say you can't see much on a growth scan this far along, I'll be 36+5. I'm sure he'll be fine I'm feeling positive and he is certainly a wriggler. My due date is the 8th so he'll be 6 days early. I had an emergency section with my first and didn't want that again so being organised this time! Sometimes I wonder if I'm wimping out not trying a vaginal birth?
No you don't see a lot at all at this stage, you are lucky if you see a profile of the face :)

Ah I see, I have been told planned sections are nicer than emergency ones x

Had an eventful day today. Had midwife appointment at 2.30pm and my BP was up and feet very swollen, no protein in my urine though but she wanted me checked at the hospital. So had CTG, bloods and BP monitoring done and just got home at 7.30pm, tired and hungry lol.
Thankfully everything was fine xx
I'm glad everything was fine Karen :), I wonder what caused it though. Grab some food put your feet up and rest :) x
Movements are a bit odd today, think it's because they have had a bit of a shift, I would love for my tummy to be transparent so I could see what they were doing though x
Gosh what a long day Karen. Glad all was ok.

Hope your aches and pains ease soon Caroline. Think I remember getting sore skin by knicker line last time around.

Mummy2b exciting that you have a date! I will be getting my induction date a week tomorrow. Got a growth scan tomorrow so hoping baby is still measuring ok.

My hips have been really painful today. Been limping around the office and struggled to get up and down off my chair. Couldn't sleep last night either because they were aching. Hoping it will ease and that it's not here for the duration!

Baby could be sat on a nerve? Or pushing on one X
Yeh think that's probably it. Going to try and have a bit of a dance around the living room before I go to bed to see if I can make the baby shift a bit! Xxx
I near tore my nipple off today a huge box sitting in the hall with the side flap up walked past and near severed it, I was wearing no bra and just a vest top lol oh the pain. I see am not the only one suffering with heartburn. The last 4 nights has been awful my consultant recommended gaviscon or zantac...I need to get one of these it's becoming really annoying at night when trying to sleep oh the burn xx
I'm struggling with it too but mine is more the reflux part, I have been drinking loads of milk that seems to help.

I feel your pain on the nipple thing ... They are so sensitive at the moment, mine hurt enough just from rubbing on my nightie so a box flap I can see being awful x
I think they need their heads banging together at both your GP and the shop you ordered your furniture from. How long will your furniture take? I'm sure I remember you ordering it ages ago, they should give you some discount for messing up x

Shockingly it's Mothercare. The courier company have got them to re-send a new set. I ordered it end of July. Looking like I'll have waited three weeks at this point so I've ripped into them via a feedback email they sent me this morning.

Fingers crossed I can see midwife tomorrow morning. If that fails I will make use of my staff ID at the hospital when I go for the 36 week scan in the afternoon and insist on being seen by someone.

Was going to do that at the GP today but it turned it that there are no appointments today because there is no midwife available this week.
Mother are are usually good :/

I would use staff id too, I believe there is a perk to working in a hospital :) x
We ordered from Mothercare Lander and apart from a lack of communication they were generally OK, no idea why the cot and the mattress arrived a week apart when we ordered them together! Delivery did take around 2 weeks when they said 5 days though x
Frustrating about the delivery lander :-( definitely complain.

Just had my 34+4 growth scan. Baby estimated at just under 5lb 5oz which is about right for this gestation. Abdominal circumference etc all about on track but head circumference is measuring at 37 weeks???? Which I don't understand as last scan at 30+4 head circumference was measuring a few days behind. So how is it now so much ahead? How precise is it? Panicking a bit in case it means something is wrong but sonographer didn't seem concerned. Don't have consultant appointment til next week but not sure whether to ring midwife or something in the meantime to talk about it?

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